

hukeyang 暂无简介


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    Watch openEuler / rust_shyper

    Rust-Shyper is an embedded type-1 hypervisor built with Rust, which has both high performance and high reliability. We have proposed low overhead VM migration and hypervisor live-update mechanisms to enable Rust-Shyper to tolerate hardware faults at runtime and dynamically fix hypervisor bugs.

    最近更新: 4天前

    Watch Unishyper / Unishyper

    A reliable Rust-based unikernel with good performance for embedded scenarios.

    最近更新: 5个月前

    Watch Unishyper / rosrust-shyper

    A pure Rust implementation of a ROS client library, porting to Unishyper.

    最近更新: 6个月前

    Watch Unishyper / rust

    A modified rust-toolchain to compile Unishyper with std support. Forked from

    最近更新: 6个月前

    Watch Unishyper / shyper-api

    A small interface to call functions from the unikernel Unishyper.

    最近更新: 6个月前

    Watch Unishyper / ring

    Ring is focused on the implementation, testing, and optimization of a core set of cryptographic operations. Port from

    最近更新: 10个月前

    Watch Unishyper / rust-microbench

    A Rust-based simple micro benchmark for heap alloc and threading, wip

    最近更新: 11个月前

    Watch Unishyper / rust-fstest

    A Rust-based simple fs benchmark

    最近更新: 11个月前
