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小狮子beta 提交于 2019-08-18 09:09 . init
package golang
import (
healthpb "github.com/grpc/grpc-go/health/grpc_health_v1"
// coreProtocolVersion is the protocol version of the plugin system itself.
const coreProtocolVersion = 1
// ProtocolVersion currently in use by Gaia
const ProtocolVersion = 2
// ProtocolType is the type used to communicate.
const ProtocolType = "grpc"
// List domain (usually localhost)
const listenIP = "localhost:"
// env variable key names for TLS cert path
const serverCertEnv = "GAIA_PLUGIN_CERT"
const serverKeyEnv = "GAIA_PLUGIN_KEY"
const rootCACertEnv = "GAIA_PLUGIN_CA_CERT"
var (
// ErrorJobNotFound is returned when a given job id was not found
// locally.
ErrorJobNotFound = errors.New("job not found in plugin")
// ErrorExitPipeline is used to safely exit the pipeline (actually not an error).
// Prevents the pipeline to be marked as 'failed'.
ErrorExitPipeline = errors.New("pipeline exit requested by job")
// ErrorDuplicateJob is returned when two jobs have the same title which is restricted.
ErrorDuplicateJob = errors.New("duplicate job found (two jobs with same title)")
// errCertNotAppended is thrown when the root CA cert cannot be appended to the pool.
errCertNotAppended = errors.New("cannot append root CA cert to cert pool")
// CachedJobs holds a list of JobsWrapper for later processing
var cachedJobs []jobsWrapper
// GRPCServer is the plugin gRPC implementation.
type GRPCServer struct{}
// GetJobs streams all given jobs back.
func (GRPCServer) GetJobs(empty *proto.Empty, stream proto.Plugin_GetJobsServer) error {
for _, job := range cachedJobs {
err := stream.Send(&job.job)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ExecuteJob receives a job and executes it.
// Returns a JobResult object which gives information about job execution.
func (GRPCServer) ExecuteJob(ctx context.Context, j *proto.Job) (*proto.JobResult, error) {
job := getJob((*j).UniqueId)
if job == nil {
return nil, ErrorJobNotFound
// transform arguments
args := Arguments{}
for _, arg := range j.GetArgs() {
a := Argument{
Key: arg.Key,
Value: arg.Value,
args = append(args, a)
// Execute Job
err := job.funcPointer(args)
// Generate result object only when we got an error
r := &proto.JobResult{}
if err != nil {
// Check if job wants to force exit pipeline.
// We will exit the pipeline but not mark as 'failed'.
if err != ErrorExitPipeline {
// We got an error. Pipeline is now marked as 'failed'.
r.Failed = true
// Set log message and job id
r.ExitPipeline = true
r.Message = err.Error()
r.UniqueId = job.job.UniqueId
return r, nil
// Serve initiates the gRPC Server and listens.
// This method should be last called in the plugin main function.
func Serve(j Jobs) error {
// Cache the jobs list for later processing.
// We first have to translate given jobs to different structure.
cachedJobs = []jobsWrapper{}
for _, job := range j {
// Manual interaction
var ma proto.ManualInteraction
if job.Interaction != nil {
ma = proto.ManualInteraction{
Description: job.Interaction.Description,
Type: job.Interaction.Type.String(),
Value: job.Interaction.Value,
// Arguments
args := []*proto.Argument{}
if job.Args != nil {
for _, arg := range job.Args {
a := &proto.Argument{
Description: arg.Description,
Type: arg.Type.String(),
Key: arg.Key,
Value: arg.Value,
args = append(args, a)
// Create proto jobs object
p := proto.Job{
UniqueId: hash(job.Title),
Title: job.Title,
Description: job.Description,
Args: args,
Interaction: &ma,
// Resolve dependencies
if job.DependsOn != nil {
p.Dependson = []uint32{}
for _, depJob := range job.DependsOn {
var foundDep bool
for _, currJob := range j {
if strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(currJob.Title), strings.ToLower(depJob)) == 0 {
p.Dependson = append(p.Dependson, hash(currJob.Title))
foundDep = true
if !foundDep {
return errors.Errorf("job '%s' has dependency '%s' which is not declared", job.Title, depJob)
// Create jobs wrapper object
w := jobsWrapper{
funcPointer: job.Handler,
job: p,
cachedJobs = append(cachedJobs, w)
// Check if two jobs have the same title which is restricted
for x, job := range cachedJobs {
for y, innerJob := range cachedJobs {
if x != y && job.job.UniqueId == innerJob.job.UniqueId {
return ErrorDuplicateJob
// Get certificates path from environment variables
certPath := os.Getenv(serverCertEnv)
keyPath := os.Getenv(serverKeyEnv)
caCertPath := os.Getenv(rootCACertEnv)
// Check if all certs are available
if _, err := os.Stat(certPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot find path to certificate")
if _, err := os.Stat(keyPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot find path to key")
if _, err := os.Stat(caCertPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot find path to root CA certificate")
// implement health service
health := health.NewServer()
health.SetServingStatus("plugin", healthpb.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING)
// Generate TLS config
tlsConfig, err := generateTLSConfig(certPath, keyPath, caCertPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create TLS config")
// Create new gRPC server and register services
s := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig)))
proto.RegisterPluginServer(s, &GRPCServer{})
healthpb.RegisterHealthServer(s, health)
// Register reflection service on gRPC server
// Create TCP Server
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", listenIP)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot start tcp server")
// Output the address and service name to stdout.
// hashicorp go-plugin will use that to establish connection.
// Listen
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot start grpc server")
return nil
// hash hashes the given string.
func hash(s string) uint32 {
h := fnv.New32a()
return h.Sum32()
