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    yiyajun / communication_dhcp forked from OpenHarmony / communication_dhcp

    The DHCP module provides DHCP client and DHCP server, used to obtain, assign and manage IP address.| DHCP模块提供DHCP客户端和服务端,用于获取、分配和管理IP地址相关信息。

    yiyajun / communication_dhcp_2 forked from OpenHarmony / communication_dhcp

    The DHCP module provides DHCP client and DHCP server, used to obtain, assign and manage IP address.| DHCP模块提供DHCP客户端和服务端,用于获取、分配和管理IP地址相关信息。

    yiyajun / telephony_core_service forked from OpenHarmony / telephony_core_service

    Establishing communication with RIL Adapter | 电话基础服务模块主要功能实现与RIL Adapter进行通信

    yiyajun / communication_wifi_master forked from OpenHarmony / communication_wifi

    Wi-Fi station/P2P/AP management, including enabling, disabling, scanning, connecting, and information obtaining operations | WiFi STA/P2P/AP模式的管理:开关、扫描、连接、WiFi信息

    yiyajun / community forked from OpenHarmony / community

    OpenHarmony community governance, developer contribution guide, contribution agreement, and community communication | 包含OpenHarmony社区治理、开发者贡献指南、开发者贡献协议、社区交流等内容
