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hexray / h264bitstream

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h264_stream.in.c 47.74 KB
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Leslie Wang 提交于 2016-10-11 21:42 . add svc support
* h264bitstream - a library for reading and writing H.264 video
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Auroras Entertainment, LLC
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Avail-TVN
* Copyright (C) 2012 Alex Izvorski
* Written by Alex Izvorski <aizvorski@gmail.com> and Alex Giladi <alex.giladi@gmail.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bs.h"
#include "h264_stream.h"
#include "h264_sei.h"
FILE* h264_dbgfile = NULL;
#define printf(...) fprintf((h264_dbgfile == NULL ? stdout : h264_dbgfile), __VA_ARGS__)
Calculate the log base 2 of the argument, rounded up.
Zero or negative arguments return zero
Idea from http://www.southwindsgames.com/blog/2009/01/19/fast-integer-log2-function-in-cc/
int intlog2(int x)
int log = 0;
if (x < 0) { x = 0; }
while ((x >> log) > 0)
if (log > 0 && x == 1<<(log-1)) { log--; }
return log;
int is_slice_type(int slice_type, int cmp_type)
if (slice_type >= 5) { slice_type -= 5; }
if (cmp_type >= 5) { cmp_type -= 5; }
if (slice_type == cmp_type) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
int more_rbsp_data(bs_t* bs)
// TODO this version handles reading only. writing version?
// no more data
if (bs_eof(bs)) { return 0; }
// no rbsp_stop_bit yet
if (bs_peek_u1(bs) == 0) { return 1; }
// next bit is 1, is it the rsbp_stop_bit? only if the rest of bits are 0
bs_t bs_tmp;
bs_clone(&bs_tmp, bs);
// A later bit was 1, it wasn't the rsbp_stop_bit
if (bs_read_u1(&bs_tmp) == 1) { return 1; }
// All following bits were 0, it was the rsbp_stop_bit
return 0;
int more_rbsp_trailing_data(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b) { return !bs_eof(b); }
int _read_ff_coded_number(bs_t* b)
int n1 = 0;
int n2;
n2 = bs_read_u8(b);
n1 += n2;
} while (n2 == 0xff);
return n1;
void _write_ff_coded_number(bs_t* b, int n)
while (1)
if (n > 0xff)
bs_write_u8(b, 0xff);
n -= 0xff;
bs_write_u8(b, n);
void debug_bytes(uint8_t* buf, int len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%02X ", buf[i]);
if ((i+1) % 16 == 0) { printf ("\n"); }
//7.3.1 NAL unit syntax
int structure(nal_unit)(h264_stream_t* h, uint8_t* buf, int size)
nal_t* nal = h->nal;
int nal_size = size;
int rbsp_size = size;
uint8_t* rbsp_buf = (uint8_t*)calloc(1, rbsp_size);
if( is_reading )
int rc = nal_to_rbsp(buf, &nal_size, rbsp_buf, &rbsp_size);
if (rc < 0) { free(rbsp_buf); return -1; } // handle conversion error
if( is_writing )
rbsp_size = size*3/4; // NOTE this may have to be slightly smaller (3/4 smaller, worst case) in order to be guaranteed to fit
bs_t* b = bs_new(rbsp_buf, rbsp_size);
value( forbidden_zero_bit, f(1, 0) );
value( nal->nal_ref_idc, u(2) );
value( nal->nal_unit_type, u(5) );
if( nal->nal_unit_type == 14 || nal->nal_unit_type == 21 || nal->nal_unit_type == 20 )
if( nal->nal_unit_type != 21 )
value( nal->svc_extension_flag, u1 );
value( nal->avc_3d_extension_flag, u1 );
if( nal->svc_extension_flag )
structure(nal_unit_header_svc_extension)(nal->nal_svc_ext, b);
switch ( nal->nal_unit_type )
structure(slice_layer_rbsp)(h, b);
#ifdef HAVE_SEI
structure(sei_rbsp)(h, b);
structure(seq_parameter_set_rbsp)(h->sps, b);
if( is_reading )
memcpy(h->sps_table[h->sps->seq_parameter_set_id], h->sps, sizeof(sps_t));
structure(pic_parameter_set_rbsp)(h, b);
structure(access_unit_delimiter_rbsp)(h, b);
structure(end_of_seq_rbsp)(h, b);
structure(end_of_stream_rbsp)(h, b);
//SVC support
structure(subset_seq_parameter_set_rbsp)(h->sps_subset, b);
if( is_reading )
memcpy(h->sps_subset_table[h->sps_subset->sps->seq_parameter_set_id], h->sps_subset, sizeof(sps_subset_t));
//memcpy(h->sps_subset_table[h->sps_subset->sps->seq_parameter_set_id]->sps, h->sps_subset->sps, sizeof(sps_t));
//memcpy(h->sps_subset_table[h->sps_subset->sps->seq_parameter_set_id]->sps_svc_ext, h->sps_subset->sps_svc_ext, sizeof(sps_svc_ext_t));
//h->sps_subset_table[h->sps_subset->sps->seq_parameter_set_id]->additional_extension2_flag = h->sps_subset->additional_extension2_flag;
//prefix NAL
structure(prefix_nal_unit_rbsp)(h->nal, b);
//SVC support
structure(slice_layer_rbsp)(h, b);
return -1;
if (bs_overrun(b)) { bs_free(b); free(rbsp_buf); return -1; }
if( is_writing )
// now get the actual size used
rbsp_size = bs_pos(b);
int rc = rbsp_to_nal(rbsp_buf, &rbsp_size, buf, &nal_size);
if (rc < 0) { bs_free(b); free(rbsp_buf); return -1; }
return nal_size;
//G. NAL unit header SVC extension syntax
void structure(nal_unit_header_svc_extension)(nal_svc_ext_t* nal_svc_ext, bs_t* b)
value( nal_svc_ext->idr_flag, u1 );
value( nal_svc_ext->priority_id, u(6) );
value( nal_svc_ext->no_inter_layer_pred_flag, u1 );
value( nal_svc_ext->dependency_id, u(3) );
value( nal_svc_ext->quality_id, u(4) );
value( nal_svc_ext->temporal_id, u(3) );
value( nal_svc_ext->use_ref_base_pic_flag, u1 );
value( nal_svc_ext->discardable_flag, u1 );
value( nal_svc_ext->output_flag, u1 );
value( nal_svc_ext->reserved_three_2bits, u(2) );
//G. Prefix NAL unit SVC syntax
void structure(prefix_nal_unit_svc)(nal_t* nal, bs_t* b)
if( nal->nal_ref_idc != 0 )
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->store_ref_base_pic_flag, u1);
if( ( nal->nal_svc_ext->use_ref_base_pic_flag || nal->prefix_nal_svc->store_ref_base_pic_flag ) &&
!nal->nal_svc_ext->idr_flag )
structure(dec_ref_base_pic_marking)( nal, b );
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_flag, u1 );
if( nal->prefix_nal_svc->additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_flag )
while( more_rbsp_data( b ) )
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_data_flag, u1 );
else if( more_rbsp_data( b ) )
while( more_rbsp_data( b ) )
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_data_flag, u1);
// Prefix NAL unit RBSP syntax
void structure(prefix_nal_unit_rbsp)(nal_t* nal, bs_t* b)
if( nal->svc_extension_flag )
structure(prefix_nal_unit_svc)(nal, b);
// Sequence parameter set RBSP syntax
void structure(seq_parameter_set_rbsp)(sps_t* sps, bs_t* b)
int i;
if( is_reading )
memset(sps, 0, sizeof(sps_t));
sps->chroma_format_idc = 1;
value( sps->profile_idc, u8 );
value( sps->constraint_set0_flag, u1 );
value( sps->constraint_set1_flag, u1 );
value( sps->constraint_set2_flag, u1 );
value( sps->constraint_set3_flag, u1 );
value( sps->constraint_set4_flag, u1 );
value( sps->constraint_set5_flag, u1 );
value( reserved_zero_2bits, f(2, 0) );
value( sps->level_idc, u8 );
value( sps->seq_parameter_set_id, ue );
if( sps->profile_idc == 100 || sps->profile_idc == 110 ||
sps->profile_idc == 122 || sps->profile_idc == 244 ||
sps->profile_idc == 44 || sps->profile_idc == 83 ||
sps->profile_idc == 86 || sps->profile_idc == 118 ||
sps->profile_idc == 128 || sps->profile_idc == 138 ||
sps->profile_idc == 139 || sps->profile_idc == 134
value( sps->chroma_format_idc, ue );
if( sps->chroma_format_idc == 3 )
value( sps->residual_colour_transform_flag, u1 );
value( sps->bit_depth_luma_minus8, ue );
value( sps->bit_depth_chroma_minus8, ue );
value( sps->qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag, u1 );
value( sps->seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag )
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
value( sps->seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ], u1 );
if( sps->seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ] )
if( i < 6 )
structure(scaling_list)( b, sps->ScalingList4x4[ i ], 16,
&( sps->UseDefaultScalingMatrix4x4Flag[ i ] ) );
structure(scaling_list)( b, sps->ScalingList8x8[ i - 6 ], 64,
&( sps->UseDefaultScalingMatrix8x8Flag[ i - 6 ] ) );
value( sps->log2_max_frame_num_minus4, ue );
value( sps->pic_order_cnt_type, ue );
if( sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 0 )
value( sps->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4, ue );
else if( sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 1 )
value( sps->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag, u1 );
value( sps->offset_for_non_ref_pic, se );
value( sps->offset_for_top_to_bottom_field, se );
value( sps->num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle, ue );
for( i = 0; i < sps->num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; i++ )
value( sps->offset_for_ref_frame[ i ], se );
value( sps->num_ref_frames, ue );
value( sps->gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag, u1 );
value( sps->pic_width_in_mbs_minus1, ue );
value( sps->pic_height_in_map_units_minus1, ue );
value( sps->frame_mbs_only_flag, u1 );
if( !sps->frame_mbs_only_flag )
value( sps->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag, u1 );
value( sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag, u1 );
value( sps->frame_cropping_flag, u1 );
if( sps->frame_cropping_flag )
value( sps->frame_crop_left_offset, ue );
value( sps->frame_crop_right_offset, ue );
value( sps->frame_crop_top_offset, ue );
value( sps->frame_crop_bottom_offset, ue );
value( sps->vui_parameters_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui_parameters_present_flag )
structure(vui_parameters)(sps, b);
// Scaling list syntax
void structure(scaling_list)(bs_t* b, int* scalingList, int sizeOfScalingList, int* useDefaultScalingMatrixFlag )
// NOTE need to be able to set useDefaultScalingMatrixFlag when reading, hence passing as pointer
int lastScale = 8;
int nextScale = 8;
int delta_scale;
for( int j = 0; j < sizeOfScalingList; j++ )
if( nextScale != 0 )
if( is_writing )
nextScale = scalingList[ j ];
if (useDefaultScalingMatrixFlag[0]) { nextScale = 0; }
delta_scale = (nextScale - lastScale) % 256 ;
value( delta_scale, se );
if( is_reading )
nextScale = ( lastScale + delta_scale + 256 ) % 256;
useDefaultScalingMatrixFlag[0] = ( j == 0 && nextScale == 0 );
if( is_reading )
scalingList[ j ] = ( nextScale == 0 ) ? lastScale : nextScale;
lastScale = scalingList[ j ];
// Subset sequence parameter set RBSP syntax
void structure(subset_seq_parameter_set_rbsp)(sps_subset_t* sps_subset, bs_t* b)
structure(seq_parameter_set_rbsp)(sps_subset->sps, b);
switch( sps_subset->sps->profile_idc )
case 83:
case 86:
structure(seq_parameter_set_svc_extension)(sps_subset, b); /* specified in Annex G */
sps_svc_ext_t* sps_svc_ext = sps_subset->sps_svc_ext;
value(sps_svc_ext->svc_vui_parameters_present_flag, u1);
if( sps_svc_ext->svc_vui_parameters_present_flag )
structure(svc_vui_parameters_extension)(sps_svc_ext,b); /* specified in Annex G */
value(sps_subset->additional_extension2_flag, u1);
if( sps_subset->additional_extension2_flag )
while( more_rbsp_data( b ) )
value(sps_subset->additional_extension2_flag, u1);
//Appendix G. Sequence parameter set SVC extension syntax
void structure(seq_parameter_set_svc_extension)(sps_subset_t* sps_subset, bs_t* b)
sps_svc_ext_t* sps_svc_ext = sps_subset->sps_svc_ext;
value( sps_svc_ext->inter_layer_deblocking_filter_control_present_flag, u1);
value( sps_svc_ext->extended_spatial_scalability_idc, u(2));
if( sps_subset->sps->chroma_format_idc == 1 || sps_subset->sps->chroma_format_idc == 2 )
value( sps_svc_ext->chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag, u1 );
if( sps_subset->sps->chroma_format_idc == 1 )
value( sps_svc_ext->chroma_phase_y_plus1, u(2) );
if( sps_svc_ext->extended_spatial_scalability_idc )
if( sps_subset->sps->chroma_format_idc > 0 )
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_ref_layer_chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag, u1 );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_ref_layer_chroma_phase_y_plus1, u(2) );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_scaled_ref_layer_left_offset, se );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_scaled_ref_layer_top_offset, se );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_scaled_ref_layer_right_offset, se );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_scaled_ref_layer_bottom_offset, se );
value( sps_svc_ext->seq_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag, u1 );
if( sps_svc_ext->seq_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag )
value( sps_svc_ext->adaptive_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag, u1 );
value( sps_svc_ext->slice_header_restriction_flag, u1 );
//Appendix G.14.1 SVC VUI parameters extension syntax
void structure(svc_vui_parameters_extension)(sps_svc_ext_t* sps_svc_ext, bs_t* b)
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_num_entries_minus1, ue );
for( int i = 0; i <= sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_num_entries_minus1; i++ )
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_dependency_id[i], u(3) );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_quality_id[i], u(4) );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_temporal_id[i], u(3) );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_timing_info_present_flag[i], u1 );
if( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_timing_info_present_flag[i] )
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_num_units_in_tick[i], u(32) );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_time_scale[i], u(32) );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_fixed_frame_rate_flag[i], u1 );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i], u1 );
if( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i] )
structure(hrd_parameters)(&sps_svc_ext->hrd_vcl, b);
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i], u1 );
if( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i] )
structure(hrd_parameters)(&sps_svc_ext->hrd_nal, b);
if( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i] ||
sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag[i] )
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_low_delay_hrd_flag[i], u1 );
value( sps_svc_ext->vui.vui_ext_pic_struct_present_flag[i], u1 );
//Appendix E.1.1 VUI parameters syntax
void structure(vui_parameters)(sps_t* sps, bs_t* b)
value( sps->vui.aspect_ratio_info_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.aspect_ratio_info_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.aspect_ratio_idc, u8 );
if( sps->vui.aspect_ratio_idc == SAR_Extended )
value( sps->vui.sar_width, u(16) );
value( sps->vui.sar_height, u(16) );
value( sps->vui.overscan_info_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.overscan_info_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.overscan_appropriate_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.video_signal_type_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.video_signal_type_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.video_format, u(3) );
value( sps->vui.video_full_range_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.colour_description_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.colour_description_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.colour_primaries, u8 );
value( sps->vui.transfer_characteristics, u8 );
value( sps->vui.matrix_coefficients, u8 );
value( sps->vui.chroma_loc_info_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.chroma_loc_info_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field, ue );
value( sps->vui.chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field, ue );
value( sps->vui.timing_info_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.timing_info_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.num_units_in_tick, u(32) );
value( sps->vui.time_scale, u(32) );
value( sps->vui.fixed_frame_rate_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag )
structure(hrd_parameters)(&sps->hrd_nal, b);
value( sps->vui.vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag )
structure(hrd_parameters)(&sps->hrd_vcl, b);
if( sps->vui.nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag || sps->vui.vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag )
value( sps->vui.low_delay_hrd_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.pic_struct_present_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.bitstream_restriction_flag, u1 );
if( sps->vui.bitstream_restriction_flag )
value( sps->vui.motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag, u1 );
value( sps->vui.max_bytes_per_pic_denom, ue );
value( sps->vui.max_bits_per_mb_denom, ue );
value( sps->vui.log2_max_mv_length_horizontal, ue );
value( sps->vui.log2_max_mv_length_vertical, ue );
value( sps->vui.num_reorder_frames, ue );
value( sps->vui.max_dec_frame_buffering, ue );
//Appendix E.1.2 HRD parameters syntax
void structure(hrd_parameters)(hrd_t* hrd, bs_t* b)
value( hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1, ue );
value( hrd->bit_rate_scale, u(4) );
value( hrd->cpb_size_scale, u(4) );
for( int SchedSelIdx = 0; SchedSelIdx <= hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1; SchedSelIdx++ )
value( hrd->bit_rate_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ], ue );
value( hrd->cpb_size_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ], ue );
value( hrd->cbr_flag[ SchedSelIdx ], u1 );
value( hrd->initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, u(5) );
value( hrd->cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1, u(5) );
value( hrd->dpb_output_delay_length_minus1, u(5) );
value( hrd->time_offset_length, u(5) );
// Sequence parameter set extension RBSP syntax
int structure(seq_parameter_set_extension_rbsp)(bs_t* b, sps_ext_t* sps_ext) {
value( seq_parameter_set_id, ue );
value( aux_format_idc, ue );
if( aux_format_idc != 0 ) {
value( bit_depth_aux_minus8, ue );
value( alpha_incr_flag, u1 );
alpha_opaque_value = bs_structure(u)(v);
alpha_transparent_value = bs_structure(u)(v);
value( additional_extension_flag, u1 );
// Picture parameter set RBSP syntax
void structure(pic_parameter_set_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
pps_t* pps = h->pps;
if( is_reading )
memset(pps, 0, sizeof(pps_t));
value( pps->pic_parameter_set_id, ue);
value( pps->seq_parameter_set_id, ue );
value( pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag, u1 );
value( pps->pic_order_present_flag, u1 );
value( pps->num_slice_groups_minus1, ue );
if( pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0 )
value( pps->slice_group_map_type, ue );
if( pps->slice_group_map_type == 0 )
for( int i_group = 0; i_group <= pps->num_slice_groups_minus1; i_group++ )
value( pps->run_length_minus1[ i_group ], ue );
else if( pps->slice_group_map_type == 2 )
for( int i_group = 0; i_group < pps->num_slice_groups_minus1; i_group++ )
value( pps->top_left[ i_group ], ue );
value( pps->bottom_right[ i_group ], ue );
else if( pps->slice_group_map_type == 3 ||
pps->slice_group_map_type == 4 ||
pps->slice_group_map_type == 5 )
value( pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag, u1 );
value( pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1, ue );
else if( pps->slice_group_map_type == 6 )
value( pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1, ue );
for( int i = 0; i <= pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1; i++ )
int v = intlog2( pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 + 1 );
value( pps->slice_group_id[ i ], u(v) );
value( pps->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, ue );
value( pps->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1, ue );
value( pps->weighted_pred_flag, u1 );
value( pps->weighted_bipred_idc, u(2) );
value( pps->pic_init_qp_minus26, se );
value( pps->pic_init_qs_minus26, se );
value( pps->chroma_qp_index_offset, se );
value( pps->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag, u1 );
value( pps->constrained_intra_pred_flag, u1 );
value( pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag, u1 );
int have_more_data = 0;
if( is_reading ) { have_more_data = more_rbsp_data(b); }
if( is_writing )
have_more_data = pps->transform_8x8_mode_flag | pps->pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag | pps->second_chroma_qp_index_offset != 0;
if( have_more_data )
value( pps->transform_8x8_mode_flag, u1 );
value( pps->pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag, u1 );
if( pps->pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag )
for( int i = 0; i < 6 + 2* pps->transform_8x8_mode_flag; i++ )
value( pps->pic_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ], u1 );
if( pps->pic_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ] )
if( i < 6 )
structure(scaling_list)( b, pps->ScalingList4x4[ i ], 16,
&( pps->UseDefaultScalingMatrix4x4Flag[ i ] ) );
structure(scaling_list)( b, pps->ScalingList8x8[ i - 6 ], 64,
&( pps->UseDefaultScalingMatrix8x8Flag[ i - 6 ] ) );
value( pps->second_chroma_qp_index_offset, se );
if( is_reading )
memcpy(h->pps_table[pps->pic_parameter_set_id], h->pps, sizeof(pps_t));
#ifdef HAVE_SEI
// Supplemental enhancement information RBSP syntax
void structure(sei_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
if( is_reading )
for( int i = 0; i < h->num_seis; i++ )
h->num_seis = 0;
do {
h->seis = (sei_t**)realloc(h->seis, h->num_seis * sizeof(sei_t*));
h->seis[h->num_seis - 1] = sei_new();
h->sei = h->seis[h->num_seis - 1];
structure(sei_message)(h, b);
} while( more_rbsp_data(b) );
if( is_writing )
for (int i = 0; i < h->num_seis; i++)
h->sei = h->seis[i];
structure(sei_message)(h, b);
h->sei = NULL;
// Supplemental enhancement information message syntax
void structure(sei_message)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
if( is_writing )
_write_ff_coded_number(b, h->sei->payloadType);
_write_ff_coded_number(b, h->sei->payloadSize);
if( is_reading )
h->sei->payloadType = _read_ff_coded_number(b);
h->sei->payloadSize = _read_ff_coded_number(b);
structure(sei_payload)( h, b );
// Access unit delimiter RBSP syntax
void structure(access_unit_delimiter_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
value( h->aud->primary_pic_type, u(3) );
// End of sequence RBSP syntax
void structure(end_of_seq_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
// End of stream RBSP syntax
void structure(end_of_stream_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
// Filler data RBSP syntax
void structure(filler_data_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
while( bs_next_bits(b, 8) == 0xFF )
value( ff_byte, f(8, 0xFF) );
// Slice layer without partitioning RBSP syntax
void structure(slice_layer_rbsp)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
if (h->nal->nal_unit_type != NAL_UNIT_TYPE_CODED_SLICE_SVC_EXTENSION)
structure(slice_header)(h, b);
structure(slice_header_in_scalable_extension)(h, b);
slice_data_rbsp_t* slice_data = h->slice_data;
if ( slice_data != NULL )
if ( slice_data->rbsp_buf != NULL ) free( slice_data->rbsp_buf );
uint8_t *sptr = b->p + (!!b->bits_left); // CABAC-specific: skip alignment bits, if there are any
slice_data->rbsp_size = b->end - sptr;
slice_data->rbsp_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(slice_data->rbsp_size);
memcpy( slice_data->rbsp_buf, sptr, slice_data->rbsp_size );
// ugly hack: since next NALU starts at byte border, we are going to be padded by trailing_bits;
// FIXME should read or skip data
//slice_data( ); /* all categories of slice_data( ) syntax */
structure(rbsp_slice_trailing_bits)(h, b);
// Slice data partition A RBSP syntax
slice_data_partition_a_layer_rbsp( ) {
structure(slice_header)( ); // only category 2
slice_id = bs_structure(ue)(b)
structure(slice_data)( ); // only category 2
structure(rbsp_slice_trailing_bits)( ); // only category 2
// Slice data partition B RBSP syntax
slice_data_partition_b_layer_rbsp( ) {
value( slice_id, ue ); // only category 3
if( redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag )
value( redundant_pic_cnt, ue );
structure(slice_data)( ); // only category 3
structure(rbsp_slice_trailing_bits)( ); // only category 3
// Slice data partition C RBSP syntax
slice_data_partition_c_layer_rbsp( ) {
value( slice_id, ue ); // only category 4
if( redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag )
value( redundant_pic_cnt, ue );
structure(slice_data)( ); // only category 4
rbsp_slice_trailing_bits( ); // only category 4
// RBSP slice trailing bits syntax
void structure(rbsp_slice_trailing_bits)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
if( h->pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag )
while( more_rbsp_trailing_data(h, b) )
value( cabac_zero_word, f(16, 0x0000) );
// RBSP trailing bits syntax
void structure(rbsp_trailing_bits)(bs_t* b)
value( rbsp_stop_one_bit, f(1, 1) );
while( !bs_byte_aligned(b) )
value( rbsp_alignment_zero_bit, f(1, 0) );
//7.3.3 Slice header syntax
void structure(slice_header)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
slice_header_t* sh = h->sh;
if( is_reading )
memset(sh, 0, sizeof(slice_header_t));
nal_t* nal = h->nal;
value( sh->first_mb_in_slice, ue );
value( sh->slice_type, ue );
value( sh->pic_parameter_set_id, ue );
// TODO check existence, otherwise fail
pps_t* pps = h->pps;
sps_t* sps = h->sps;
memcpy(h->pps, h->pps_table[sh->pic_parameter_set_id], sizeof(pps_t));
memcpy(h->sps, h->sps_table[pps->seq_parameter_set_id], sizeof(sps_t));
if (sps->residual_colour_transform_flag)
value( sh->colour_plane_id, u(2) );
value( sh->frame_num, u(sps->log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4 ) ); // was u(v)
if( !sps->frame_mbs_only_flag )
value( sh->field_pic_flag, u1 );
if( sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->bottom_field_flag, u1 );
if( nal->nal_unit_type == 5 )
value( sh->idr_pic_id, ue );
if( sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 0 )
value( sh->pic_order_cnt_lsb, u(sps->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4 ) ); // was u(v)
if( pps->pic_order_present_flag && !sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom, se );
if( sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 1 && !sps->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt[ 0 ], se );
if( pps->pic_order_present_flag && !sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt[ 1 ], se );
if( pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag )
value( sh->redundant_pic_cnt, ue );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) )
value( sh->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag, u1 );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_P ) || is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SP ) || is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag, u1 );
if( sh->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, ue ); // FIXME does this modify the pps?
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1, ue );
structure(ref_pic_list_reordering)(h, b);
if( ( pps->weighted_pred_flag && ( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_P ) || is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SP ) ) ) ||
( pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1 && is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) ) )
structure(pred_weight_table)(h, b);
if( nal->nal_ref_idc != 0 )
structure(dec_ref_pic_marking)(h, b);
if( pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag && ! is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_I ) && ! is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SI ) )
value( sh->cabac_init_idc, ue );
value( sh->slice_qp_delta, se );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SP ) || is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SI ) )
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SP ) )
value( sh->sp_for_switch_flag, u1 );
value( sh->slice_qs_delta, se );
if( pps->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag )
value( sh->disable_deblocking_filter_idc, ue );
if( sh->disable_deblocking_filter_idc != 1 )
value( sh->slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2, se );
value( sh->slice_beta_offset_div2, se );
if( pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0 &&
pps->slice_group_map_type >= 3 && pps->slice_group_map_type <= 5)
int v = intlog2( pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1 + pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1 );
value( sh->slice_group_change_cycle, u(v) ); // FIXME add 2?
// Reference picture list reordering syntax
void structure(ref_pic_list_reordering)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
slice_header_t* sh = h->sh;
// FIXME should be an array
if( ! is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_I ) && ! is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_SI ) )
value( sh->rplr.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0, u1 );
if( sh->rplr.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0 )
int n = -1;
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ], ue );
if( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 0 ||
sh->rplr.reorder_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 1 )
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.abs_diff_pic_num_minus1[ n ], ue );
else if( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 2 )
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.long_term_pic_num[ n ], ue );
} while( sh->rplr.reorder_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] != 3 && ! bs_eof(b) );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) )
value( sh->rplr.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1, u1 );
if( sh->rplr.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1 )
int n = -1;
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ], ue );
if( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 0 ||
sh->rplr.reorder_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 1 )
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.abs_diff_pic_num_minus1[ n ], ue );
else if( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] == 2 )
value( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.long_term_pic_num[ n ], ue );
} while( sh->rplr.reorder_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc[ n ] != 3 && ! bs_eof(b) );
// Prediction weight table syntax
void structure(pred_weight_table)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
slice_header_t* sh = h->sh;
sps_t* sps = h->sps;
pps_t* pps = h->pps;
int i, j;
value( sh->pwt.luma_log2_weight_denom, ue );
if( sps->chroma_format_idc != 0 )
value( sh->pwt.chroma_log2_weight_denom, ue );
for( i = 0; i <= pps->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; i++ )
value( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l0_flag[i], u1 );
if( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l0_flag[i] )
value( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l0[ i ], se );
value( sh->pwt.luma_offset_l0[ i ], se );
if ( sps->chroma_format_idc != 0 )
value( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l0_flag[i], u1 );
if( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l0_flag[i] )
for( j =0; j < 2; j++ )
value( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l0[ i ][ j ], se );
value( sh->pwt.chroma_offset_l0[ i ][ j ], se );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_B ) )
for( i = 0; i <= pps->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; i++ )
value( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l1_flag[i], u1 );
if( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l1_flag[i] )
value( sh->pwt.luma_weight_l1[ i ], se );
value( sh->pwt.luma_offset_l1[ i ], se );
if( sps->chroma_format_idc != 0 )
value( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l1_flag[i], u1 );
if( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l1_flag[i] )
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
value( sh->pwt.chroma_weight_l1[ i ][ j ], se );
value( sh->pwt.chroma_offset_l1[ i ][ j ], se );
// Decoded reference picture marking syntax
void structure(dec_ref_pic_marking)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
slice_header_t* sh = h->sh;
// FIXME should be an array
if( h->nal->nal_unit_type == 5 )
value( sh->drpm.no_output_of_prior_pics_flag, u1 );
value( sh->drpm.long_term_reference_flag, u1 );
value( sh->drpm.adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag, u1 );
if( sh->drpm.adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag )
int n = -1;
value( sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ], ue );
if( sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 1 ||
sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 3 )
value( sh->drpm.difference_of_pic_nums_minus1[ n ], ue );
if(sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 2 )
value( sh->drpm.long_term_pic_num[ n ], ue );
if( sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 3 ||
sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 6 )
value( sh->drpm.long_term_frame_idx[ n ], ue );
if( sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] == 4 )
value( sh->drpm.max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1[ n ], ue );
} while( sh->drpm.memory_management_control_operation[ n ] != 0 && ! bs_eof(b) );
//G. Slice header in scalable extension syntax
void structure(slice_header_in_scalable_extension)(h264_stream_t* h, bs_t* b)
slice_header_t* sh = h->sh;
slice_header_svc_ext_t* sh_svc_ext = h->sh_svc_ext;
if( is_reading )
memset(sh, 0, sizeof(slice_header_t));
memset(sh_svc_ext, 0, sizeof(slice_header_svc_ext_t));
nal_t* nal = h->nal;
value( sh->first_mb_in_slice, ue );
value( sh->slice_type, ue );
value( sh->pic_parameter_set_id, ue );
// TODO check existence, otherwise fail
pps_t* pps = h->pps;
sps_subset_t* sps_subset = h->sps_subset;
memcpy(h->pps, h->pps_table[sh->pic_parameter_set_id], sizeof(pps_t));
memcpy(sps_subset, h->sps_subset_table[pps->seq_parameter_set_id], sizeof(sps_subset_t));
//memcpy(h->sps_subset->sps, h->sps_subset_table[pps->seq_parameter_set_id]->sps, sizeof(sps_t));
//memcpy(h->sps_subset->sps_svc_ext, h->sps_subset_table[pps->seq_parameter_set_id]->sps_svc_ext, sizeof(sps_svc_ext_t));
if (sps_subset->sps->residual_colour_transform_flag)
value( sh->colour_plane_id, u(2) );
value( sh->frame_num, u(sps_subset->sps->log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4 ) ); // was u(v)
if( !sps_subset->sps->frame_mbs_only_flag )
value( sh->field_pic_flag, u1 );
if( sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->bottom_field_flag, u1 );
if( nal->nal_unit_type == 5 )
value( sh->idr_pic_id, ue );
if( sps_subset->sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 0 )
value( sh->pic_order_cnt_lsb, u(sps_subset->sps->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4 ) ); // was u(v)
if( pps->pic_order_present_flag && !sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom, se );
if( sps_subset->sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 1 && !sps_subset->sps->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt[ 0 ], se );
if( pps->pic_order_present_flag && !sh->field_pic_flag )
value( sh->delta_pic_order_cnt[ 1 ], se );
if( pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag )
value( sh->redundant_pic_cnt, ue );
if( nal->nal_svc_ext->quality_id == 0)
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EB ) )
value( sh->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag, u1 );
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EP ) ||
is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EB ) )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag, u1 );
if( sh->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, ue ); // FIXME does this modify the pps?
if( is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EB ) )
value( sh->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1, ue );
structure(ref_pic_list_reordering)(h, b);
if( ( pps->weighted_pred_flag && is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EP ) ) ||
( pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1 && is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EB ) ) )
//svc specific
if( !nal->nal_svc_ext->no_inter_layer_pred_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->base_pred_weight_table_flag, u1 );
if( nal->nal_svc_ext->no_inter_layer_pred_flag || !sh_svc_ext->base_pred_weight_table_flag )
structure(pred_weight_table)(h, b);
if( nal->nal_ref_idc != 0 )
structure(dec_ref_pic_marking)(h, b);
//svc specific
if( !sps_subset->sps_svc_ext->slice_header_restriction_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->store_ref_base_pic_flag, u1 );
if( ( nal->nal_svc_ext->use_ref_base_pic_flag || sh_svc_ext->store_ref_base_pic_flag ) &&
( nal->nal_unit_type != 5 ) )
structure(dec_ref_base_pic_marking)(h, b);
if( pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag && ! is_slice_type( sh->slice_type, SH_SLICE_TYPE_EI ) )
value( sh->cabac_init_idc, ue );
value( sh->slice_qp_delta, se );
if( pps->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag )
value( sh->disable_deblocking_filter_idc, ue );
if( sh->disable_deblocking_filter_idc != 1 )
value( sh->slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2, se );
value( sh->slice_beta_offset_div2, se );
if( pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0 &&
pps->slice_group_map_type >= 3 && pps->slice_group_map_type <= 5)
int v = intlog2( pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1 + pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1 );
value( sh->slice_group_change_cycle, u(v) ); // FIXME add 2?
//svc specific
if( !nal->nal_svc_ext->no_inter_layer_pred_flag && nal->nal_svc_ext->quality_id == 0 )
value( sh_svc_ext->ref_layer_dq_id, ue );
if( sps_subset->sps_svc_ext->inter_layer_deblocking_filter_control_present_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->disable_inter_layer_deblocking_filter_idc, ue );
if( sh_svc_ext->disable_inter_layer_deblocking_filter_idc != 1 )
value( sh_svc_ext->inter_layer_slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2, se );
value( sh_svc_ext->inter_layer_slice_beta_offset_div2, se );
value( sh_svc_ext->constrained_intra_resampling_flag, u1 );
if( sps_subset->sps_svc_ext->extended_spatial_scalability_idc == 2 )
if( sps_subset->sps->chroma_format_idc > 0 )
value( sh_svc_ext->ref_layer_chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag, u1 );
value( sh_svc_ext->ref_layer_chroma_phase_y_plus1, u(2) );
value( sh_svc_ext->scaled_ref_layer_left_offset, se );
value( sh_svc_ext->scaled_ref_layer_top_offset, se );
value( sh_svc_ext->scaled_ref_layer_right_offset, se );
value( sh_svc_ext->scaled_ref_layer_bottom_offset, se );
if( !nal->nal_svc_ext->no_inter_layer_pred_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->slice_skip_flag, u1 );
if( sh_svc_ext->slice_skip_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->num_mbs_in_slice_minus1, ue );
value( sh_svc_ext->adaptive_base_mode_flag, u1 );
if( !sh_svc_ext->adaptive_base_mode_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->default_base_mode_flag, u1 );
if( !sh_svc_ext->default_base_mode_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->adaptive_motion_prediction_flag, u1 );
if( !sh_svc_ext->adaptive_motion_prediction_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->default_motion_prediction_flag, u1 );
value( sh_svc_ext->adaptive_residual_prediction_flag, u1 );
if( !sh_svc_ext->adaptive_residual_prediction_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->default_residual_prediction_flag, u1 );
if( sps_subset->sps_svc_ext->adaptive_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->tcoeff_level_prediction_flag, u1 );
if( !sps_subset->sps_svc_ext->slice_header_restriction_flag && !sh_svc_ext->slice_skip_flag )
value( sh_svc_ext->scan_idx_start, u(4) );
value( sh_svc_ext->scan_idx_end, u(4) );
//G. Decoded reference base picture marking syntax
void structure(dec_ref_base_pic_marking)(nal_t* nal, bs_t* b)
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->adaptive_ref_base_pic_marking_mode_flag, u1 );
if( nal->prefix_nal_svc->adaptive_ref_base_pic_marking_mode_flag )
do {
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->memory_management_base_control_operation, ue);
if( nal->prefix_nal_svc->memory_management_base_control_operation == 1 )
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->difference_of_base_pic_nums_minus1, ue);
if( nal->prefix_nal_svc->memory_management_base_control_operation == 2 )
value( nal->prefix_nal_svc->long_term_base_pic_num, ue);
} while( nal->prefix_nal_svc->memory_management_base_control_operation != 0 );
