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NATS / not.java

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OpenTracing with NATS

Over the years, we've had periodic requests to support distributed tracing in NATS. While distributed tracing is valuable, philosophically we did not want to add external dependencies to NATS, internally or via API. Nor did we want to provide guidance that would make developers work in ways that didn't feel natural or aligned with the tenets of NATS. We left it to the application developers using NATS.

OpenTracing changes this and offers a way to implement distributed tracing with NATS that aligns with our goals and philosophy of simplicity and ease of use and does not require adding dependencies into NATS. This repository provides a reference to facilitate the use of OpenTracing with NATS enabled applications.

What is OpenTracing

OpenTracing provides a non-intrusive vendor-neutral API and instrumentation for distributed tracing, with wide language support. Because each use case is slightly different, we've decided not to provide specific implementations at this point. Instead we are providing a reference architecture with examples demonstrating easy usage of OpenTracing with NATS. In line with other NATS projects, these canonical examples are provided in Go, but this approach should port smoothly into many other languages. More language examples will be added soon.

How it works

OpenTracing is actually fairly simple to implement in an applicaton. A "Trace" is defined, and then sets up "spans" to represent an operation or event and log information, which is reported to the OpenTracing aggregator for reporting and display.

To propogate, span contexts are serialized into a NATS message using the binary format. We provide a Not class which will do what is needed to inject span contexts into messages and to extract them on the other side.

Using the API is relatively simple, and the same steps are taken in sending or receiving data regardless of which message pattern is used.

Sending a message

After establishing an opentracing tracer, span, and span context, simply pass the payload into the static Not.encode function. Not.encode will encode the payload to be a payload traceable by by the Jaeger Open Tracing system.

    Tracer tracer = Not.initTracing("Your sending service");
    Connection nc = Nats.connect("demo.nats.io");

    Span span = tracer.buildSpan("Send Data").withTag("type", "sender").start();
    SpanContext spanContext = span.context();

    // Encode the message with trace data before sending
    nc.publish(subject, Not.encode(tracer, spanContext,


Receiving a message

When receiving a message, generate a TraceMessage from Not.decode. You can use this as a regular NATS message, except there is another API to get the span context. If TraceMessage.getSpanContext() is null, the message has no trace information and should be handled normally.

    Tracer tracer = Not.initTracing("Your receiving service");

    Connection nc = Nats.connect("demo.nats.io");

    Dispatcher d = nc.createDispatcher((msg) -> {

        // Decode the raw payload into a trace message.
        TraceMessage tm = Not.decode(tracer, msg);

        // If there is a span context, the message has trace information.
        SpanContext sc = tm.getSpanContext();
        if (sc != null) {
            Span recvSpan = tracer.buildSpan("Process data")
                .asChildOf(sc).withTag("type", "receiver").start();


        } else {
            // This was not a trace message, so process normally.  Note that
            // you can still use the trace message object here simplifying
            // your code.

    // subscribe to receive messages and and other application code.
    // ...

Check out the examples for additional usage.

Setting up the Jaeger Tracer

To run the the examples, we setup Jaeger as the OpenTracing tracer with its convenient "all-in-one" docker image. Jaeger is a CNCF open source, end-to-end distributed tracing project.

docker run -d --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

See Jaeger's getting started documentation for more information.


To build, run gradle build fatJar:

$ gradle build fatJar
5 actionable tasks: 5 executed


These examples use demo.nats.io as the server name. If you choose to run a NATS server locally, use localhost.

Request/Reply Examples

Open two terminals and use the example helper scripts to setup a replier and requestor.


In the other terminal, run:


Request Output

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.Configuration - Initialized tracer=JaegerTracer(version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, serviceName=NATS OpenTracing Requestor, reporter=CompositeReporter(reporters=[RemoteReporter(sender=UdpSender(), closeEnqueueTimeout=1000), LoggingReporter(logger=org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter))]), sampler=ConstSampler(decision=true, tags={sampler.type=const, sampler.param=true}), tags={hostname=MacBook-Pro-2.local, jaeger.version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, ip=}, zipkinSharedRpcSpan=false, expandExceptionLogs=false, useTraceId128Bit=false)

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter - Span reported: 5af849840792a3d8:5af849840792a3d8:0:1 - Request

Received reply "Here's some help" on subject "_INBOX.60KGSMo5oQOK1OOYNc0W6J.60KGSMo5oQOK1OOYNc0WBd"

Reply Output

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.Configuration - Initialized tracer=JaegerTracer(version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, serviceName=NATS OpenTracing Replier, reporter=CompositeReporter(reporters=[RemoteReporter(sender=UdpSender(), closeEnqueueTimeout=1000), LoggingReporter(logger=org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter))]), sampler=ConstSampler(decision=true, tags={sampler.type=const, sampler.param=true}), tags={hostname=MacBook-Pro-2.local, jaeger.version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, ip=}, zipkinSharedRpcSpan=false, expandExceptionLogs=false, useTraceId128Bit=false)

[nats:3] INFO io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter - Span reported: 3098e369b9c2c3e0:6392c76ebe76c84a:3098e369b9c2c3e0:1 - Process request

Viewing the Request/Reply output in the Jaeger UI

Navigate with a browser to http://localhost:16686. Find the NATS Requestor service in the services list and click the Find Traces button. Click on the NATS OpenTracing Requestor service and you will see a screen similar to the following:

Jaeger UI Request Reply

You can see the entire span of the request and the associated replier span.

Publish/Subscribe Examples

Open three terminals, in the first two terminals run the subscribe helper script:


in the second terminal:


And finally in the third terminal run the publish script:


Navigate with a browser to http://localhost:16686. Find the NATS Publisher service in the services list and click the Find Traces button. Click on the NATS OpenTracing Publisher service and you will see a screen to the following:

Jaeger UI Publish Subscribe

You can see the publish span and the two associated subscriber spans. The gap the middle includes the NATS client library publishing the message, the NATS server routing and fanning out the message, and the subscriber NATS clients receiving the messages and passing them to application code where the subscriber span is reported.

Subscriber Output

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.Configuration - Initialized tracer=JaegerTracer(version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, serviceName=NATS OpenTracing Subscriber, reporter=CompositeReporter(reporters=[RemoteReporter(sender=UdpSender(), closeEnqueueTimeout=1000), LoggingReporter(logger=org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter))]), sampler=ConstSampler(decision=true, tags={sampler.type=const, sampler.param=true}), tags={hostname=MacBook-Pro-2.local, jaeger.version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, ip=}, zipkinSharedRpcSpan=false, expandExceptionLogs=false, useTraceId128Bit=false)

Connected to demo.nats.io, subscribed to foo.

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter - Span reported: 2d16a66cb0ea9a3:d9739bb64e5af66a:2d16a66cb0ea9a3:1 - Process message
Received message "hello" on subject "foo"

Publisher Output

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.Configuration - Initialized tracer=JaegerTracer(version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, serviceName=NATS OpenTracing Publisher, reporter=CompositeReporter(reporters=[RemoteReporter(sender=UdpSender(), closeEnqueueTimeout=1000), LoggingReporter(logger=org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter))]), sampler=ConstSampler(decision=true, tags={sampler.type=const, sampler.param=true}), tags={hostname=MacBook-Pro-2.local, jaeger.version=Java-0.34.1-SNAPSHOT, ip=}, zipkinSharedRpcSpan=false, expandExceptionLogs=false, useTraceId128Bit=false)

Sending hello on foo, server is nats://localhost:4222

[main] INFO io.jaegertracing.internal.reporters.LoggingReporter - Span reported: 2d16a66cb0ea9a3:2d16a66cb0ea9a3:0:1 - Publish

Maven Coordinates

Most users will want to modify this code for their own application or environment, and we encourage users to do so and include in their own application or infrastructure code. If it is sufficient as-is, you can reference built jars via maven.

The NATS client is available on the Maven central repository, and can be imported as a normal dependency in your pom.xml file:


If you need the absolute latest, before it propagates to maven central, you can use the repository:


Development snapshots can be found on the sonatype snapshots repository.



Our sponsor for this project

Many thanks to MasterCard for sponsoring this project.

We appreciate MasterCard's support of NATS, CNCF, and the OSS community.

Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. 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You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. 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A reference for distributed tracing with the NATS Java client. 展开 收起
Java 等 2 种语言






