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AlbertZhao / NET_ProduceTool

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提示: 由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件


This producetool is used for four items:

  1. git extensions
  2. produce(work item-->pull request-->review-->checkin)
  3. simple web crawler
  4. azure analysis
  5. baget extensions
  6. tool cp

Getting started

  1. Click Code-Download ZIP or Open cmd.exe and run commands:
git clone https://github.com/AlbertZhaohongyong/producetool.git
  1. Open ProduceTools-Albert.sln by visual studio2019/2022.Rebuild solution(If some nuget is missing, you must restore nuget package).Tools-Nuget Package Manager-Package Manager Console
msbuild -t:restore
  1. If you run Albert.sln successfully, you need to enter the bin\Debug\net5.0 folder of the project.Then, you must set the environment variables like this:
environment variables Path E:\Gitee\producetool\ProduceTools\bin\Debug\net5.0
  1. Run cmd.exe to perform some supported operations like:
albert help
albert git "submit your comments"
albert crawl
albert produce(Not support currently)
albert azure(Not support currently)
albert baget
albert tool cp -s SourcePath -t DestinationPath
albert tool cptxt
albert tool md
  1. Others config:you need to modify bin\Debug\net5.0\Configs\ProduceTool.json
  2. Use exceptionless to record logs, you must modify bin\Debug\net5.0\Configs\ProduceTool.json SerilogConfig-Except of your api key.
"SerilogConfig": {
    "ExceptionlessClientDefaultStartUpKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"

Git Extensions

Inputing albert git info is equivalent to execute combined command.

1.cd ..
2.git add .
3.git commit -m info
4.git push


  • Get the DLL name from WorkItem
  • Use Tool to Analyze the source path of dll.
  • Start windows terminal
  • cd source path
  • cd ..
  • dir-->Check if there is a folder with dotNetcore Version
  • cd source path(If there is no existence, enter the source code directory)
  • produce netcore
  • msbuild -t:restore-->NoError-->bcc-->NoError-->update DotNetCoreMigration/DotNetCoreMigrationAlignment.md
  • root-->git status-->git add .-->git commit -m "Produce xxx.dll"-->git push
  • Go to PR, Create a pull request.
  • Wait for review & Focus
  • Solve some question and comments
  • Update OneNote state
  • Update Tool state
  • Done

Simple web crawler

Inputing albert -crawl can crawl all information of the website configured by Producetool.json(PersonalCrawlingSite)

Baget Extensions

  1. First you need modify ProduceTool.json-BagetRule:NugetWebUrl, the NugetWebUrl is your webservice address. And modify ProduceTool.json-BagetRule:NugetKey in your remote services.
  2. Second-Run cmd.exe to perform some supported operations like:
baget list:list all NugetPackage from remote service.
baget del -n PackageName -v PackageVersion:delete the NugetPackage from remote service.
baget push "Your local *.nupkg path":push all NugetPackage in local directory to remote service.

Tool Extensions

albert tool cp -s SourcePath -t DestinationPath :Copy SourceDir to DestinationDir
albert tool cptxt :Copy SourceDir to DestinationDir from Configs/ListCopyPath
albert tool md :Automatically generates a markdown file to record the packages used by the project (config file:Configs/ProjectDir)  



Other Instructions

    Exceptionless Readme

Exceptionless provides real-time error reporting for your apps. It organizes the gathered information into simple actionable data that will help your app become exceptionless!

Learn more at http://exceptionless.io.

    How to get an api key

The Exceptionless client requires an api key to use the Exceptionless service. You can get your Exceptionless api key by logging into http://exceptionless.io and viewing your project configuration page.

General Data Protection Regulation

By default the Exceptionless Client will report all available metadata including potential PII data. You can fine tune the collection of information via Data Exclusions or turning off collection completely.

Please visit the documentation https://exceptionless.com/docs/clients/dotnet/private-information/ for detailed information on how to configure the client to meet your requirements.

  ASP.NET Core Integration

You must import the "Exceptionless" namespace and add the following code to register and configure the ExceptionlessClient inside of the ConfigureServices method:


In order to start gathering unhandled exceptions, you will need to register the Exceptionless middleware in the Configure method like this:


Alternatively, you can also use the different overloads of the AddExceptionless method for different configuration options.

Please visit the documentation https://exceptionless.com/docs/clients/dotnet/sending-events/ for examples on sending events to Exceptionless.

Manually reporting an exception

By default the Exceptionless Client will report all unhandled exceptions. You can also manually send an exception by importing the Exceptionless namespace and calling the following method.


Please note that ASP.NET Core doesn't have a static http context. We recommend registering the http context accessor. Doing so will allow the request and user information to be populated. You can do this by calling the AddHttpContextAccessor while configure services.


  Documentation and Support

Please visit http://exceptionless.io for documentation and support.

MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 AlbertZhao Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


This producetool is used for produce(work item-->pull request-->review-->checkin) 展开 收起






