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第四范式 / k8s-device-plugin

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limengxuan 提交于 2021-07-16 19:41 . add multiCard support
* Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
pluginapi "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/deviceplugin/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// Constants to represent the various device list strategies
const (
DeviceListStrategyEnvvar = "envvar"
DeviceListStrategyVolumeMounts = "volume-mounts"
// Constants to represent the various device id strategies
const (
DeviceIDStrategyUUID = "uuid"
DeviceIDStrategyIndex = "index"
// Constants for use by the 'volume-mounts' device list strategy
const (
deviceListAsVolumeMountsHostPath = "/dev/null"
deviceListAsVolumeMountsContainerPathRoot = "/var/run/nvidia-container-devices"
// NvidiaDevicePlugin implements the Kubernetes device plugin API
type NvidiaDevicePlugin struct {
resourceName string
deviceListEnvvar string
allocatePolicy gpuallocator.Policy
socket string
server *grpc.Server
cachedDevices []*Device
health chan *Device
stop chan interface{}
vDevices []*VDevice
vDeviceController *VDeviceController
// NewNvidiaDevicePlugin returns an initialized NvidiaDevicePlugin
func NewNvidiaDevicePlugin(resourceName string, resourceManager ResourceManager, deviceListEnvvar string, allocatePolicy gpuallocator.Policy, socket string) *NvidiaDevicePlugin {
return &NvidiaDevicePlugin{
ResourceManager: resourceManager,
resourceName: resourceName,
deviceListEnvvar: deviceListEnvvar,
allocatePolicy: allocatePolicy,
socket: socket,
// These will be reinitialized every
// time the plugin server is restarted.
cachedDevices: nil,
server: nil,
health: nil,
stop: nil,
vDeviceController: nil,
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) initialize() {
m.cachedDevices = m.Devices()
m.vDevices = Device2VDevice(m.cachedDevices)
if enableLegacyPreferredFlag && m.allocatePolicy != nil {
deviceIDs := make([]string, len(m.vDevices))
for i, v := range m.vDevices {
deviceIDs[i] = v.ID
m.vDeviceController = newVDeviceController(deviceIDs)
m.server = grpc.NewServer([]grpc.ServerOption{}...)
m.health = make(chan *Device)
m.stop = make(chan interface{})
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) cleanup() {
if m.vDeviceController != nil {
m.vDeviceController = nil
m.vDevices = nil
m.cachedDevices = nil
m.server = nil
m.health = nil
m.stop = nil
// Start starts the gRPC server, registers the device plugin with the Kubelet,
// and starts the device healthchecks.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) Start() error {
err := m.Serve()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not start device plugin for '%s': %s", m.resourceName, err)
return err
log.Printf("Starting to serve '%s' on %s", m.resourceName, m.socket)
err = m.Register()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not register device plugin: %s", err)
return err
log.Printf("Registered device plugin for '%s' with Kubelet", m.resourceName)
go m.CheckHealth(m.stop, m.cachedDevices, m.health)
return nil
// Stop stops the gRPC server.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) Stop() error {
if m == nil || m.server == nil {
return nil
log.Printf("Stopping to serve '%s' on %s", m.resourceName, m.socket)
if err := os.Remove(m.socket); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
return nil
// Serve starts the gRPC server of the device plugin.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) Serve() error {
sock, err := net.Listen("unix", m.socket)
if err != nil {
return err
pluginapi.RegisterDevicePluginServer(m.server, m)
go func() {
lastCrashTime := time.Now()
restartCount := 0
for {
log.Printf("Starting GRPC server for '%s'", m.resourceName)
err := m.server.Serve(sock)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("GRPC server for '%s' crashed with error: %v", m.resourceName, err)
// restart if it has not been too often
// i.e. if server has crashed more than 5 times and it didn't last more than one hour each time
if restartCount > 5 {
// quit
log.Fatalf("GRPC server for '%s' has repeatedly crashed recently. Quitting", m.resourceName)
timeSinceLastCrash := time.Since(lastCrashTime).Seconds()
lastCrashTime = time.Now()
if timeSinceLastCrash > 3600 {
// it has been one hour since the last crash.. reset the count
// to reflect on the frequency
restartCount = 1
} else {
// Wait for server to start by launching a blocking connexion
conn, err := m.dial(m.socket, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Register registers the device plugin for the given resourceName with Kubelet.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) Register() error {
conn, err := m.dial(pluginapi.KubeletSocket, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
client := pluginapi.NewRegistrationClient(conn)
reqt := &pluginapi.RegisterRequest{
Version: pluginapi.Version,
Endpoint: path.Base(m.socket),
ResourceName: m.resourceName,
Options: &pluginapi.DevicePluginOptions{
GetPreferredAllocationAvailable: m.allocatePolicy != nil && m.vDeviceController == nil,
_, err = client.Register(context.Background(), reqt)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetDevicePluginOptions returns the values of the optional settings for this plugin
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) GetDevicePluginOptions(context.Context, *pluginapi.Empty) (*pluginapi.DevicePluginOptions, error) {
options := &pluginapi.DevicePluginOptions{
GetPreferredAllocationAvailable: m.allocatePolicy != nil,
return options, nil
// ListAndWatch lists devices and update that list according to the health status
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) ListAndWatch(e *pluginapi.Empty, s pluginapi.DevicePlugin_ListAndWatchServer) error {
s.Send(&pluginapi.ListAndWatchResponse{Devices: m.apiDevices()})
for {
select {
case <-m.stop:
return nil
case d := <-m.health:
// FIXME: there is no way to recover from the Unhealthy state.
d.Health = pluginapi.Unhealthy
log.Printf("'%s' device marked unhealthy: %s", m.resourceName, d.ID)
s.Send(&pluginapi.ListAndWatchResponse{Devices: m.apiDevices()})
// GetPreferredAllocation returns the preferred allocation from the set of devices specified in the request
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) GetPreferredAllocation(ctx context.Context, r *pluginapi.PreferredAllocationRequest) (*pluginapi.PreferredAllocationResponse, error) {
response := &pluginapi.PreferredAllocationResponse{}
// get device
for _, req := range r.ContainerRequests {
availableVDev, err := VDevicesByIDs(m.vDevices, req.AvailableDeviceIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve list of available vdevices: %v", err)
available, err := gpuallocator.NewDevicesFrom(UniqueDeviceIDs(availableVDev))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve list of available devices: %v", err)
requiredVDev, err := VDevicesByIDs(m.vDevices, req.MustIncludeDeviceIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve list of available vdevices: %v", err)
required, err := gpuallocator.NewDevicesFrom(UniqueDeviceIDs(requiredVDev))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve list of required devices: %v", err)
allocated := m.allocatePolicy.Allocate(available, required, int(req.AllocationSize))
if len(allocated) == 0 && len(available) >= int(req.AllocationSize) {
allocated = available[0:req.AllocationSize]
var deviceIds []string
for _, device := range allocated {
for _, vd := range availableVDev {
if vd.dev.ID == device.UUID {
deviceIds = append(deviceIds, vd.ID)
resp := &pluginapi.ContainerPreferredAllocationResponse{
DeviceIDs: deviceIds,
response.ContainerResponses = append(response.ContainerResponses, resp)
if verboseFlag > 5 {
log.Printf("Debug: preferred allocation %d: [%s] -> [%s]\n",
strings.Join(req.AvailableDeviceIDs, ","),
strings.Join(deviceIds, ","))
//return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not implemented")
return response, nil
// Allocate which return list of devices.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) Allocate(ctx context.Context, reqs *pluginapi.AllocateRequest) (*pluginapi.AllocateResponse, error) {
monitorMode := os.Getenv("VGPU_MONITOR_MODE")
targetpod := v1.Pod{}
if len(monitorMode) > 0 {
config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
for _, cursor := range pods.Items {
//fmt.Println("pod name", cursor.Name)
if cursor.Status.Phase == v1.PodPending {
match := true
minus := 0
for ctridx, ctr := range cursor.Spec.Containers {
nvcount, ok := ctr.Resources.Limits["nvidia.com/gpu"]
if !ok {
reqv := reqs.ContainerRequests[ctridx-minus]
tmpstr := fmt.Sprint(len(reqv.DevicesIDs))
fmt.Println("pod", cursor.Name, "ctr", ctr.Name, "requires gpu", tmpstr, "nvcount=", nvcount.String())
if !nvcount.Equal(resource.MustParse(tmpstr)) {
match = false
if match {
fmt.Println("pod matched name=", cursor.Name)
targetpod = cursor
responses := pluginapi.AllocateResponse{}
if m.vDeviceController != nil {
// release devices from kubelet checkpoint
if err := m.vDeviceController.updateFromCheckpoint(); err != nil {
return nil, err
addnum := 0
for reqidx, req := range reqs.ContainerRequests {
ctrname := ""
if len(monitorMode) > 0 {
for {
ctrs := targetpod.Spec.Containers[reqidx+addnum]
_, ok := ctrs.Resources.Limits["nvidia.com/gpu"]
if !ok {
} else {
ctrname = ctrs.Name
reqDeviceIDs := req.DevicesIDs
if m.vDeviceController != nil {
// fix kubelet shutdown after Allocate
availableIds := m.vDeviceController.available()
if len(availableIds) < len(req.DevicesIDs) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no enough devices")
preferReq := pluginapi.PreferredAllocationRequest{}
preferReq.ContainerRequests = make([]*pluginapi.ContainerPreferredAllocationRequest, 1)
preferReq.ContainerRequests[0] = &pluginapi.ContainerPreferredAllocationRequest{
AllocationSize: int32(len(reqDeviceIDs)),
AvailableDeviceIDs: availableIds,
preferResp, err := m.GetPreferredAllocation(ctx, &preferReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int32(len(preferResp.ContainerResponses[0].DeviceIDs)) == preferReq.ContainerRequests[0].AllocationSize {
reqDeviceIDs = preferResp.ContainerResponses[0].DeviceIDs
} else {
reqDeviceIDs = availableIds[0:len(req.DevicesIDs)]
log.Printf("Warn: get preferred failed")
m.vDeviceController.acquire(req.DevicesIDs, reqDeviceIDs)
vdevices, err := VDevicesByIDs(m.vDevices, reqDeviceIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := pluginapi.ContainerAllocateResponse{}
uuids := UniqueDeviceIDs(vdevices)
deviceIDs := m.deviceIDsFromUUIDs(uuids)
if deviceListStrategyFlag == DeviceListStrategyEnvvar {
response.Envs = m.apiEnvs(m.deviceListEnvvar, deviceIDs)
if deviceListStrategyFlag == DeviceListStrategyVolumeMounts {
response.Envs = m.apiEnvs(m.deviceListEnvvar, []string{deviceListAsVolumeMountsContainerPathRoot})
response.Mounts = m.apiMounts(deviceIDs)
if passDeviceSpecsFlag {
response.Devices = m.apiDeviceSpecs(nvidiaDriverRootFlag, uuids)
if m.vDeviceController != nil {
response.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
response.Annotations[annRequest] = strings.Join(req.DevicesIDs, annSep)
response.Annotations[annUsing] = strings.Join(reqDeviceIDs, annSep)
m.vDeviceController.acquire(req.DevicesIDs, reqDeviceIDs)
var mapEnvs []string
for i, vd := range vdevices {
limitKey := fmt.Sprintf("CUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_LIMIT_%v", i)
response.Envs[limitKey] = fmt.Sprintf("%vm", vd.memory)
mapEnvs = append(mapEnvs, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", i, vd.dev.ID))
response.Envs["CUDA_DEVICE_SM_LIMIT"] = strconv.Itoa(int(100 * deviceCoresScalingFlag / float64(deviceSplitCountFlag)))
response.Envs["NVIDIA_DEVICE_MAP"] = strings.Join(mapEnvs, " ")
if len(monitorMode) > 0 {
timestr := targetpod.Name + "_" + ctrname
os.MkdirAll("/usr/local/vgpu/shared/"+timestr, os.ModePerm)
response.Mounts = append(response.Mounts,
&pluginapi.Mount{ContainerPath: "/" + timestr,
HostPath: "/usr/local/vgpu/shared/" + timestr, ReadOnly: false})
fmt.Println("shared_path=", timestr)
response.Envs["CUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_SHARED_CACHE"] = fmt.Sprintf("/"+timestr+"/%v.cache", uuid.NewString())
} else {
response.Envs["CUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_SHARED_CACHE"] = fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%v.cache", uuid.NewString())
if deviceMemoryScalingFlag > 1 {
response.Envs["CUDA_OVERSUBSCRIBE"] = "true"
//response.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
//response.Annotations["CUDA-DEVICE-MEMORY-SHARED-CACHE"] = timestr
response.Mounts = append(response.Mounts,
&pluginapi.Mount{ContainerPath: "/usr/local/vgpu/libvgpu.so",
HostPath: "/usr/local/vgpu/libvgpu.so", ReadOnly: true},
&pluginapi.Mount{ContainerPath: "/etc/ld.so.preload",
HostPath: "/usr/local/vgpu/ld.so.preload", ReadOnly: true},
&pluginapi.Mount{ContainerPath: "/usr/local/vgpu/pciinfo.vgpu",
HostPath: os.Getenv("PCIBUSFILE"), ReadOnly: true})
responses.ContainerResponses = append(responses.ContainerResponses, &response)
if verboseFlag > 5 {
log.Printf("Debug: allocate request %v, response %v\n",
req.DevicesIDs, reqDeviceIDs)
return &responses, nil
// PreStartContainer is unimplemented for this plugin
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) PreStartContainer(context.Context, *pluginapi.PreStartContainerRequest) (*pluginapi.PreStartContainerResponse, error) {
return &pluginapi.PreStartContainerResponse{}, nil
// dial establishes the gRPC communication with the registered device plugin.
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) dial(unixSocketPath string, timeout time.Duration) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
c, err := grpc.Dial(unixSocketPath, grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithBlock(),
grpc.WithDialer(func(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.DialTimeout("unix", addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) deviceExists(id string) bool {
for _, d := range m.cachedDevices {
if d.ID == id {
return true
return false
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) deviceIDsFromUUIDs(uuids []string) []string {
if deviceIDStrategyFlag == DeviceIDStrategyUUID {
return uuids
var deviceIDs []string
if deviceIDStrategyFlag == DeviceIDStrategyIndex {
for _, d := range m.cachedDevices {
for _, id := range uuids {
if d.ID == id {
deviceIDs = append(deviceIDs, d.Index)
return deviceIDs
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) apiDevices() []*pluginapi.Device {
var pdevs []*pluginapi.Device
for _, d := range m.vDevices {
d.Health = d.dev.Health
pdevs = append(pdevs, &d.Device)
return pdevs
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) apiEnvs(envvar string, deviceIDs []string) map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
envvar: strings.Join(deviceIDs, ","),
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) apiMounts(deviceIDs []string) []*pluginapi.Mount {
var mounts []*pluginapi.Mount
for _, id := range deviceIDs {
mount := &pluginapi.Mount{
HostPath: deviceListAsVolumeMountsHostPath,
ContainerPath: filepath.Join(deviceListAsVolumeMountsContainerPathRoot, id),
mounts = append(mounts, mount)
return mounts
func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) apiDeviceSpecs(driverRoot string, uuids []string) []*pluginapi.DeviceSpec {
var specs []*pluginapi.DeviceSpec
paths := []string{
for _, p := range paths {
if _, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil {
spec := &pluginapi.DeviceSpec{
ContainerPath: p,
HostPath: filepath.Join(driverRoot, p),
Permissions: "rw",
specs = append(specs, spec)
for _, d := range m.cachedDevices {
for _, id := range uuids {
if d.ID == id {
for _, p := range d.Paths {
spec := &pluginapi.DeviceSpec{
ContainerPath: p,
HostPath: filepath.Join(driverRoot, p),
Permissions: "rw",
specs = append(specs, spec)
return specs
