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天黑请闭眼 / AutoHotkey_H

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AutoHotkey_H v2.1

AutoHotkey is a free, open source macro-creation and automation software utility that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a custom scripting language that is aimed specifically at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys.

AutoHotkey_H v2 started as a fork of AutoHotkey_L v2, merge branch HotKeyIt/ahkdll-v2.

Changes from ahkdll

  • The object structure is the same as the AHK_L version.
  • Remove standard library in autohotkey.exe resource, but libraries can still be loaded from resources.
  • Remove the same hot string that defined in multiple threads firing at the same time.
  • Remove NULL, CriticalObject, Struct, sizeof, ObjLoad and ObjDump
  • Remove A_ZipCompressionLevel, specify this value in the last parameter of ZipCreateBuffer or ZipCreateFile or ZipRawMemory.
  • DynaCall object has Param[index] property, used to retrieve and set default parameters, the index is the same as the position of the argument when it is called.
  • CryptAES and Zip functions, parameter Size is not needed when previous parameter is an Object with Ptr and Size properties.
  • ahkExec(LPTSTR script, DWORD aThreadID = 0) Inherits the current scope variable when aThreadID is 0
  • Thread("Terminate", all := false) Terminate one or all threads after the end of the current thread, and the timer is only terminating the current
  • FileRead and FileOpen will detect UTF8-RAW when no code page is specified.
  • Dynamic Library separator is | instead :, eg. #include <urldownloadtovar|'http://www.website.com/script.ahk'>, urldownloadtovar.ahk is a library in lib folder.
  • Change OnMessage(..., hwnd) to Gui.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), is similar to Gui.Prototype.OnEvent(...)
  • Object literals support quoted property name, v := {'key':val}
  • COM interface in dll module rather than in exe module.
  • The com component has changed for the dll version, some methods are incorporated into IAutoHotkeyLib.
  • Callback functions created through CallbackCreate that are called in other threads will be synchronized to the ahk thread through messages, which may produce unexpected results.
  • Added IAhkApi export class for developing AHK bindings for third-party libraries, the header file is ahkapi.h.
  • Added __thiscall calling conventions supported by DllCall and DynaCall, eg. DllCall(func, params, 'thiscall'), DynaCall(func, 'ret_type=@params_type').
  • Added Decimal class, supports arbitrary precision decimal operations, MsgBox Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.2') = '0.3', lib_mpir is required to compile, the source code of mpir
  • Added Array.Prototype.Filter(callback: (value [, index]) => Boolean) => Array
  • Added Array.Prototype.FindIndex(callback: (value [, index]) => Boolean, start_index := 1) => Integer, if start_index less than 0 then reverse lookup
  • Added Array.Prototype.IndexOf(val_to_find, start_index := 1) => Integer
  • Added Array.Prototype.Join(separator := ',') => String
  • Added Array.Prototype.Map(callback: (value [, index]) => Any) => Array
  • Added Array.Prototype.Sort(callback?: (a, b) => Integer) => $this, sort in place and return and the default is random sort
  • Added #InitExec expression, execute the expressions in load order before the script begins, is similar to the static initializer for v1
  • Added GuiControl.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), and Gui.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), the parameter of the callback has changed, Callback(GuiObj, wParam, lParam, Msg), A_EventInfo is the message posted time.
  • Added Object.Prototype.__Item[Prop], it's same as Obj.%Prop%
  • Added Object.Prototype.Get(Prop [, Default])
  • Support the use of u8str(utf8 string) in DllCall and us in DynaCall

Classes List

class Decimal {
   * Sets the computation precision and tostring() precision
   * @param prec Significant digits, greater than zero only affects division
   * @param outputprec tostring() If it is greater than 0, it is reserved to n decimal places. If less than 0, retain n significant digits
   * @return Returns the old prec value
  static SetPrecision(prec := 20, outputprec := 0) => Integer

  // Converts integer, float, and numeric strings to Decimal object
  // Add, subtract, multiply and divide as with numbers
  static Call(val?) => Decimal

  ToString() => String

  // Convert to ahk value, integers outside the __int64 range are converted to double
  // Number(decimal_obj) => Integer | Float

class JSON {
  // JSON.stringify([JSON.null,JSON.true,JSON.false]) == '[null,true,false]'
  // !JSON.null == true
  // !JSON.false == true
  // JSON.false != false
  static null => ComValue
  static true => ComValue
  static false => ComValue

   * @param keep_type If true, convert true/false/null to JSON.true / JSON.false / JSON.null, otherwise 1 / 0 / ''
   * @param as_map If true, convert `{}` to Map, otherwise Object
   * supports [JSON5](https://spec.json5.org/) format.
  static parse(text, keep_type := true, as_map := true) => Map | Array

   * the object include map,array,object and custom objects with `__enum` meta function
   * @param options {Integer|String|Object} The number of Spaces or string used for indentation
   * @param options.indent The number of spaces or string used for indentation
   * @param options.depth Expands the specified number of levels
  static stringify(obj, options := 0) => String

class Worker {
   * Enumerates ahk threads.
   * @return {([&threadid,] &workerobj)=>void} An enumerator which will return items contained threadid and workerobj.
  static __Enum(NumberOfVars?) => Enumerator

   * Creates a real AutoHotkey thread or associates an existing AutoHotkey thread in the current process and returns an object that communicates with it.
   * @param ScriptOrThreadID When ScriptOrThreadID is a script, create an AutoHotkey thread;
   * When ScriptOrThreadID is a threadid of created thread, it is associated with it;
   * When ScriptOrThreadID = 0, associate the main thread.
  __New(ScriptOrThreadID := A_ThreadID, Cmd := '', Title := 'AutoHotkey') => Worker

   * Gets/sets the thread global variable. Objects of other threads will be converted to thread-safe Com object access and will not be accessible after the thread exits.
   * @param VarName Global variable name.
  __Item[VarName] {
    get => Any
    set => void

   * Call thread functions asynchronously. When the return value of another thread is an object, it is converted to a thread-safe Com object.
   * @param VarName The name of a global variable, or an object when it is associated with the current thread.
   * @param Params Parameters needed when called. The object type is converted to thread-safe Com object when passed to another thread.
  AsyncCall(VarName, Params*) => Worker.Promise

   * Terminate the thread asynchronously.
  ExitApp() => void

   * Pauses/Unpauses the script's current thread.
  Pause(NewState) => Integer

   * Thread is ready.
  Ready => Integer

   * Reload the thread asynchronously.
  Reload() => void

   * Returns the thread ID.
  ThreadID => Integer

   * Wait for the thread to exit, return 0 for timeout, or 1 otherwise.
   * @param Timeout The number of milliseconds, waitting until the thread exits when Timeout is 0.
  Wait(Timeout := 0) => Integer

  class Promise extends Any {
     * Execute the callback after the asynchronous call completes.
    Then(Callback) => Worker.Promise

     * An asynchronous call throws an exception and executes the callback.
    Catch(Callback) => Worker.Promise

Functions List

Alias(VarOrName [, VarOrPointer]) => void

Cast(DataType, Value, NewDataType) => Number

ComObjDll(hModule, CLSID [, IID]) => ComObject
CryptAES(AddOrBuf [, Size], password, EncryptOrDecrypt := true, Algorithm := 256) => Buffer

DynaCall(DllFunc, ParameterDefinition, Params*) => Number | String

GetVar(VarName, ResolveAlias := true) => Number

MemoryCallEntryPoint(hModule [, cmdLine]) => Number

MemoryFindResource(hModule, Name, Type [, Language]) => Number

MemoryFreeLibrary(hModule) => String

MemoryGetProcAddress(hModule, FuncName) => Number

MemoryLoadLibrary(PathToDll) => Number

MemoryLoadResource(hModule, hResource) => Number

MemoryLoadString(hModule, Id [, Language]) => String

MemorySizeOfResource(hModule, hReslnfo) => Number

ObjDump(obj [, compress, password]) => Buffer

ObjLoad(AddOrPath [, password]) => Array | Map | Object

ResourceLoadLibrary(ResName) => Number

Swap(Var1, Var2) => void

UArray(Values*) => Array

UMap([Key1, Value1, ...]) => Map

UObject([Key1, Value1, ...]) => Object

UnZip(AddOrBufOrFile [, Size], DestinationFolder, FileToExtract?, DestinationFileName?, Password?, CodePage := 0) => void

UnZipBuffer(AddOrBufOrFile [, Size], FileToExtract, Password?, CodePage := 0) => Buffer

UnZipRawMemory(AddOrBuf [, Size], Password?) => Buffer

ZipAddBuffer(ZipHandle, AddOrBuf [, Size], FileName?) => void

ZipAddFile(ZipHandle, FileName [, ZipFileName]) => void

ZipAddFolder(ZipHandle, ZipFoldName) => void

ZipCloseBuffer(ZipHandle) => Buffer

ZipCloseFile(ZipHandle) => void

ZipCreateBuffer(MaxSize, Password?, CompressionLevel := 5) => Number

ZipCreateFile(FileName, Password?, CompressionLevel := 5) => Number

ZipInfo(AddOrBufOrFile [, Size], CodePage := 0) => Array

ZipOptions(ZipHandle, Options) => void

ZipRawMemory(AddOrBuf [, Size], Password?, CompressionLevel := 5) => Buffer

AutoHotkey.dll Module

COM Interfaces

ProgID: AutoHotkey2.Script
CLSID : {934B0E6A-9B50-4248-884B-BE5A9BC66B39} The methods and properties exposed by the Lib object are defined in ahklib.idl, in the IAutoHotkeyLib interface.

Export Functions

PHOOK_ENTRY MinHookEnable(LPVOID pTarget, LPVOID pDetour, LPVOID *ppOriginal);

BOOL MinHookDisable(PHOOK_ENTRY pHook);

DWORD NewThread(LPCTSTR aScript, LPCTSTR aCmdLine = _T(""), LPCTSTR aTitle = _T("AutoHotkey"));

int ahkPause(int aNewState, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

UINT_PTR ahkFindLabel(LPTSTR aLabelName, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

LPTSTR ahkGetVar(LPTSTR name, int getVar = 0, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

int ahkAssign(LPTSTR name, LPTSTR value, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

UINT_PTR ahkExecuteLine(UINT_PTR line, int aMode, int wait, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

int ahkLabel(LPTSTR aLabelName, int nowait = 0, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

UINT_PTR ahkFindFunc(LPTSTR funcname, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

LPTSTR ahkFunction(LPTSTR func, LPTSTR param1 = NULL, LPTSTR param2 = NULL, LPTSTR param3 = NULL, LPTSTR param4 = NULL,     LPTSTR param5 = NULL, LPTSTR param6 = NULL, LPTSTR param7 = NULL, LPTSTR param8 = NULL, LPTSTR param9 = NULL, LPTSTR param10 = NULL, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

int ahkPostFunction(LPTSTR func, LPTSTR param1 = NULL, LPTSTR param2 = NULL, LPTSTR param3 = NULL, LPTSTR param4 = NULL, LPTSTR param5 = NULL, LPTSTR param6 = NULL, LPTSTR param7 = NULL, LPTSTR param8 = NULL, LPTSTR param9 = NULL, LPTSTR param10 = NULL, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

int ahkReady(DWORD aThreadID = 0);

UINT_PTR addScript(LPTSTR script, int waitexecute = 0, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

int ahkExec(LPTSTR script, DWORD aThreadID = 0);

How to Compile

AutoHotkey is developed with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022, which is a free download from Microsoft.

  • Get the source code.
  • Open AutoHotkeyx.sln in Visual Studio.
  • Select the appropriate Build and Platform.
  • Build.

The project is configured in a way that allows building with Visual Studio 2012 or later, but only the 2022 toolset is regularly tested. Some newer C++ language features are used and therefore a later version of the compiler might be required.

Developing in VS Code

AutoHotkey v2 can also be built and debugged in VS Code.


Build Configurations

AutoHotkeyx.vcxproj contains several combinations of build configurations. The main configurations are:

  • Debug: AutoHotkey.exe in debug mode.
  • Release: AutoHotkey.exe for general use.
  • Self-contained: AutoHotkeySC.bin, used for compiled scripts.

Secondary configurations are:

  • (mbcs): ANSI (multi-byte character set). Configurations without this suffix are Unicode.
  • .dll: Builds an experimental dll for use hosting the interpreter, such as to enable the use of v1 libraries in a v2 script. See README-LIB.md.


AutoHotkeyx.vcxproj includes the following Platforms:

  • Win32: for Windows 32-bit.
  • x64: for Windows x64.

AutoHotkey supports Windows XP with or without service packs and Windows 2000 via an asm patch (win2kcompat.asm). Support may be removed if maintaining it becomes non-trivial. Older versions are not supported.

