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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/ngReact/ngReact.git
ngReact.js 10.70 KB
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// # ngReact
// ### Use React Components inside of your Angular applications
// Composed of
// - reactComponent (generic directive for delegating off to React Components)
// - reactDirective (factory for creating specific directives that correspond to reactComponent directives)
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('react'), require('react-dom'), require('angular'));
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define(['react', 'react-dom', 'angular'], function (react, reactDOM, angular) {
return (root.ngReact = factory(react, reactDOM, angular));
} else {
// Global Variables
root.ngReact = factory(root.React, root.ReactDOM, root.angular);
}(this, function ngReact(React, ReactDOM, angular) {
'use strict';
// get a react component from name (components can be an angular injectable e.g. value, factory or
// available on window
function getReactComponent( name, $injector ) {
// if name is a function assume it is component and return it
if (angular.isFunction(name)) {
return name;
// a React component name must be specified
if (!name) {
throw new Error('ReactComponent name attribute must be specified');
// ensure the specified React component is accessible, and fail fast if it's not
var reactComponent;
try {
reactComponent = $injector.get(name);
} catch(e) { }
if (!reactComponent) {
try {
reactComponent = name.split('.').reduce(function(current, namePart) {
return current[namePart];
}, window);
} catch (e) { }
if (!reactComponent) {
throw Error('Cannot find react component ' + name);
return reactComponent;
// wraps a function with scope.$apply, if already applied just return
function applied(fn, scope) {
if (fn.wrappedInApply) {
return fn;
var wrapped = function() {
var args = arguments;
var phase = scope.$root.$$phase;
if (phase === "$apply" || phase === "$digest") {
return fn.apply(null, args);
} else {
return scope.$apply(function() {
return fn.apply( null, args );
wrapped.wrappedInApply = true;
return wrapped;
* wraps functions on obj in scope.$apply
* keeps backwards compatibility, as if propsConfig is not passed, it will
* work as before, wrapping all functions and won't wrap only when specified.
* @version 0.4.1
* @param obj react component props
* @param scope current scope
* @param propsConfig configuration object for all properties
* @returns {Object} props with the functions wrapped in scope.$apply
function applyFunctions(obj, scope, propsConfig) {
return Object.keys(obj || {}).reduce(function(prev, key) {
var value = obj[key];
var config = (propsConfig || {})[key] || {};
* wrap functions in a function that ensures they are scope.$applied
* ensures that when function is called from a React component
* the Angular digest cycle is run
prev[key] = angular.isFunction(value) && config.wrapApply !== false
? applied(value, scope)
: value;
return prev;
}, {});
* @param watchDepth (value of HTML watch-depth attribute)
* @param scope (angular scope)
* Uses the watchDepth attribute to determine how to watch props on scope.
* If watchDepth attribute is NOT reference or collection, watchDepth defaults to deep watching by value
function watchProps (watchDepth, scope, watchExpressions, listener){
var supportsWatchCollection = angular.isFunction(scope.$watchCollection);
var supportsWatchGroup = angular.isFunction(scope.$watchGroup);
var watchGroupExpressions = [];
var actualExpr = getPropExpression(expr);
var exprWatchDepth = getPropWatchDepth(watchDepth, expr);
if (exprWatchDepth === 'collection' && supportsWatchCollection) {
scope.$watchCollection(actualExpr, listener);
} else if (exprWatchDepth === 'reference' && supportsWatchGroup) {
} else {
scope.$watch(actualExpr, listener, (exprWatchDepth !== 'reference'));
if (watchGroupExpressions.length) {
scope.$watchGroup(watchGroupExpressions, listener);
// render React component, with scope[attrs.props] being passed in as the component props
function renderComponent(component, props, scope, elem) {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(component, props), elem[0]);
// get prop name from prop (string or array)
function getPropName(prop) {
return (Array.isArray(prop)) ? prop[0] : prop;
// get prop name from prop (string or array)
function getPropConfig(prop) {
return (Array.isArray(prop)) ? prop[1] : {};
// get prop expression from prop (string or array)
function getPropExpression(prop) {
return (Array.isArray(prop)) ? prop[0] : prop;
// find the normalized attribute knowing that React props accept any type of capitalization
function findAttribute(attrs, propName) {
var index = Object.keys(attrs).filter(function (attr) {
return attr.toLowerCase() === propName.toLowerCase();
return attrs[index];
// get watch depth of prop (string or array)
function getPropWatchDepth(defaultWatch, prop) {
var customWatchDepth = (
Array.isArray(prop) &&
angular.isObject(prop[1]) &&
return customWatchDepth || defaultWatch;
// # reactComponent
// Directive that allows React components to be used in Angular templates.
// Usage:
// <react-component name="Hello" props="name"/>
// This requires that there exists an injectable or globally available 'Hello' React component.
// The 'props' attribute is optional and is passed to the component.
// The following would would create and register the component:
// var module = angular.module('ace.react.components');
// module.value('Hello', React.createClass({
// render: function() {
// return <div>Hello {this.props.name}</div>;
// }
// }));
var reactComponent = function($injector) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var reactComponent = getReactComponent(attrs.name, $injector);
var renderMyComponent = function() {
var scopeProps = scope.$eval(attrs.props);
var props = applyFunctions(scopeProps, scope);
renderComponent(reactComponent, props, scope, elem);
// If there are props, re-render when they change
attrs.props ?
watchProps(attrs.watchDepth, scope, [attrs.props], renderMyComponent) :
// cleanup when scope is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (!attrs.onScopeDestroy) {
} else {
scope.$eval(attrs.onScopeDestroy, {
unmountComponent: ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode.bind(this, elem[0])
// # reactDirective
// Factory function to create directives for React components.
// With a component like this:
// var module = angular.module('ace.react.components');
// module.value('Hello', React.createClass({
// render: function() {
// return <div>Hello {this.props.name}</div>;
// }
// }));
// A directive can be created and registered with:
// module.directive('hello', function(reactDirective) {
// return reactDirective('Hello', ['name']);
// });
// Where the first argument is the injectable or globally accessible name of the React component
// and the second argument is an array of property names to be watched and passed to the React component
// as props.
// This directive can then be used like this:
// <hello name="name"/>
var reactDirective = function($injector) {
return function(reactComponentName, staticProps, conf, injectableProps) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var reactComponent = getReactComponent(reactComponentName, $injector);
// if props is not defined, fall back to use the React component's propTypes if present
var props = staticProps || Object.keys(reactComponent.propTypes || {});
if (!props.length) {
var ngAttrNames = [];
angular.forEach(attrs.$attr, function (value, key) {
props = ngAttrNames;
// for each of the properties, get their scope value and set it to scope.props
var renderMyComponent = function() {
var scopeProps = {}, config = {};
props.forEach(function(prop) {
var propName = getPropName(prop);
scopeProps[propName] = scope.$eval(findAttribute(attrs, propName));
config[propName] = getPropConfig(prop);
scopeProps = applyFunctions(scopeProps, scope, config);
scopeProps = angular.extend({}, scopeProps, injectableProps);
renderComponent(reactComponent, scopeProps, scope, elem);
// watch each property name and trigger an update whenever something changes,
// to update scope.props with new values
var propExpressions = props.map(function(prop){
return (Array.isArray(prop)) ?
[attrs[getPropName(prop)], getPropConfig(prop)] :
watchProps(attrs.watchDepth, scope, propExpressions, renderMyComponent);
// cleanup when scope is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (!attrs.onScopeDestroy) {
} else {
scope.$eval(attrs.onScopeDestroy, {
unmountComponent: ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode.bind(this, elem[0])
return angular.extend(directive, conf);
// create the end module without any dependencies, including reactComponent and reactDirective
return angular.module('react', [])
.directive('reactComponent', ['$injector', reactComponent])
.factory('reactDirective', ['$injector', reactDirective]);
