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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hnes/libaco
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libaco - 一个极速的、轻量级、C语言非对称协程库。

这个项目的代号是Arkenstone 💎

Asymmetric COroutine 和 Arkenstone 是 aco 的名称来源。

当前支持Sys V ABI Intel386和Sys V ABI x86-64。


  • 除了一个生产级别的C协程库实现,还包含了一个详细的文档描述了如何实现一个 最快且正确 的协程库以及其严格的数学证明;
  • 核心实现不超过 700 行代码,但包含了一个协程库应该有的全部功能;
  • 在AWS c5d.large机器上的性能测试结果指出,一次协程间上下文切换仅耗时 10 ns (独立执行栈);
  • 用户在创建新的协程时,可以选择其拥有一个独占的执行栈,或者是与其它任意数量的协程一起共享一个执行栈;
  • 拥有极致的内存使用效率:一千万个协程并发执行仅消耗2.8GB的物理内存(tcmalloc,每一个协程使用120B的复制栈)。

上文中的"最快"指的是在满足Sys V ABI Intel386或者AMD64约束下最快的上下文切换实现。

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热烈欢迎Issues和PRs 🎉🎉🎉

注意: 请使用Release而非Master分支进行最终的二进制程序构建。

Table of Contents




#include "aco.h"    
#include <stdio.h>

// this header would override the default C `assert`;
// you may refer the "API : MACROS" part for more details.
#include "aco_assert_override.h"

void foo(int ct) {
    printf("co: %p: yield to main_co: %d\n", aco_get_co(), *((int*)(aco_get_arg())));
    *((int*)(aco_get_arg())) = ct + 1;

void co_fp0() {
    printf("co: %p: entry: %d\n", aco_get_co(), *((int*)(aco_get_arg())));
    int ct = 0;
    while(ct < 6){
    printf("co: %p:  exit to main_co: %d\n", aco_get_co(), *((int*)(aco_get_arg())));

int main() {

    aco_t* main_co = aco_create(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    aco_share_stack_t* sstk = aco_share_stack_new(0);

    int co_ct_arg_point_to_me = 0;
    aco_t* co = aco_create(main_co, sstk, 0, co_fp0, &co_ct_arg_point_to_me);

    int ct = 0;
    while(ct < 6){
        assert(co->is_end == 0);
        printf("main_co: yield to co: %p: %d\n", co, ct);
        assert(co_ct_arg_point_to_me == ct);
    printf("main_co: yield to co: %p: %d\n", co, ct);
    assert(co_ct_arg_point_to_me == ct);

    printf("main_co: destroy and exit\n");
    co = NULL;
    sstk = NULL;
    main_co = NULL;

    return 0;
# default build
$ gcc -g -O2 acosw.S aco.c test_aco_synopsis.c -o test_aco_synopsis
$ ./test_aco_synopsis
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 0
co: 0x1887120: entry: 0
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 0
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 1
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 1
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 2
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 2
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 3
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 3
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 4
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 4
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 5
co: 0x1887120: yield to main_co: 5
main_co: yield to co: 0x1887120: 6
co: 0x1887120:  exit to main_co: 6
main_co: destroy and exit
# i386
$ gcc -g -m32 -O2 acosw.S aco.c test_aco_synopsis.c -o test_aco_synopsis
# share fpu and mxcsr env
$ gcc -g -D ACO_CONFIG_SHARE_FPU_MXCSR_ENV -O2 acosw.S aco.c test_aco_synopsis.c -o test_aco_synopsis 
# with valgrind friendly support
$ gcc -g -D ACO_USE_VALGRIND -O2 acosw.S aco.c test_aco_synopsis.c -o test_aco_synopsis
$ valgrind --leak-check=full --tool=memcheck ./test_aco_synopsis

关于构建的更多信息请查阅"Build and Test"部分。



一个用户空间的执行状态(一般为OS线程)有四个基本要素:{cpu_registers, code, heap, stack}

由于二进制程序的代码执行位置信息由({E|R})?IP寄存器决定,且从堆中分配出的内存地址信息一般会间接或者直接的保存在运行栈中,所以,我们可以将这个四个元素最终化简为{cpu_registers, stack}


我们定义main co(主协程)为独占使用当前运行线程默认执行栈的协程。由于main co是这个执行栈的唯一用户,所以,在与main co相关的协程上下文切换中,我们仅需要对main co的某些必须的寄存器进行保存和恢复即可。

接着,我们定义non-main co(非主协程)为执行栈不是当前运行线程默认执行栈(而是它自己创建的,且有可能会与其他non-main co一起共享这个执行栈)的协程。所以,non-main co会有一个私有的保存栈,当它被切换进来(或者切换出去)时,会使用它的私有保存栈进行执行栈的恢复(或者保存),因为当它被切换进来(或者切换出去)时,之前的(或者之后的)运行协程可能已经使用了(或者可能将会使用)这个执行栈(在libaco实现中,私有保存栈的保存策略是惰性的最优方案,具体请参见aco_resume的源码实现细节)。


这是一个non-main co的特殊情况,在libaco中我们称之为standalone non-main co(独立非主协程),即独占一个执行栈的非主协程。在与standalone non-main co相关的上下文切换中,对其只需要进行一些必须寄存器的保存或恢复即可(因为它的执行栈是独占的,在它被切换出的时间里,它的执行栈的状态是不变的)。



如果你想要实现自己的协程库或者更加深入的了解libaco的实现,"Proof of Correctness" 部分将会非常有用。


Build and Test


  • -m32



如果用户的程序在运行期间不会更改FPU和MXCSR的控制字,那么可以选择定义全局C宏 ACO_CONFIG_SHARE_FPU_MXCSR_ENV 以轻微地加快协程间上下文切换的速度。如果该宏没有被定义,每一个协程将会维护一份属于自己的独立FPU和MXCSR控制字环境。由于更改FPU或者MXCSR控制字的应用代码是非常少见的,用户可以选择总是全局定义该宏,但是如果并不能保证这个约束,用户应该选择不定义该宏。


如果用户想要使用valgrind的memcheck工具对libaco的应用程序进行测试,则需要在构建时定义全局C宏 ACO_USE_VALGRIND 以使能libaco对valgrind memcheck时的支持。 由于性能的原因,在最终的生产二进制构建中并不推荐使用此宏。在全局定义了此宏的libaco应用构建之前,用户需要安转valgrind的C头文件(以Centos为例,这个开发包的名称为"valgrind-devel")。valgrind的memcheck现在只支持拥有独立运行栈的协程,memcheck在对使用共享栈的协程进行检测时会输出很多的误报。更多的信息可以查看"test_aco_tutorial_6.c"。


$ mkdir output
$ bash make.sh


$bash make.sh -h
Usage: make.sh [-o <no-m32|no-valgrind>] [-h]

    # default build
    bash make.sh
    # build without the i386 binary output
    bash make.sh -o no-m32
    # build without the valgrind supported binary output
    bash make.sh -o no-valgrind
    # build without the valgrind supported and i386 binary output
    bash make.sh -o no-valgrind -o no-m32

简而言之,如果系统中没有valgrind的C头文件,可以选择使用参数 -o no-valgrind 进行测试集的构建;如果系统为AMD64平台并且没有安装32位的C编译器开发工具链,可以选择使用参数 -o no-m32 进行测试集的构建。


$ cd output
$ bash ../test.sh


文件test_aco_tutorial_0.c中包含了libaco的基本使用示例。在这个示例中,只包含了一个 main co 和一个 standalone non-main co,另外,代码中的注释也很有用。


在文件test_aco_tutorial_2.c中,包含了一个standalone non-main co和两个共享同一个执行栈的non-main co。


在libaco中,请调用API aco_exit()来进行终结non-main co的执行,而不要直接使用默认的C关键字return进行返回(否则libaco会将这种行为当做异常事件并触发默认的protector流程:输出错误信息至stderr并立即调用abort来终结进程的执行)。源文件test_aco_tutorial_4.c中示范了一个违背了此规则的协程实例。

同时,用户也可以选择定制自己想要的protector处理逻辑(比如去做一些自定义的"last words"即“遗嘱”任务)。但是无论如何,当protector被执行完毕后,当前进程一定会被abort。源文件test_aco_tutorial_5.c中描述了如何自定义protector。





注意:libaco的版本控制遵从Semantic Versioning 2.0.0标准。所以,下面列出的所有API均有标准中所描述的兼容性保证(请注意,没有在下面API列表中的函数调用则没有如此的保证)。


typedef void (*aco_cofuncp_t)(void);
void aco_thread_init(aco_cofuncp_t last_word_co_fp);



  • 如果全局C宏 ACO_CONFIG_SHARE_FPU_MXCSR_ENV 没有被定义,保存的控制字接下来会被用来初始化新协程(aco_create)的FPU与MXCSR的控制字,然后每一个协程都将会在以后的协程上下文切换中独立维护这一份属于自己的FPU与MXCSR的控制字配置。
  • 如果全局C宏 ACO_CONFIG_SHARE_FPU_MXCSR_ENV 被定义了,所有的协程将会共享同一份FPU与MXCSR的控制字配置。如果在这方面想了解更多,请查阅 "Build and Test" 部分。

就像在 "Tutorials" 中关于 test_aco_tutorial_5.c 部分所陈述的那样,API的第一个入参last_word_co_fp为用户自定义的 "last words" 函数指针, 如果它的值非NULL,将会取代默认的protector handler(在进程abort之前做一些 "last words" 相关的事情)。在这样的 "last word" 函数中,用户可以调用API aco_get_co 以获得当前协程的指针。可以通过阅读源文件test_aco_tutorial_5.c以获得与此相关的更多信息。


aco_share_stack_t* aco_share_stack_new(size_t sz);

等价于调用aco_share_stack_new2(sz, 1)


aco_share_stack_t* aco_share_stack_new2(size_t sz, char guard_page_enabled);

创建一个新的执行栈,入参sz是对要创建执行栈的大小的一个建议性字节值,入参guard_page_enabled决定了要创建的执行栈是否会拥有一个只读的 "guard page" (可以用来检测执行栈的溢出)。


  • final_valid_sz >= 4096
  • final_valid_sz >= sz
  • final_valid_sz % page_size == 0 if the guard_page_enabled != 0


当第二入参guard_page_enabled的值为1时,创建的执行栈将会拥有一个只读的用来检测执行栈溢出的 "guard page",为0时则不会拥有这样的 "guard page" 。



void aco_share_stack_destroy(aco_share_stack_t* sstk);




typedef void (*aco_cofuncp_t)(void);
aco_t* aco_create(aco_t* main_coaco_share_stack_t* share_stack, 
        size_t save_stack_sz, aco_cofuncp_t co_fp, void* arg);


如果想创建一个main co,直接调用:aco_create(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)。Main co是一个特殊的standalone coroutine,它的执行栈是当前线程默认的执行栈。在一个线程中,main co 是被第一个创建并且是在所有其他non-main coroutine之前就已经开始运行了的协程。

如果想使用此API创建一个non-main co:

  • 第一个入参main_co指向当前线程中的main co,创建出的non-main co以后在调用API aco_yield时将会将执行流程转交给入参main_co指向的main co,入参main co必然非NULL;
  • 第二个入参share_stack指向要创建的non-main co以后要使用的执行栈。share_stack 必然非NULL。
  • 第三个入参save_stack_sz指定要创建的non-main co的私有保存栈的初始大小,其单位为字节。值0表示使用默认的初始大小64字节。由于在以后的non-main co执行过程中,如果其私有保存栈不够大时将会进行自动地大小调整,所以一般情况下,用户不需要担心它的值。但是,如果有巨量的协程(比如一千万个)相继的进行大小调整,将会给内存分配器带来一些性能冲击,所以一个更加明智的选择是,给入参save_stack_sz赋予一个协程运行期间保存栈需要的最大值(即co->save_stack.max_cpsz的值),查阅 "最佳实践" 部分以获得与此相关的更多优化信息。
  • 第四个入参co_fp是要创建non-main co的入口函数指针。co_fp必然非NULL。
  • 最后一个入参arg为一个指针值,将会设置为要创建non-main co的co->arg的值,co->arg一般用来作为协程的输入参数。

此API将会永远地成功返回一个可用的协程。同时,我们定义aco_create返回的non-main co处于 "init" 状态。


void aco_resume(aco_t* co);


此API的调用者必须是main co并且必须是co->main_co,入参co必须是non-main co。


在API aco_resume被调用之后,我们定义调用者 -- main co 的状态为 "yielded" 。


void aco_yield();

从调用者co处Yield出来并且Resume co->main_co的执行。

此API的调用者必须为non-main co,co->main_co必须非NULL。

在API aco_yield被调用之后,我们定义co的状态为 "yielded" 。


aco_t* aco_get_co();

返回当前non-main co的指针。此API的调用者必须是non-main co。


void* aco_get_arg();

等价于(aco_get_co()->arg)。同样的,此API的调用者必须是non-main co。


void aco_exit();

除了与aco_yield()一样的功能之外,aco_exit()会另外设置co->is_end为1,以标志co的状态为 "end" 。


void aco_destroy(aco_t* co);

销毁协程co。入参co必须非NULL。如果co是一个non-main co,此API也会同时销毁co的私有保存栈。




这三个关于libaco版本值的宏定义在头文件aco.h中,它们的值遵守标准:Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


// provide the compiler with branch prediction information
#define likely(x)               aco_likely(x)
#define unlikely(x)             aco_unlikely(x)

// override the default `assert` for convenience when coding
#define assert(EX)              aco_assert(EX)

// equal to `assert((ptr) != NULL)`
#define assertptr(ptr)          aco_assertptr(ptr)

// assert the successful return of memory allocation
#define assertalloc_bool(b)     aco_assertalloc_bool(b)
#define assertalloc_ptr(ptr)    aco_assertalloc_ptr(ptr)

像源文件test_aco_synopsis.c 所做的那样,用户可以选择在自己的应用源码中include头文件"aco_assert_override.h"来替换掉C默认的 "assert" 以及定义除了assert之外的其它五个宏(如上所示)。因为C的 "assert" 也是一个宏定义,所以在include头文件 "aco_assert_override.h" 时,应该将它放到源文件中所有include指令中的最后一个。如果在一个源文件中,用户想要在某个源文件中使用默认的C "assert",请不要在其中include这个头文件。



Date: Sat Jun 30 UTC 2018.

Machine: c5d.large on AWS.

OS: RHEL-7.5 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5).


  • 一次协程间上下文切换仅耗时 10.29 ns (协程拥有独立的运行栈,并且协程间共享FPU与MXCSR控制字配置的情况下);
  • 一次协程间上下文切换仅耗时 10.38 ns (协程拥有独立的运行栈,并且各协程均维护一份属于各自的FPU与MXCSR控制字配置的情况下);
  • 极致的内存使用率:一千万个协程并发执行仅消耗2.8GB的物理内存(tcmalloc,每一个协程使用120B的复制栈)。
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 ./test_aco_benchmark..no_valgrind.shareFPUenv

+build:share fpu & mxcsr control words between coroutines
+build:undefined ACO_USE_VALGRIND
+build:without valgrind memcheck friendly support


comment                                             task_amount  all_time_cost   ns_per_op          speed

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                              1     0.000 s      230.00 ns/op    4347824.79 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1/copy_stack_size=0B             20000000     0.412 s       20.59 ns/op   48576413.55 op/s
  -> acosw                                            40000000     0.412 s       10.29 ns/op   97152827.10 op/s
aco_destroy                                                  1     0.000 s      650.00 ns/op    1538461.66 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                              1     0.000 s      200.00 ns/op    5000001.72 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1/copy_stack_size=0B             20000000     0.412 s       20.61 ns/op   48525164.25 op/s
  -> acosw                                            40000000     0.412 s       10.30 ns/op   97050328.50 op/s
aco_destroy                                                  1     0.000 s      666.00 ns/op    1501501.49 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.50 ns/op   15266771.53 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=8B       20000000     0.666 s       33.29 ns/op   30043022.64 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.066 s       32.87 ns/op   30425152.25 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.130 s       65.22 ns/op   15332218.24 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=24B      20000000     0.675 s       33.75 ns/op   29630018.73 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.067 s       33.45 ns/op   29898311.36 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.42 ns/op   15286937.97 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=40B      20000000     0.669 s       33.45 ns/op   29891277.59 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.080 s       39.87 ns/op   25084242.29 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.224 s      111.86 ns/op    8940010.49 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=56B      20000000     0.678 s       33.88 ns/op   29515473.53 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.067 s       33.42 ns/op   29922412.68 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.74 ns/op   15211896.70 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=120B     20000000     0.769 s       38.45 ns/op   26010724.94 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.088 s       44.11 ns/op   22669240.25 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     1.240 s      123.97 ns/op    8066542.54 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=8B      40000000     1.327 s       33.17 ns/op   30143409.55 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.328 s       32.82 ns/op   30467658.05 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.659 s       65.94 ns/op   15165717.02 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=24B     40000000     1.345 s       33.63 ns/op   29737708.53 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.337 s       33.71 ns/op   29666697.09 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.654 s       65.38 ns/op   15296191.35 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=40B     40000000     1.348 s       33.71 ns/op   29663992.77 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.336 s       33.56 ns/op   29794574.96 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.653 s       65.29 ns/op   15316087.09 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=56B     40000000     1.384 s       34.60 ns/op   28902221.24 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.337 s       33.73 ns/op   29643682.93 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.652 s       65.19 ns/op   15340872.40 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=120B    40000000     1.565 s       39.11 ns/op   25566255.73 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.443 s       44.30 ns/op   22574242.55 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.61 ns/op   15241722.94 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=136B     20000000     0.947 s       47.36 ns/op   21114212.05 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.125 s       62.35 ns/op   16039466.45 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.71 ns/op   15218784.72 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=136B     20000000     0.948 s       47.39 ns/op   21101216.29 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.125 s       62.73 ns/op   15941559.26 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.49 ns/op   15270258.18 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=152B     20000000     1.069 s       53.44 ns/op   18714275.17 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.122 s       61.05 ns/op   16378678.85 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.132 s       65.91 ns/op   15171336.62 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=232B     20000000     1.190 s       59.48 ns/op   16813230.99 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.123 s       61.26 ns/op   16324298.25 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.68 ns/op   15224361.30 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=488B     20000000     1.828 s       91.40 ns/op   10941133.56 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.145 s       72.56 ns/op   13781182.82 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.132 s       65.80 ns/op   15197461.34 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=488B     20000000     1.829 s       91.47 ns/op   10932139.32 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.149 s       74.70 ns/op   13387258.82 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        1000000     0.067 s       66.63 ns/op   15007426.35 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1000000/copy_stack_size=1000B    20000000     4.224 s      211.20 ns/op    4734744.76 op/s
aco_destroy                                            1000000     0.093 s       93.36 ns/op   10711651.49 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        1000000     0.066 s       66.28 ns/op   15086953.73 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1000000/copy_stack_size=1000B    20000000     4.222 s      211.12 ns/op    4736537.93 op/s
aco_destroy                                            1000000     0.094 s       94.09 ns/op   10627664.78 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       70.72 ns/op   14139923.59 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=1000B     20000000     4.191 s      209.56 ns/op    4771909.70 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.010 s      101.21 ns/op    9880747.28 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       66.62 ns/op   15010433.00 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=2024B     20000000     7.002 s      350.11 ns/op    2856228.03 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.016 s      159.69 ns/op    6262129.35 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       65.76 ns/op   15205994.08 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=4072B     20000000    11.918 s      595.90 ns/op    1678127.54 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.019 s      186.32 ns/op    5367189.85 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.006 s       63.03 ns/op   15865531.37 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=7992B     20000000    21.808 s     1090.42 ns/op     917079.11 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.038 s      378.33 ns/op    2643225.42 op/s
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 ./test_aco_benchmark..no_valgrind.standaloneFPUenv

+build:each coroutine maintain each own fpu & mxcsr control words
+build:undefined ACO_USE_VALGRIND
+build:without valgrind memcheck friendly support


comment                                             task_amount  all_time_cost   ns_per_op          speed

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                              1     0.000 s      273.00 ns/op    3663004.27 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1/copy_stack_size=0B             20000000     0.415 s       20.76 ns/op   48173877.75 op/s
  -> acosw                                            40000000     0.415 s       10.38 ns/op   96347755.51 op/s
aco_destroy                                                  1     0.000 s      381.00 ns/op    2624672.26 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                              1     0.000 s      212.00 ns/op    4716980.43 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1/copy_stack_size=0B             20000000     0.415 s       20.75 ns/op   48185455.26 op/s
  -> acosw                                            40000000     0.415 s       10.38 ns/op   96370910.51 op/s
aco_destroy                                                  1     0.000 s      174.00 ns/op    5747123.38 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.63 ns/op   15237386.02 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=8B       20000000     0.664 s       33.20 ns/op   30119155.82 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.065 s       32.67 ns/op   30604542.55 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.33 ns/op   15305975.29 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=24B      20000000     0.675 s       33.74 ns/op   29638360.61 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.067 s       33.31 ns/op   30016633.42 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.61 ns/op   15241767.78 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=40B      20000000     0.678 s       33.88 ns/op   29518648.08 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.079 s       39.74 ns/op   25163018.30 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.221 s      110.73 ns/op    9030660.30 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=56B      20000000     0.684 s       34.18 ns/op   29253416.65 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.067 s       33.40 ns/op   29938840.64 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.60 ns/op   15244077.65 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=120B     20000000     0.769 s       38.43 ns/op   26021228.41 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.087 s       43.74 ns/op   22863987.42 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     1.251 s      125.08 ns/op    7994958.59 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=8B      40000000     1.327 s       33.19 ns/op   30133654.80 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.329 s       32.85 ns/op   30439787.32 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.674 s       67.37 ns/op   14843796.57 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=24B     40000000     1.354 s       33.84 ns/op   29548523.05 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.339 s       33.90 ns/op   29494634.83 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.672 s       67.19 ns/op   14882262.88 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=40B     40000000     1.361 s       34.02 ns/op   29393520.19 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.338 s       33.77 ns/op   29609577.59 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.673 s       67.31 ns/op   14857716.02 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=56B     40000000     1.371 s       34.27 ns/op   29181897.80 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.339 s       33.85 ns/op   29540633.63 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                       10000000     0.672 s       67.24 ns/op   14873017.10 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=10000000/copy_stack_size=120B    40000000     1.548 s       38.71 ns/op   25835542.17 op/s
aco_destroy                                           10000000     0.446 s       44.61 ns/op   22415961.64 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.132 s       66.01 ns/op   15148290.52 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=136B     20000000     0.944 s       47.22 ns/op   21177946.19 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.124 s       61.99 ns/op   16132721.97 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.133 s       66.36 ns/op   15068860.85 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=136B     20000000     0.944 s       47.20 ns/op   21187541.38 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.124 s       62.21 ns/op   16073322.25 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.131 s       65.62 ns/op   15238955.93 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=152B     20000000     1.072 s       53.61 ns/op   18652789.74 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.121 s       60.42 ns/op   16551368.04 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.132 s       66.08 ns/op   15132547.65 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=232B     20000000     1.198 s       59.88 ns/op   16699389.91 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.121 s       60.71 ns/op   16471465.52 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.133 s       66.50 ns/op   15036985.95 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=488B     20000000     1.853 s       92.63 ns/op   10796126.04 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.146 s       72.87 ns/op   13723559.36 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        2000000     0.132 s       66.14 ns/op   15118324.13 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=2000000/copy_stack_size=488B     20000000     1.855 s       92.75 ns/op   10781572.22 op/s
aco_destroy                                            2000000     0.152 s       75.79 ns/op   13194130.51 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        1000000     0.067 s       66.97 ns/op   14931921.56 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1000000/copy_stack_size=1000B    20000000     4.218 s      210.90 ns/op    4741536.66 op/s
aco_destroy                                            1000000     0.093 s       93.16 ns/op   10734691.98 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                        1000000     0.066 s       66.49 ns/op   15039274.31 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=1000000/copy_stack_size=1000B    20000000     4.216 s      210.81 ns/op    4743543.53 op/s
aco_destroy                                            1000000     0.094 s       93.97 ns/op   10641539.58 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       70.95 ns/op   14094724.73 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=1000B     20000000     4.190 s      209.52 ns/op    4772746.50 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.010 s      100.99 ns/op    9902271.51 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       66.49 ns/op   15040038.84 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=2024B     20000000     7.028 s      351.38 ns/op    2845942.55 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.016 s      159.15 ns/op    6283444.42 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.007 s       65.73 ns/op   15214482.36 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=4072B     20000000    11.879 s      593.95 ns/op    1683636.60 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.018 s      184.23 ns/op    5428119.00 op/s

aco_create/init_save_stk_sz=64B                         100000     0.006 s       63.41 ns/op   15771072.16 op/s
aco_resume/co_amount=100000/copy_stack_size=7992B     20000000    21.808 s     1090.42 ns/op     917081.56 op/s
aco_destroy                                             100000     0.038 s      376.78 ns/op    2654073.13 op/s

Proof of Correctness

首先,在开始实现或者证明一个协程库之前,必备的条件是要对Sys V ABI of intel386 and x86-64标准非常的熟悉,以及一些基础的汇编知识。


Running Model

在一个OS线程中,主协程main_co是被第一个创建并且是在所有其他non-main coroutine之前就已经开始运行了的协程。

下图是协程main co与co之间上下文切换的简单图示。

在这个证明中,我们假定我们的二进制程序要满足Sys V ABI intel386标准,因为Sys V ABI intel386与Sys V ABI x86-64之间没有根本的不同。为了简化描述,我们还假定二进制程序中没有会更改FPU或MXCSR控制字的代码存在。


下图实际上是对称协程的运行模型图(拥有不限量个non-main co和一个main co)。因为非对称协程仅仅是对称协程的一种特殊情况,所以我们如果证明了对称协程的正确性也就等于证明了非对称协程的正确性,如此会多些挑战性同时也会多些乐趣(libaco当前只实现了非对称协程的API,因为非对称协程的API语义远远比对称协程的API语义更容易理解和掌控)。


因为main co是在当前OS线程中第一个开始运行的协程,那么第一次协程间上下文切换一定是以acosw(main_co, co)这种形式存在的(这里,acosw的第二个入参co是一个non-main co)。

Mathematical Induction


  • yielded state co → init state co
  • yielded state co → yielded state co

要证明协程上下文切换函数void* acosw(aco_t* from_co, aco_t* to_co)的正确性,就等于要证明所有的协程在调用acosw前后都一直满足Sys V ABI规范的约束。我们假定协程中除了acosw之外的所有二进制均已经满足了ABI规范(它们一般是由编译器正确地生成的)。

下面是Sys V ABI Intel386函数调用约定中寄存器用法的总结:

Registers' usage in the calling convention of the Intel386 System V ABI:
    caller saved (scratch) registers:
        C1.0: EAX
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any value
            After the return of `acosw`:
                hold the return value for `acosw`
        C1.1: ECX,EDX
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any value
            After the return of `acosw`:
                could be any value
        C1.2: Arithmetic flags, x87 and mxcsr flags
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any value
            After the return of `acosw`:
                could be any value
        C1.3: ST(0-7)
            At the entry of a function call:
                the stack of FPU must be empty
            After the return of `acosw`:
                the stack of FPU must be empty
        C1.4: Direction flag
            At the entry of a function call:
                DF must be 0
            After the return of `acosw`:
                DF must be 0
        C1.5: others: xmm*,ymm*,mm*,k*...
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any value
            After the return of `acosw`:
                could be any value
    callee saved registers:
        C2.0: EBX,ESI,EDI,EBP
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any value
            After the return of `acosw`:
                must be the same as it is at the entry of `acosw` 
        C2.1: ESP
            At the entry of a function call:
                must be a valid stack pointer
                (alignment of 16 bytes, retaddr and etc...)
            After the return of `acosw`:
                must be the same as it is before the call of `acosw`
        C2.2: control word of FPU & mxcsr
            At the entry of a function call:
                could be any configuration
            After the return of `acosw`:
                must be the same as it is before the call of `acosw` 
                (unless the caller of `acosw` assume `acosw` may    \
                change the control words of FPU or MXCSR on purpose \
                like `fesetenv`)

(对于Intel386,寄存器的用途定义在Sys V ABI Intel386 V1.1的 "P13 - Table 2.3: Register Usage" 表中,对于AMD64则定义在Sys V ABI AMD64 V1.0的 "P23 - Figure 3.4: Register Usage" 的图中。)


  1. yielded state co -> init state co:


上图详细地描绘了第一类状态迁移的过程: "yielded state co -> init state co" .

约束: C 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 (满足 ✓ )

下面列出的Scratch Registers在一个函数的入口点时其值可以为任意值:

status bits of EFLAGS,FPU,MXCSR

约束: C 1.3, 1.4 (满足 ✓ )


约束: C 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 (满足 ✓ )


  1. yielded state co -> yielded state co:


上图详细地描绘了第二类状态迁移的过程: yielded state co -> yielded state co.

约束: C 1.0 (满足 ✓ )


约束: C 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 (满足 ✓ )

下面列出的Scratch Registers在一个函数的入口点时以及在acosw返回后其值皆可为任意值:

status bits of EFLAGS,FPU,MXCSR

约束: C 1.3, 1.4 (满足 ✓ )


约束: C 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 (满足 ✓ )

acosw调用者的角度来看,由于在acosw被调用(或返回)时,所有的callee saved registers都做了对应的保存(或恢复)工作,则约束C2.0与2.1被acosw满足。由于我们已假定FPU与MXCSR的控制字在程序运行过程中不会被更改,所以约束C2.2也已经被acosw满足。

  1. Mathematical induction:

显然,在当前OS线程中,第一次acosw必然属于第一类状态迁移:yielded state co -> init state co,并且接下来的所有acosw必然属于这两类状态迁移的其中一类。顺序地用上面得到两个结论依次证明,最终得到“所有的协程在调用acosw前后都一直满足Sys V ABI规范的约束”结论。如此,证明结束。


Red Zone

在System V ABI x86-64中描述red zone的概念:

The 128-byte area beyond the location pointed to by %rsp is considered to be reserved and shall not be modified by signal or interrupt handlers. Therefore, functions may use this area for temporary data that is not needed across function calls. In particular, leaf functions may use this area for their entire stack frame, rather than adjusting the stack pointer in the prologue and epilogue. This area is known as the red zone.

由于red zone "not preserved by the callee" ,所以我们在协程的上下文切换的实现中无需考虑它(因为acosw是一个叶子函数,即leaf function)。

Stack Pointer

The end of the input argument area shall be aligned on a 16 (32 or 64, if __m256 or __m512 is passed on stack) byte boundary. In other words, the value (%esp + 4) is always a multiple of 16 (32 or 64) when control is transferred to the function entry point. The stack pointer, %esp, always points to the end of the latest allocated stack frame.

— Intel386-psABI-1.1:2.2.2 The Stack Frame

The stack pointer, %rsp, always points to the end of the latest allocated stack frame.

— Sys V ABI AMD64 Version 1.0:3.2.2 The Stack Frame


By default, the signal handler is invoked on the normal process stack. It is possible to arrange that the signal handler uses an alternate stack; see sigalstack(2) for a discussion of how to do this and when it might be useful.

— man 7 signal : Signal dispositions


Best Practice

总的来说,如果你想把libaco的性能发挥到极致,一定要保证 "non-standalone non-main co" 在调用aco_yield时的执行栈使用尽可能的小。另外,当你想把一个协程的局部变量的地址传递到另一个协程时一定要非常小心,因为如果这个变量是在共享栈上时,将可能会发生内存数据混乱,因此,总是从堆中分配需要在协程间共享的内存是一个非常明智的选择。


       /  \
      /    \  
    f1     f2
   /  \    / \
  /    \  f4  \
yield  f3     f5
  1. Main co的执行栈使用大小对协程间上下文切换的性能没有直接影响(因为main co独占了线程的默认执行栈);

  2. Standalone non-main co的执行栈使用大小对协程间上下文切换的性能没有直接影响(因为它独占了一个执行栈)。但是创建海量的standalone non-main co将会消耗海量的虚拟内存(因为海量执行栈的创建),因此,应用中并不推荐在一个线程中创建海量的standalone non-main co;

  3. Non-standalone non-main co(与其他协程共享执行栈的非主协程)在调用aco_yield时执行栈的使用大小将会对协程间上下文切换的性能产生直接的影响,性能测试部分已经清楚的展示了这一点。在上图中,函数f2,f3,f4与f5的栈使用量对上下文切换的性能没有影响,这是因为在它们执行的过程中并没有aco_yield函数的来中断它们。然而,函数co_fp与f1的栈使用量之和将会决定co->save_stack.max_cpsz(协程运行期间私有保存栈的最大保存大小)的值,同时会对上下文切换的性能产生直接的影响;


int* gl_ptr;

void inc_p(int* p){ (*p)++; }

void co_fp0() {
    int ct = 0;
    gl_ptr = &ct; // line 7
    int* ptr = &ct;
    inc_p(ptr);   // line 11

void co_fp1() {
    do_sth(gl_ptr); // line 16
  1. 在上面的代码片段中,我们假定协程co_fp0与co_fp1共享同一个执行栈,它们均是non-main co,它们的执行顺序为 "co_fp0 -> co_fp1 -> co_fp0" 。因为它们共享同一个执行栈,在代码第16行gl_ptr中的指针值与代码第7行gl_ptr中的指针值二者的语义是不同的,这样的用法很可能会破坏协程co_fp1的执行栈。而代码第11行则是正确的,因为此时局部变量ct与函数inc_p的执行是在同一个协程上下文中的。从堆中分配需要在协程间共享的内存能够很简单地解决这类问题:
int* gl_ptr;

void inc_p(int* p){ (*p)++; }

void co_fp0() {
    int* ct_ptr = malloc(sizeof(int));
    assert(ct_ptr != NULL);
    *ct_ptr = 0;
    gl_ptr = ct_ptr;
    int* ptr = ct_ptr;
    gl_ptr = NULL;

void co_fp1() {


New ideas are welcome!

  • Add a macro aco_new which is the combination of something like p = malloc(sz); assertalloc_ptr(p).

  • Add a new API aco_reset to support the reusability of the coroutine objects.

  • Support other platforms (especially arm & arm64).


v1.2.2 Mon Jul 9 2018
    Added a new option `-o <no-m32|no-valgrind>` to make.sh;
    Correction about the value of macro ACO_VERSION_PATCH (issue #1 
    kindly reported by Markus Elfring @elfring);
    Adjusted some noncompliant naming of identifiers (double underscore
    `__`) (issue #1, kindly proposed by Markus Elfring @elfring);
    Supported the header file including by C++ (issue #4, kindly
    proposed by Markus Elfring @elfring).
v1.2.1 Sat Jul 7 2018
    Fixed some noncompliant include guards in two C header files (
    issue #1 kindly reported by Markus Elfring @elfring);
    Removed the "pure" word from "pure C" statement since it is
    containing assembly codes (kindly reported by Peter Cawley
    Many updates in the README.md document.
v1.2.0 Tue Jul 3 2018
    Provided another header named `aco_assert_override.h` so user
    could choose to override the default `assert` or not;
    Added some macros about the version information.
v1.1   Mon Jul 2 2018
    Removed the requirement on the GCC version (>= 5.0).
v1.0   Sun Jul 1 2018
    The v1.0 release of libaco, cheers 🎉🎉🎉


我是一位自由的全职开源项目开发者,任何数量的捐赠对我都将会是莫大的鼓励 ;-)


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Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2018, by Sen Han 00hnes@gmail.com.

Under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the LICENSE file for details.

Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


libaco - 一个极速的轻量级 C 非对称协程库 展开 收起
C 等 3 种语言








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