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sh_cs.h 11.18 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ruki 提交于 2013-07-02 14:09 . ...
#ifndef SH_CS_H
#define SH_CS_H
// cluster split
#include "prefix.h"
typedef scoped_buffer<image_type> images_type;
typedef scoped_buffer<point_type> points_type;
struct sh_cs_class
point_type center;
point_type reserve1;
points_type pts;
rect_type region;
int density;
double reserve2;
typedef sh_cs_class class_type;
typedef scoped_buffer<sh_cs_class> classes_type;
struct comparer
bool operator()(class_type const& lhs, class_type const& rhs) const
return (lhs.density < rhs.density);
inline classes_type sh_cs_kmean_density_centers(image_type const& old_img, int k, int part_n = 50)
if (old_img.is_empty()) return classes_type();
int i, j;
// calculate part_n
points_type pts;
for (int px = 0; px < (int)old_img.width(); ++px)
for (int py = 0; py < (int)old_img.height(); ++py)
if (old_img.at(px, py).is_black()) pts.push_back(point_type(px, py));
double avg_d = 0;
double n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)pts.size(); ++i)
for (j = i; j < (int)pts.size(); ++j)
double d = (pts[i].x() - pts[j].x()) * (pts[i].x() - pts[j].x());
d += (pts[i].y() - pts[j].y()) * (pts[i].y() - pts[j].y());
d = xtl_sqrt(d);
avg_d += d;
avg_d /= n;
part_n = int(avg_d * 0.35);
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "", QObject::tr("%1 %2").arg(avg_d).arg(part_n));
// the image is too small
if (old_img.width() < part_n || old_img.height() < part_n)
part_n = xtl_min(old_img.width(), old_img.height()) / 2;
// traverse per-column
int pixel_n = part_n * part_n;
int part_n_2 = part_n >> 1;
classes_type densities;
for (int py = -part_n_2; py < (int)old_img.height() - part_n_2; ++py)
// initialize density
int density = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixel_n; ++i)
if ((py + i / part_n) >= 0 && (py + i / part_n) < old_img.height())
if (old_img.at(i % part_n_2, py + i / part_n).is_black()) ++density;
// stats partial histogram
for (int px = -part_n_2; px < (int)old_img.width() - part_n_2; ++px)
if (old_img.at(px + part_n_2 , py + part_n_2).is_black())
class_type tmp;
tmp.center = point_type(px + part_n_2 , py + part_n_2);
tmp.density = density;
tmp.region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
tmp.reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
// update density
for (i = 0; i < part_n; ++i)
if ((py + i) >= 0 && (py + i) < old_img.height())
// remove previous partial column
if (px >= 0) if (old_img.at(px, py + i).is_black()) --density;
// add next partial column
if (px + part_n < old_img.width())
if (old_img.at(px + part_n, py + i).is_black()) ++density;
int sort_n = xtl_max((int)(densities.size() * 0.1), k);
heap_sort_top_n(densities.begin(), densities.end(), sort_n, comparer());
//QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "", QObject::tr("%1 %2").arg(sort_n).arg(densities.size()));
//densities.erase(densities.begin() + sort_n, densities.end());
/*classes_type cls;
while ((int)cls.size() < k)
double max_d = 0;
classes_type::iterator p;
classes_type::iterator max_p = densities.begin();
for (p = densities.begin(); p != densities.end(); ++p)
double avg_d = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
double d = ((*p).center.x() - cls[i].center.x()) * ((*p).center.x() - cls[i].center.x());
d += ((*p).center.y() - cls[i].center. y()) * ((*p).center.y() - cls[i].center.y());
d = xtl_sqrt(d);
avg_d += d;
avg_d /= cls.size();
if (avg_d > max_d)
max_d = avg_d;
max_p = p;
classes_type cls;
for (i = 0; k != 0 && i < (int)densities.size(); ++i, --k)
class_type c;
c.center = densities[rand() % densities.size()].center;
c.region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
c.reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
/*classes_type cls;
for (p = densities.begin(); k != 0 && p != densities.end(); ++p, --k)
class_type c;
c.center = (*p).center;
c.region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
c.reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
return cls;
inline classes_type sh_cs_kmean(points_type const& old_pts, int k)
if (old_pts.is_empty()) return classes_type();
int i, j;
// initialize cluster points
classes_type cls(k);
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
cls[i].center = old_pts[rand() % old_pts.size()];
cls[i].region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
cls[i].reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
int n = 0;
double min_ds = -1;
double min_ods = 0;
while (1)
double ds = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)old_pts.size(); ++i)
// find cluster point for the minmum distance between old_pts[i] and it
double min_d = -1;
int min_j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)cls.size(); ++j)
double d = (old_pts[i].x() - cls[j].center.x()) * (old_pts[i].x() - cls[j].center.x());
d += (old_pts[i].y() - cls[j].center.y()) * (old_pts[i].y() - cls[j].center.y());
d = xtl_sqrt(d);
if (min_d == -1 || d < min_d)
min_d = d;
min_j = j;
// rank
// update region
cls[min_j].region.left(xtl_min(old_pts[i].x(), cls[min_j].region.left()));
cls[min_j].region.right(xtl_max(old_pts[i].x(), cls[min_j].region.right()));
cls[min_j].region.top(xtl_min(old_pts[i].y(), cls[min_j].region.top()));
cls[min_j].region.bottom(xtl_max(old_pts[i].y(), cls[min_j].region.bottom()));
// center sum
cls[min_j].reserve1.x(cls[min_j].reserve1.x() + old_pts[i].x());
cls[min_j].reserve1.y(cls[min_j].reserve1.y() + old_pts[i].y());
// the distance sum
ds += min_d;
if (min_ds == -1 || ds < min_ds)
min_ods = min_ds;
min_ds = ds;
// update cluster center
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
if (cls[i].pts.is_empty()) continue;
cls[i].center.x(cls[i].reserve1.x() / cls[i].pts.size());
cls[i].center.y(cls[i].reserve1.y() / cls[i].pts.size());
if (fabs(min_ds - min_ods) > 0.000001)
cls[i].region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
cls[i].reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
else break;
if (++n > 50)
return cls;
inline classes_type sh_cs_fcm(points_type const& old_pts, int k, int m = 3)
if (old_pts.is_empty()) return classes_type();
int i, j;
// initialize cluster points
classes_type cls(k);
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
cls[i].center = old_pts[rand() % old_pts.size()];
cls[i].region = rect_type(0, 0, 0, 0);
cls[i].reserve1 = point_type(0, 0);
// initialize membership function u[i][j]
basic_matrix<double> u(cls.size(), old_pts.size());
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < (int)old_pts.size(); ++j)
u.at(i, j) = 1.0f / (cls.size() * old_pts.size());
int n = 0;
while (1)
// calculate object function min y = ...
// and update membership function u[i][j]
double y = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)old_pts.size(); ++j)
double sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
double p = xtl_pow(u.at(i, j), m);
double d = (old_pts[j].x() - cls[i].center.x()) * (old_pts[j].x() - cls[i].center.x());
d += (old_pts[j].y() - cls[i].center.y()) * (old_pts[j].y() - cls[i].center.y());
y += p * d;
if (d == 0) u.at(i, j) = 1;
else u.at(i, j) = xtl_pow((1.0f / d), 1.0f / (m - 1));
sum += u.at(i, j);
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
u.at(i, j) /= sum;
// update center
for (i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
double top_x = 0, top_y = 0;
double btm = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)old_pts.size(); ++j)
double a = xtl_pow(u.at(i, j), m);
top_x += a * old_pts[j].x();
top_y += a * old_pts[j].y();
btm += a;
cls[i].center.x(int(top_x / btm));
cls[i].center.y(int(top_y / btm));
if (n++ > 50)
for (i = 0; i < (int)old_pts.size(); ++i)
// find cluster point for the minmum distance between old_pts[i] and it
/*double min_d = -1;
int min_j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)cls.size(); ++j)
double d = (old_pts[i].x() - cls[j].center.x()) * (old_pts[i].x() - cls[j].center.x());
d += (old_pts[i].y() - cls[j].center.y()) * (old_pts[i].y() - cls[j].center.y());
d = xtl_sqrt(d);
if (min_d == -1 || d < min_d)
min_d = d;
min_j = j;
// rank
// update region
cls[min_j].region.left(xtl_min(old_pts[i].x(), cls[min_j].region.left()));
cls[min_j].region.right(xtl_max(old_pts[i].x(), cls[min_j].region.right()));
cls[min_j].region.top(xtl_min(old_pts[i].y(), cls[min_j].region.top()));
cls[min_j].region.bottom(xtl_max(old_pts[i].y(), cls[min_j].region.bottom()));*/
double max_u = 0;
int max_j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)cls.size(); ++j)
if (u.at(j, i) > max_u)
max_u = u.at(j, i);
max_j = j;
// rank
// update region
cls[max_j].region.left(xtl_min(old_pts[i].x(), cls[max_j].region.left()));
cls[max_j].region.right(xtl_max(old_pts[i].x(), cls[max_j].region.right()));
cls[max_j].region.top(xtl_min(old_pts[i].y(), cls[max_j].region.top()));
cls[max_j].region.bottom(xtl_max(old_pts[i].y(), cls[max_j].region.bottom()));
return cls;
inline image_type sh_cs_kmean_splited_image(image_type const& old_img)
if (old_img.is_empty()) return old_img;
points_type pts;
for (int px = 0; px < (int)old_img.width(); ++px)
for (int py = 0; py < (int)old_img.height(); ++py)
if (old_img.at(px, py).is_black()) pts.push_back(point_type(px, py));
classes_type cls(sh_cs_kmean(pts, 50));
if (cls.is_empty()) return old_img;
image_type new_img(old_img);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
int r = rand() % 255;
int g = rand() % 255;
int b = rand() % 255;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)cls[i].pts.size(); ++j)
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).red(r);
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).green(g);
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).blue(b);
return new_img;
inline image_type sh_cs_fcm_splited_image(image_type const& old_img)
if (old_img.is_empty()) return old_img;
points_type pts;
for (int px = 0; px < (int)old_img.width(); ++px)
for (int py = 0; py < (int)old_img.height(); ++py)
if (old_img.at(px, py).is_black()) pts.push_back(point_type(px, py));
//classes_type cls(sh_cs_kmean(pts, 50));
classes_type cls(sh_cs_fcm(pts, 50));
if (cls.is_empty()) return old_img;
image_type new_img(old_img);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cls.size(); ++i)
int r = rand() % 255;
int g = rand() % 255;
int b = rand() % 255;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)cls[i].pts.size(); ++j)
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).red(r);
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).green(g);
new_img.at(cls[i].pts[j].x(), cls[i].pts[j].y()).blue(b);
return new_img;
#endif // SH_CS_H
