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meatatt 提交于 2016-06-11 20:36 . Preparation
$(DERS_BOLUMU $(IX mixin) Mixins)
Mixins are for $(I mixing in) generated code into the source code. The mixed in code may be generated as a template instance or a $(C string).
$(H5 $(IX template mixin) Template mixins)
We have seen in the $(LINK2 /ders/d.en/templates.html, Templates) and $(LINK2 /ders/d.en/templates_more.html, More Templates) chapters that templates define code as a pattern, for the compiler to generate actual instances from that pattern. Templates can generate functions, structs, unions, classes, interfaces, and any other legal D code.
Template mixins insert instantiations of templates into the code by the $(C mixin) keyword:
mixin $(I a_template)!($(I template_parameters))
As we will see in the example below, the $(C mixin) keyword is used in the definitions of template mixins as well.
The instantiation of the template for the specific set of template parameters is inserted into the source code right where the $(C mixin) keyword appears.
For example, let's have a template that defines both an array of edges and a pair of functions that operate on those edges:
$(CODE_NAME EdgeArrayFeature)$(HILITE mixin) template EdgeArrayFeature(T, size_t count) {
T[count] edges;
void setEdge(size_t index, T edge) {
edges[index] = edge;
void printEdges() {
writeln("The edges:");
foreach (i, edge; edges) {
writef("%s:%s ", i, edge);
That template leaves the type and number of array elements flexible. The instantiation of that template for $(C int) and $(C 2) would be mixed in by the following syntax:
$(HILITE mixin) EdgeArrayFeature!(int, 2);
For example, the $(C mixin) above can insert the two-element $(C int) array and the two functions that are generated by the template right inside a $(C struct) definition:
$(CODE_NAME Line)$(CODE_XREF EdgeArrayFeature)struct Line {
mixin EdgeArrayFeature!(int, 2);
As a result, $(C Line) ends up defining a member array and two member functions:
$(CODE_XREF Line)import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto line = Line();
line.setEdge(0, 100);
line.setEdge(1, 200);
The output:
The edges:
0:100 1:200
Another instantiation of the same template can be used e.g. inside a function:
$(CODE_XREF EdgeArrayFeature)struct Point {
int x;
int y;
void main() {
$(HILITE mixin) EdgeArrayFeature!($(HILITE Point), 5);
setEdge(3, Point(3, 3));
That $(C mixin) inserts an array and two local functions inside $(C main()). The output:
The edges:
0:Point(0, 0) 1:Point(0, 0) 2:Point(0, 0) 3:Point(3, 3) 4:Point(0, 0)
$(H6 $(IX local import) $(IX import, local) Template mixins must use local imports)
Mixing in template instantiations $(I as is) can cause problems about the modules that the template itself is making use of: Those modules may not be available at the $(C mixin) site.
Let's consider the following module named $(C a). Naturally, it would have to import the $(C std.string) module that it is making use of:
module a;
$(HILITE import std.string;) $(CODE_NOTE wrong place)
mixin template A(T) {
string a() {
T[] array;
// ...
return format("%(%s, %)", array);
However, if $(C std.string) is not imported at the actual $(C mixin) site, then the compiler would not be able to find the definition of $(C format()) at that point. Let's consider the following program that imports $(C a) and tries to mix in $(C A!int) from that module:
import a;
void main() {
mixin A!int; $(DERLEME_HATASI)
Error: $(HILITE undefined identifier format)
Error: mixin deneme.main.A!int error instantiating
For that reason, the modules that template mixins use must be imported in local scopes:
module a;
mixin template A(T) {
string a() {
$(HILITE import std.string;) $(CODE_NOTE right place)
T[] array;
// ...
return format("%(%s, %)", array);
As long as it is inside the template definition, the $(C import) directive above can be outside of the $(C a()) function as well.
$(H6 $(IX this, template parameter) Identifying the type that is mixing in)
Sometimes a mixin may need to identify the actual type that is mixing it in. That information is available through $(I $(C this) template parameters) as we have seen in $(LINK2 /ders/d.en/templates_more.html, the More Templates chapter):
mixin template MyMixin(T) {
void foo$(HILITE (this MixingType))() {
import std.stdio;
writefln("The actual type that is mixing in: %s",
$(HILITE MixingType).stringof);
struct MyStruct {
mixin MyMixin!(int);
void main() {
auto a = MyStruct();
The output of the program shows that the actual type is available inside the template as $(C MyStruct):
The actual type that is mixing in: MyStruct
$(H5 $(IX string mixin) String mixins)
Another powerful feature of D is being able to insert code as $(C string) as long as that string is known at compile time. The syntax of string mixins requires the use of parentheses:
mixin $(HILITE $(PARANTEZ_AC))$(I compile_time_generated_string)$(HILITE $(PARANTEZ_KAPA))
For example, the $(I hello world) program can be written with a $(C mixin) as well:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
mixin (`writeln("hello world");`);
The string gets inserted as code and the program produces the following output:
hello world
We can go further and insert all of the program as a string mixin:
mixin (
`import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("hello world"); }`
Obviously, there is no need for mixins in these examples, as the strings could have been written as code as well.
The power of string mixins comes from the fact that the code can be generated at compile time. The following example takes advantage of CTFE to generate statements at compile time:
import std.stdio;
string printStatement(string message) {
return `writeln("` ~ message ~ `");`;
void main() {
mixin (printStatement("hello world"));
mixin (printStatement("hi world"));
The output:
hello world
hi world
Note that the $(STRING "writeln") expressions are not executed inside $(C printStatement()). Rather, $(C printStatement()) generates code that includes $(C writeln()) expressions that are executed inside $(C main()). The generated code is the equivalent of the following:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
writeln("hello world");
writeln("hi world");
$(H5 $(IX name space, mixin) Mixin name spaces)
It is possible to avoid and resolve name ambiguities in template mixins.
For example, there are two $(C i) variables defined inside $(C main()) in the following program: one is defined explicitly in $(C main) and the other is mixed in. When a mixed-in name is the same as a name that is in the surrounding scope, then the name that is in the surrounding scope gets used:
import std.stdio;
template Templ() {
$(HILITE int i;)
void print() {
writeln(i); // Always the 'i' that is defined in Templ
void main() {
$(HILITE int i;)
mixin Templ;
i = 42; // Sets the 'i' that is defined explicitly in main
writeln(i); // Prints the 'i' that is defined explicitly in main
print(); // Prints the 'i' that is mixed in
As implied in the comments above, template mixins define a name space for their contents and the names that appear in the template code are first looked up in that name space. We can see this in the behavior of $(C print()):
0 $(SHELL_NOTE printed by print())
The compiler cannot resolve name conflicts if the same name is defined by more than one template mixin. Let's see this in a short program that mixes in the same template instance twice:
template Templ() {
int i;
void main() {
mixin Templ;
mixin Templ;
Error: deneme.main.Templ!().i at ... $(HILITE conflicts with)
deneme.main.Templ!().i at ...
To prevent this, it is possible to assign name space identifiers for template mixins and refer to contained names by those identifiers:
mixin Templ $(HILITE A); // Defines A.i
mixin Templ $(HILITE B); // Defines B.i
$(HILITE A.)i = 42; // ← not ambiguous anymore
String mixins do not have these name space features. However, it is trivial to use a string as a template mixin simply by passing it through a simple wrapper template.
Let's first see a similar name conflict with string mixins:
void main() {
mixin ("int i;");
mixin ("int i;"); $(DERLEME_HATASI)
i = 42;
Error: declaration deneme.main.i is $(HILITE already defined)
One way of resolving this issue is to pass the $(C string) through the following trivial template that effectively converts a string mixin to a template mixin:
template Templatize(string str) {
mixin (str);
void main() {
mixin Templatize!("int i;") A; // Defines A.i
mixin Templatize!("int i;") B; // Defines B.i
A.i = 42; // ← not ambiguous anymore
$(H5 $(IX operator overloading, mixin) String mixins in operator overloading)
We have seen in $(LINK2 /ders/d.en/operator_overloading.html, the Operator Overloading chapter) how $(C mixin) expressions helped with the definitions of some of the operators.
In fact, the reason why most operator member functions are defined as templates is to make the operators available as $(C string) values so that they can be used for code generation. We have seen examples of this both in that chapter and its exercise solutions.
$(H5 Example)
($(I $(B Note:) Specifying predicates as strings was used more commonly before the lambda syntax was added to D. Although string predicates as in this example are still used in Phobos, the $(C =>) lambda syntax may be more suitable in most cases.))
Let's consider the following function template that takes an array of numbers and returns another array that consists of the elements that satisfy a specific condition:
int[] filter($(HILITE string predicate))(in int[] numbers) {
int[] result;
foreach (number; numbers) {
if ($(HILITE mixin (predicate))) {
result ~= number;
return result;
That function template takes the filtering condition as its template parameter and inserts that condition directly into an $(C if) statement as is.
For that condition to choose numbers that are e.g. less than 7, the $(C if) condition should look like the following code:
if (number < 7) {
The users of $(C filter()) template can provide the condition as a $(C string):
int[] numbers = [ 1, 8, 6, -2, 10 ];
int[] chosen = filter!$(HILITE "number < 7")(numbers);
Importantly, the name used in the template parameter must match the name of the variable used in the implementation of $(C filter()). So, the template must document what that name should be and the users must use that name.
Phobos uses names consisting of single letters like a, b, n, etc.
DESCRIPTION=Template mixins and string mixins.
KEYWORDS=d programming language tutorial book mixin
