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Gitee 极速下载 / atop

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/Atoptool/atop
cgroups.c 41.11 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
** ATOP - System & Process Monitor
** The program 'atop' offers the possibility to view the activity of
** the system on system-level as well as process-/thread-level.
** This source-file contains functions to read and handle cgroup metrics.
** ==========================================================================
** Author: Gerlof Langeveld
** E-mail: gerlof.langeveld@atoptool.nl
** Initial date: January 2024
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Copyright (C) 2024 Gerlof Langeveld
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include "atop.h"
#include "cgroups.h"
#include "photosyst.h"
#include "photoproc.h"
#include "showgeneric.h"
static void cgcalcdeviate(void);
static void cgrewind(struct cgchainer **);
static struct cgchainer *cgnext(struct cgchainer **, struct cgchainer **);
static void cgwipe(struct cgchainer **, struct cgchainer **,
struct cgchainer **, struct cgchainer **);
static unsigned long walkcgroup(char *, struct cgchainer *, int, long, int, int);
static void getconfig(struct cstat *, struct cstat *);
static int readconfigval(char *, count_t []);
static void getmetrics(struct cstat *);
static void getpressure(char *, count_t *, count_t *);
static long hashcalc(char *, long, int);
static void hashadd(struct cgchainer *[], struct cgchainer *);
static struct cgchainer *hashfind(struct cgchainer *[], long);
static int cgroupfilter(struct cstat *, int, char);
#define CGROUPROOT "/sys/fs/cgroup"
#define CGROUPNHASH 128 // power of 2
// cgroup administration
// =====================
// three types of cgroup collections are maintained:
// - current linked list
// -------------------
// this administration consists of a chain of cgchainer structs
// that each refer to a cstat struct containing the cgroup metrics
// this chain is built while gathering the current information by the
// walkcgroup() function
// this function mallocs one cgchainer struct and one cstat struct
// - previous linked list
// --------------------
// this administration consists of a chain of cgchainer structs
// that each refer to a cstat struct containing the previous cgroup metrics
// before building a new current chain, the current chain will be
// saved as the previous chain
// - deviation array
// ---------------
// this administration consists of an array(!) of cgchainer structs in which
// the cgchainer struct are still chained to the next element in the array
// current cgroup admi
static struct cgchainer *cgcurfirst, // first in linked list
*cgcurlast, // last in linked list
static unsigned int cgcursize; // total size of all cstat structs
static unsigned int cgcurnum; // number of cstat structs
static unsigned int cgcurprocs; // number of processes in current list
static int cgcursequence; // maintain sequence number to be
// assigned to every cgchainer struct
// later on this value can be used
// as index in the deviation array
// previous cgroup admi
static struct cgchainer *cgprefirst, // first in linked list
*cgprelast, // last in linked list
// deviation cgroup admi
static struct cgchainer *cgdevfirst, // pointer to array (!)
// Check if cgroup v2 is supported on this machine
// Return value: 1 - yes
// 0 - no
FILE *fp;
char line[128];
// check if this kernel offers cgroups version 2
if ( (fp = fopen("/proc/1/cgroup", "r")) )
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
if (memcmp(line, "0::", 3) == 0) // equal?
supportflags |= CGROUPV2;
return (supportflags&CGROUPV2) > 0;
// Gather all metrics from the entire cgroup tree,
// creating a chain of cgchainer structs
char origdir[4096];
// wipe previous cgroup chain (not needed any more)
cgwipe(&cgprefirst, &cgprelast, &cgprecursor, cgprehash);
// move current cgroup chain to previous cgroup chain
cgprefirst = cgcurfirst;
cgprelast = cgcurlast;
cgcurfirst = cgcurlast = cgcurcursor = NULL;
// wipe deviation cgroup memory
// - wipe all contiguous cstat structs (start address in first cgchainer)
// - wipe pidlist (start address in first cgchainer)
// - wipe all contiguous cgchainer structs
if (cgdevfirst)
// save current directory and move to top directory
// of cgroup fs
if ( getcwd(origdir, sizeof origdir) == NULL)
mcleanstop(53, "failed to save current dir\n");
if ( chdir(CGROUPROOT) == -1)
mcleanstop(54, "failed to change to " CGROUPROOT "\n");
// read all subdirectory names below the cgroup top directory
cgcursequence = 0;
cgcursize = 0;
cgcurnum = 0;
cgcurprocs = 0;
walkcgroup(".", NULL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
// return to original directory
if ( chdir(origdir) == -1)
mcleanstop(55, "cannot change to %s\n", origdir);
// Gather statistics from one cgroup directory level
// and walk the directory tree further downwards by nested calls.
// Every call to this function will add one struct to the current
// cgroup chain.
// Return value: number of processes in this dir and the dirs underneath
// -1 = fail
static unsigned long
walkcgroup(char *dirname, struct cgchainer *cparent, int parentseq,
long upperhash, int upperlen, int depth)
FILE *fp;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *entp;
int namelen = strlen(dirname);
int cstatlen, i;
unsigned long procsbelow=0, proccnt=0, hash;
struct cgchainer *ccp;
// change to new directory
if ( chdir(dirname) == -1)
return -1;
// --------------------------------------------
// gather statistics for this cgroup directory
// --------------------------------------------
// - create new cgchainer struct
ccp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cgchainer));
ptrverify(ccp, "Malloc failed for current cgchainer\n");
// - add cgchainer to current chain
if (cgcurfirst)
cgcurlast->next = ccp;
cgcurlast = ccp;
cgcurfirst = ccp;
cgcurlast = ccp;
// - create corresponding cstat struct
// with a rounded length to avoid unaligned structs later on
cstatlen = sizeof(struct cstat) + namelen + 1;
if (cstatlen & 0x7) // length is not 64-bit multiple?
cstatlen = ((cstatlen >> 3) + 1) << 3; // round up to 64-bit
ccp->cstat = calloc(1, cstatlen);
ptrverify(ccp->cstat, "Malloc failed for cstat of %d bytes\n", cstatlen);
cgcursize += cstatlen;
// - determine number of processes in this cgroup directory
if ( (fp = fopen("cgroup.procs", "r")) )
char line[64];
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
// - create corresponding pid list to cgchainer
// and fill it with the PIDs
if (proccnt)
ccp->proclist = malloc(sizeof(pid_t) * proccnt);
"Malloc failed for proclist (%d pids)\n", proccnt);
ccp->proclist = NULL;
i = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen("cgroup.procs", "r")) )
char line[64];
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
*(ccp->proclist+i) = strtol(line, NULL, 10);
if (++i >= proccnt)
proccnt = i; // number of processes might have shrunk
cgcurprocs += proccnt;
// - fill basic info in current cgchainer
strcpy(ccp->cstat->cgname, dirname); // copy directory name
if (*dirname == '.') // top directory?
ccp->cstat->cgname[0] = '\0'; // wipe name
namelen = 0;
hash = hashcalc(ccp->cstat->cgname, upperhash, upperlen);
ccp->cstat->gen.structlen = cstatlen;
ccp->cstat->gen.sequence = cgcursequence++; // assign unique sequence number
ccp->cstat->gen.parentseq = parentseq;
ccp->cstat->gen.depth = depth;
ccp->cstat->gen.nprocs = proccnt;
ccp->cstat->gen.namelen = namelen;
ccp->cstat->gen.fullnamelen = upperlen + namelen; // excluding slashes
ccp->cstat->gen.namehash = hash;
// - gather and store current cgroup configuration
getconfig(ccp->cstat, cparent ? cparent->cstat : NULL);
// - gather and store current cgroup metrics
// --------------------------------------------
// walk subdirectories by nested calls
// --------------------------------------------
dirp = opendir(".");
while ( (entp = readdir(dirp)) )
// skip dot files/directories
if (entp->d_name[0] == '.')
// check if this entry represents a subdirectory
// to be walked as well
if (entp->d_type == DT_DIR)
procsbelow += walkcgroup(entp->d_name,
ccp, ccp->cstat->gen.sequence,
hash, upperlen+namelen, depth+1);
ccp->cstat->gen.procsbelow = procsbelow;
return procsbelow + proccnt;
// Gather configuration values for one specific cgroup
// value -2: undefined
// value -1: maximum
static void
getconfig(struct cstat *csp, struct cstat *csparent)
count_t retvals[2];
// get cpu.weight
csp->conf.cpuweight = -2; // initial value (undefined)
switch (readconfigval("cpu.weight", retvals))
case 1:
csp->conf.cpuweight = retvals[0];
// get cpu.max limitation
csp->conf.cpumax = -2; // initial value (undefined)
switch (readconfigval("cpu.max", retvals))
case 2:
if (retvals[0] == -1)
csp->conf.cpumax = -1; // max
csp->conf.cpumax = retvals[0] * 100 / retvals[1];
// get io.bpf.weight
csp->conf.dskweight = -2; // initial value (undefined)
switch (readconfigval("io.bfq.weight", retvals))
case 2:
csp->conf.dskweight = retvals[1];
// get memory.max limitation
csp->conf.memmax = -2; // initial value (undefined)
switch (readconfigval("memory.max", retvals))
case 1:
if (retvals[0] == -1)
csp->conf.memmax = -1; // max
csp->conf.memmax = retvals[0] / pagesize;
// get memory.swap.max limitation
csp->conf.swpmax = -2; // initial value (undefined)
switch (readconfigval("memory.swap.max", retvals))
case 1:
if (retvals[0] == -1)
csp->conf.swpmax = -1; // max
csp->conf.swpmax = retvals[0] / pagesize;
// read line with one or two values and
// fill one or (maximum) two values
// in retvals (value 'max' converted into -1)
// return value: number of entries in retvals filled
static int
readconfigval(char *fname, count_t retvals[])
char line[64];
int n;
FILE *fp;
if ( (fp = fopen(fname, "r")) )
char firststr[16];
if (!fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
return 0;
switch (n = sscanf(line, "%15s %llu", firststr, &retvals[1]))
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
case 2:
if ( strcmp(firststr, "max") == 0)
retvals[0] = -1;
retvals[0] = atol(firststr);
return n;
return 0;
return 0;
// Gather metrics for one specific cgroup
static void
getmetrics(struct cstat *csp)
FILE *fp;
char line[256];
int cnt;
// gather CPU metrics
csp->cpu.utime = -1; // undefined
csp->cpu.stime = -1; // undefined
cnt = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen("cpu.stat", "r")) )
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) && cnt < 2)
if (memcmp(line, "user_usec ", 10) == 0)
sscanf(line, "user_usec %lld", &(csp->cpu.utime));
if (memcmp(line, "system_usec ", 12) == 0)
sscanf(line, "system_usec %lld", &(csp->cpu.stime));
getpressure("cpu.pressure", &(csp->cpu.somepres), &(csp->cpu.fullpres));
// gather memory metrics
csp->mem.current = -1; // undefined
csp->mem.anon = -1; // undefined
csp->mem.file = -1; // undefined
csp->mem.kernel = -1; // undefined
csp->mem.shmem = -1; // undefined
cnt = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen("memory.current", "r")) )
if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL)
csp->mem.current = strtoll(line, NULL, 10) / pagesize;
if ( (fp = fopen("memory.stat", "r")) )
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) && cnt < 4)
if (memcmp(line, "anon ", 5) == 0)
sscanf(line, "anon %lld", &(csp->mem.anon));
csp->mem.anon /= pagesize;
if (memcmp(line, "file ", 5) == 0)
sscanf(line, "file %lld", &(csp->mem.file));
csp->mem.file /= pagesize;
if (memcmp(line, "kernel ", 7) == 0)
sscanf(line, "kernel %lld", &(csp->mem.kernel));
csp->mem.kernel /= pagesize;
if (memcmp(line, "shmem ", 6) == 0)
sscanf(line, "shmem %lld", &(csp->mem.shmem));
csp->mem.shmem /= pagesize;
getpressure("memory.pressure", &(csp->mem.somepres), &(csp->mem.fullpres));
// gather disk I/O metrics
// 253:2 rbytes=2544128 wbytes=2192896 rios=313 wios=22 dbytes=0 dios=0
// 253:1 rbytes=143278080 wbytes=3843604480 rios=34222 wios=853554 ...
// 253:0 rbytes=19492288000 wbytes=105266814976 rios=386493 wios=1691322
// 11:0
// 8:0 rbytes=328956266496 wbytes=109243312640 rios=764129 wios=1415575
csp->dsk.rbytes = 0;
csp->dsk.wbytes = 0;
csp->dsk.rios = 0;
csp->dsk.wios = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen("io.stat", "r")) )
int major, minor;
count_t rbytes, wbytes, rios, wios;
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
if (sscanf(line,
"%d:%d rbytes=%lld wbytes=%lld rios=%lld wios=%lld",
&major, &minor,
&rbytes, &wbytes, &rios, &wios) == 6)
if (isdisk_major(major) == DSKTYPE)
csp->dsk.rbytes += rbytes;
csp->dsk.wbytes += wbytes;
csp->dsk.rios += rios;
csp->dsk.wios += wios;
csp->dsk.rbytes = -1; // undefined
csp->dsk.wbytes = -1; // undefined
csp->dsk.rios = -1; // undefined
csp->dsk.wios = -1; // undefined
getpressure("io.pressure", &(csp->dsk.somepres), &(csp->dsk.fullpres));
// Get total pressure values from file with a format similar to:
// some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=9660682563
// full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=9376892229
static void
getpressure(char *fname, count_t *some, count_t *full)
char psiformat[] = "%c%*s avg10=%f avg60=%f avg300=%f total=%llu",
linebuf[256], psitype;
float a10, a60, a300;
FILE *fp;
*some = -1; // initially undefined
*full = -1; // initially undefined
if ( (fp = fopen(fname, "r")) != NULL)
// handle first line: 'some' pressure
if ( fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp) != NULL)
sscanf(linebuf, psiformat,
&psitype, &a10, &a60, &a300, some);
// handle second line: 'full' pressure
if ( fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp) != NULL)
sscanf(linebuf, psiformat,
&psitype, &a10, &a60, &a300, full);
// Calculate deviations between current cgroup chain and
// previous cgroup chain.
// Notice that the deviation chain structure is identical to
// the current chain structure, so they can be walked alongside.
// Also the deviation cstat struct is already a copy of the current
// cstat structure.
static void
struct cgchainer *dp, *pp;
int insync = 1, prevfound;
// walk thru the deviation chain and calculate the differences
// with the previous chain
// when no cgroups have been added or removed since the
// previous sample, we might assume that the previous chain
// has the same order of elements as the deviation chain (insync)
// when cgroups have been added or removed since the
// previous sample (!insync), we build a hash list for the
// previous chain to find the correct entry based on the hashed name
while ( (dp = cgnext(&cgdevfirst, &cgdevcursor)) )
// find previous cgroup struct
prevfound = 0;
if (insync)
// assume unchanged cgroup chain: take next from previous chain
pp = cgnext(&cgprefirst, &cgprecursor);
if (pp && dp->cstat->gen.namehash == pp->cstat->gen.namehash)
prevfound = 1;
insync = 0;
// build hash list for previous chain to find names
// based on hashed name for the rest of this loop
while ( (pp = cgnext(&cgprefirst, &cgprecursor)) )
hashadd(cgprehash, pp);
if (!insync)
// modified cgroup chain: search previous by name hash
if ( (pp = hashfind(cgprehash, dp->cstat->gen.namehash)) )
prevfound = 1;
// calculate deviations related to previous sample
if (prevfound)
if (dp->cstat->cpu.utime != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->cpu.utime -= pp->cstat->cpu.utime;
if (dp->cstat->cpu.stime != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->cpu.stime -= pp->cstat->cpu.stime;
if (dp->cstat->cpu.somepres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->cpu.somepres -= pp->cstat->cpu.somepres;
if (dp->cstat->cpu.fullpres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->cpu.fullpres -= pp->cstat->cpu.fullpres;
if (dp->cstat->mem.somepres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->mem.somepres -= pp->cstat->mem.somepres;
if (dp->cstat->mem.fullpres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->mem.fullpres -= pp->cstat->mem.fullpres;
if (dp->cstat->dsk.rbytes != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->dsk.rbytes -= pp->cstat->dsk.rbytes;
dp->cstat->dsk.wbytes -= pp->cstat->dsk.wbytes;
dp->cstat->dsk.rios -= pp->cstat->dsk.rios;
dp->cstat->dsk.wios -= pp->cstat->dsk.wios;
if (dp->cstat->dsk.somepres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->dsk.somepres -= pp->cstat->dsk.somepres;
if (dp->cstat->dsk.fullpres != -1) // defined?
dp->cstat->dsk.fullpres -= pp->cstat->dsk.fullpres;
// Rewind cglist
static void
cgrewind(struct cgchainer **cursor)
*cursor = NULL;
// Get next cgchainer from current cglist
static struct cgchainer *
cgnext(struct cgchainer **first, struct cgchainer **cursor)
if (! *cursor)
*cursor = *first;
*cursor = (*cursor)->next;
if (*cursor)
return *cursor;
return NULL;
// Wipe current cgroup chain
cgwipe(&cgcurfirst, &cgcurlast, &cgcurcursor, NULL);
// Wipe all struct's from cgroup admi
static void
cgwipe(struct cgchainer **first, struct cgchainer **last,
struct cgchainer **cursor, struct cgchainer **hashlist)
struct cgchainer *cp, *cpn;
if (! *first) // empty already?
// free all chain members
for (cp=*first; cp; cp=cpn)
cpn = cp->next;
if (cp->proclist)
*first = *last = *cursor = NULL;
if (hashlist)
memset(hashlist, 0, sizeof(struct cgchainer *) * CGROUPNHASH);
// Create enough memory to copy all cstat structures from
// the current list to one contiguous area.
// Also create enough memory to copy all pid lists from
// the current list to one contiguous area.
// Next, create and fill an array of cgchainer structs.
// Returns: number of cgchainer structs
deviatcgroup(struct cgchainer **cdpp, int *npids)
struct cgchainer *ccp = cgcurfirst;
char *allc, *allp, *cp, *pp;
// allocate contiguous memory areas for all cstat structs
// and all pid lists
allc = calloc(1, cgcursize);
allp = malloc(sizeof(pid_t) * cgcurprocs);
ptrverify(allc, "Malloc failed for contiguous cstats (%d bytes)\n", cgcursize);
ptrverify(allp, "Malloc failed for contiguous pids (%d pids)\n", cgcurprocs);
// concatenate all current cstat structs and all pid lists
// into the new memory areas
ccp = cgcurfirst;
cp = allc;
pp = allp;
while (ccp)
int cstatlen = ccp->cstat->gen.structlen;
int plistlen = ccp->cstat->gen.nprocs * sizeof(pid_t);
memcpy(cp, ccp->cstat, cstatlen);
cp += cstatlen;
if (ccp->proclist)
memcpy(pp, ccp->proclist, plistlen);
pp += plistlen;
ccp = ccp->next;
// build array of cgchainer structs and a hash list for the
// concatenated cstat structs for the deviation values
cgbuildarray(&cgdevfirst, allc, allp, cgcurnum);
// calculate deviation values
*cdpp = cgdevfirst;
*npids = cgcurprocs;
return cgcurnum;
// Create concatenated array of cgchainer structs referring to
// proper location in the concatenated cstat structs and
// the concatenated pid lists.
cgbuildarray(struct cgchainer **firstp, char *cstats, char *pids, int ncstats)
struct cgchainer *cdp;
int i;
*firstp = malloc(sizeof(struct cgchainer) * ncstats);
ptrverify(firstp, "Malloc failed for contiguous cgchainers (%d)\n", ncstats);
for (cdp=*firstp, i=0; i < ncstats; cdp++, i++)
cdp->next = cdp+1;
cdp->hashnext = NULL;
cdp->proclist = (pid_t *)pids;
pids += sizeof(pid_t) * ((struct cstat *)cstats)->gen.nprocs;
cdp->cstat = (struct cstat *)cstats;
cstats += ((struct cstat *)cstats)->gen.structlen;
cdp = *firstp + ncstats - 1;
cdp->next = NULL; // terminate chain
// Assemble full pathname of cgroup directory (from cgroup top directory)
// from the deviation array.
// For JSON output, double escape characters (backslashes) can be requested
// vi boolean 'escdouble'.
// Returns: malloc'ed string with full path name to be freed later on
#define MAXESCAPES 16
char *
cggetpath(struct cgchainer *cdp, struct cgchainer *cdbase, int escdouble)
// calculate path length including slashes (depth) and terminating 0-byte
// in case of double escapes, add a (hopefully) worst-case number of
// bytes to the malloc'ed buffer to double the backslashes
// in case of the top directory (without a parent), reserve one extra
// byte for the '/' character
int pathlen = cdp->cstat->gen.fullnamelen +
cdp->cstat->gen.depth + 1 +
(cdp->cstat->gen.sequence ? 0 : 1);
char *path = calloc(1, pathlen);
char *ps;
ptrverify(path, "Malloc failed for concatenated cgpath (%d)\n", pathlen);
// not the top directory?
if (cdp->cstat->gen.sequence)
// any other path: place all path components
// including preceding slashes
while (cdp->cstat->gen.parentseq != -1)
// determine location of preceding slash
// of this specific path component
ps = path + cdp->cstat->gen.fullnamelen -
cdp->cstat->gen.namelen +
cdp->cstat->gen.depth - 1;
// store slash and path component
*ps = '/';
memcpy(ps+1, cdp->cstat->cgname, cdp->cstat->gen.namelen);
// climb upwards
cdp = cdbase + cdp->cstat->gen.parentseq;
*(path+pathlen-1) = '\0'; // terminate string
else // exceptional case only for top directory
*path = '/';
*(path+1) = '\0'; // terminate string
// when double escapes are required and at least one backslash
// is present, reallocate and convert the assembled path
// room for a worst-case number of backslashes is allocated
// to avoid counting backslashes before transferring all bytes
if (escdouble && strchr(path, '\\'))
char *escpath, *pi, *po;
pathlen += MAXESCAPES;
escpath = malloc(pathlen);
ptrverify(escpath, "Malloc failed for escape cgpath (%d)\n", pathlen);
pi = path;
po = escpath;
while (*pi)
*po++ = *pi;
if (*pi++ == '\\') // insert additional backslash
*po++ = '\\';
if (po - escpath >= pathlen-1)
break; // truncate to avoid overflow
*po = 0;
free(path); // free original string
path = escpath;
return path;
// ===========================================================
// name hashing to find cgroup with specific path name
// ===========================================================
// Calculate hash for directory name.
// The 'basehash' contains the hashed value of the
// previous path components and the 'offset' is
// the offset of this (sub)string in a larger path.
// Notice that '/' characters will be ignored during
// calculation of the hash value (and ignored in the offset).
static long
hashcalc(char *p, long basehash, int offset)
offset += 1; // avoid multiplication by 0
while (*p)
if (*p == '/')
basehash += *p++ * offset++;
return basehash;
// Add new hash cgroup directory name to hash
static void
hashadd(struct cgchainer *hashlist[], struct cgchainer *cp)
long hash = cp->cstat->gen.namehash;
cp->hashnext = hashlist[hash&CGROUPMASK];
hashlist[hash&CGROUPMASK] = cp;
// Find directory name in hash based on hashed name value
static struct cgchainer *
hashfind(struct cgchainer *hashlist[], long hash)
struct cgchainer *cp;
// search hash list
for (cp = hashlist[hash&CGROUPMASK]; cp; cp = cp->hashnext)
if (hash == cp->cstat->gen.namehash)
return cp;
return NULL;
// ===========================================================
// PID hashing to find the processes that are related to
// a particular cgroup
// ===========================================================
struct pid2tstat {
struct pid2tstat *hashnext;
struct tstat *tstat;
#define PIDNHASH 512 // power of 2
static int compselcpu(const void *, const void *);
static int compselmem(const void *, const void *);
static int compseldsk(const void *, const void *);
// Create a mixed list with cgroups and
// processes belonging to those cgroups
// Return: number of entries (= screen lines) in the list
mergecgrouplist(struct cglinesel **cgroupselp, int newdepth,
struct cgchainer **cgchainerp, int ncgroups,
struct tstat **tpp, int nprocs, char showorder)
int ic, ip, im, is;
struct cglinesel *cgroupsel;
struct pid2tstat *pidhash[PIDNHASH], *pidlist, *pidcur;
// create a hashlist to find the PIDs in a fast way
if (newdepth == 8 || newdepth == 9) // depth requires processes?
// initialize hash list
memset(pidhash, 0, sizeof pidhash);
// create one pid2tstat struct per tstat struct
pidlist = calloc(nprocs, sizeof(struct pid2tstat));
"Malloc for pid2tstat structs failed (%d)\n", nprocs);
pidcur = pidlist;
// build hash list
for (ip=0; ip < nprocs; ip++, tpp++, pidcur++)
int hash = (*tpp)->gen.pid&PIDMASK;
pidcur->hashnext = pidhash[hash];
pidcur->tstat = (*tpp);
pidhash[hash] = pidcur;
nprocs = 0; // ignore processes
// allocate space for merged list
cgroupsel = malloc(sizeof(struct cglinesel) * (ncgroups+nprocs));
ptrverify(cgroupsel, "Malloc for cglinesel structs failed (%d)\n",
ncgroups + nprocs);
*cgroupselp = cgroupsel;
// fill merged list
for (ic=im=0; ic < ncgroups; ic++)
int cgroupnprocs;
// take next cgroup and add it to the merged list
if ( cgroupfilter((*(cgchainerp+ic))->cstat,
newdepth, showorder) )
(cgroupsel+im)->cgp = *(cgchainerp+ic);
(cgroupsel+im)->tsp = NULL;
// suppress this cgroup
// when it is a stub cgroup for this level,
// pass the stub to the previous valid entry
// of this level
if ( (*(cgchainerp+ic))->stub)
int j;
for (j=im-1; j > 0; j--)
int depth = (*(cgchainerp+ic))->cstat->gen.depth;
if (depth > (cgroupsel+j)->cgp->cstat->gen.depth)
if (depth == (cgroupsel+j)->cgp->cstat->gen.depth)
(cgroupsel+j)->cgp->stub = 7;
if (depth < CGRMAXDEPTH)
(cgroupsel+j)->cgp->vlinemask &= ~(1 << (depth-1));
// if relevant, search for processes that belong to this cgroup
// and add them to the merged list
if (!nprocs) // ignore processes anyhow?
cgroupnprocs = (*(cgchainerp+ic))->cstat->gen.nprocs;
if (!cgroupnprocs) // no processes in this cgroup?
for (ip=0, is=im; ip < cgroupnprocs; ip++)
int pid = (*(cgchainerp+ic))->proclist[ip];
int hash = pid&PIDMASK;
// search for tstat struct relate to this PID via hashlist
for (pidcur=pidhash[hash]; pidcur; pidcur=pidcur->hashnext)
// process tstat found??
if (pidcur->tstat->gen.pid == pid)
// skip kernel processes in case of level 8
if (newdepth == 9 ||
pidcur->tstat->mem.vmem > 0 )
(cgroupsel+im)->cgp = *(cgchainerp+ic);
(cgroupsel+im)->tsp = pidcur->tstat;
// sort the list of processes added for this cgroup
if (im-is > 1)
switch (showorder)
qsort(cgroupsel+is, im-is,
sizeof(struct cglinesel), compselcpu);
qsort(cgroupsel+is, im-is,
sizeof(struct cglinesel), compselmem);
qsort(cgroupsel+is, im-is,
sizeof(struct cglinesel), compseldsk);
if (nprocs)
return im;
// Judge if a cgroup should be selected, based on the
// current requested directory level (depth) and
// based on the fact if unused branches are requested
// returns 0 (false) or 1 (true)
static int
cgroupfilter(struct cstat *csp, int newdepth, char showorder)
// skip lower level of cgroups when required
// by entering key 2 till 8 (9=max)
if (newdepth < 9 &&
newdepth <= csp->gen.depth)
return 0;
// skip this level and lower levels if
// no processes are assigned at all
if (deviatonly &&
showorder != MSORTMEM &&
csp->gen.nprocs == 0 &&
csp->gen.procsbelow == 0 )
return 0;
return 1;
// Funtion to be called by qsort() to compare the
// CPU time consumption of two processes in a cgroup.
static int
compselcpu(const void *a, const void *b)
count_t acpu = ((struct cglinesel *)a)->tsp->cpu.utime +
((struct cglinesel *)a)->tsp->cpu.stime;
count_t bcpu = ((struct cglinesel *)b)->tsp->cpu.utime +
((struct cglinesel *)b)->tsp->cpu.stime;
if (acpu < bcpu)
return 1;
if (acpu > bcpu)
return -1;
return 0;
// Funtion to be called by qsort() to compare the
// memory consumption of two processes in a cgroup.
static int
compselmem(const void *a, const void *b)
count_t amem = ((struct cglinesel *)a)->tsp->mem.rmem;
count_t bmem = ((struct cglinesel *)b)->tsp->mem.rmem;
if (amem < bmem)
return 1;
if (amem > bmem)
return -1;
return 0;
// Funtion to be called by qsort() to compare the
// disk activity of two processes in a cgroup.
static int
compseldsk(const void *a, const void *b)
count_t adisk = ((struct cglinesel *)a)->tsp->dsk.rsz +
((struct cglinesel *)a)->tsp->dsk.wsz;
count_t bdisk = ((struct cglinesel *)b)->tsp->dsk.rsz +
((struct cglinesel *)b)->tsp->dsk.wsz;
if (adisk < bdisk)
return 1;
if (adisk > bdisk)
return -1;
return 0;
// Generate a list of pointers to cgchainer struct, sorted on
// specific resource consumption in the cgroup
struct cgsorter {
struct cgchainer *cgthis;
struct cgsorter *cgsame;
struct cgsorter *cgchild;
struct cgsorter **sortlist;
count_t sortval;
int nrchild;
static struct cgsorter cgroot; // struct for root with depth zero
static struct cgchainer *sortlevel(int, struct cgsorter *, struct cgchainer *, int, char);
static struct cgchainer **mergelevels(struct cgsorter *, int);
static int mergelevel(struct cgsorter *, struct cgchainer **, unsigned long);
static void createsortlist(struct cgsorter *);
static int compsortval(const void *, const void *);
// Main function to create a list of pointers to cgchainer structs,
// in the order of resource consumption while maintaining
// the proper cgroup directory structure.
// Return value: list with sorted pointers to cgchainer structs
struct cgchainer **
cgsort(struct cgchainer *cgphys, int cgsize, char showorder)
struct cgchainer **cgsorted;
// reinitialize the root cgsorter struct and fill
// the pointer to the root cgchainer
memset(&cgroot, 0, sizeof cgroot);
cgroot.cgthis = cgphys;
// build a tree structure reflecting the directories of the cgroups
// (skip the first entry representing the root cgroup)
sortlevel(1, &cgroot, &cgphys[1], cgsize-1, showorder);
// merge all sorted cgchainer struct pointers into one
// contiguous list
cgsorted = mergelevels(&cgroot, cgsize);
return cgsorted;
// Create a tree structure of cgsorter structs (by nested calls).
// A cgsorter struct will be created per cgchainer struct,
// with the following members:
// cgthis pointer to corresponding cgchainer struct
// cgsame pointer to next cgsorter struct on same directory level
// cgchild pointer to first cgsorter struct on lower directory level
// sortlist pointer to list of pointers to child cgsorter structs
// (same pointers as chained via cgchild) to be sorted
// sortval sort value (e.g. consumed CPU time or used memory)
// nrchild number of direct child members
static struct cgchainer *
sortlevel(int curlevel, struct cgsorter *cgparent,
struct cgchainer *cgp, int cgsize, char showorder)
int newlevel, cgleft = cgsize;
struct cgchainer *cgc = cgp;
struct cgsorter *cgs = NULL;
// as long as cgchainer structs are left...
while (cgleft > 0)
newlevel = cgc->cstat->gen.depth;
// higher level in directory tree?
// - create and sort the cgchainer pointers in order of resource utilization
// - return to caller to continue with higher level
if (newlevel < curlevel)
return cgc; // leave this level
// same directory level: chain to same-level list
// which is the child list of the higher level that called us
if (newlevel == curlevel)
// malloc and fill new cgsorter struct
cgs = malloc(sizeof(struct cgsorter));
ptrverify(cgs, "Malloc failed for cgsorter struct\n");
cgs->cgthis = cgc;
cgs->cgsame = cgparent->cgchild;
cgs->cgchild = 0;
cgs->nrchild = 0;
switch (showorder)
cgs->sortval = cgc->cstat->cpu.utime +
if (cgc->cstat->mem.current > 0)
cgs->sortval = cgc->cstat->mem.current;
cgs->sortval = cgc->cstat->mem.anon +
cgc->cstat->mem.file +
cgc->cstat->mem.kernel +
cgs->sortval = cgc->cstat->dsk.rbytes +
cgs->sortval = 0; // no sorting
// chain cgsorter struct to this level
cgparent->cgchild = cgs;
// newlevel > curlevel?
// recursively call sortlevel() for each new
// directory level underneath
cgc = sortlevel(newlevel, cgs, cgc, cgleft, showorder);
cgleft = cgsize - (cgc - cgp);
return cgc;
// Create a list of pointers to the cgchainer structs
// on the current level and sort it on resource consumption
static void
createsortlist(struct cgsorter *cgparent)
int i;
struct cgsorter *cgs;
if (cgparent->nrchild == 1) // no sorting needed with one child
cgparent->sortlist = NULL;
else // sorting needed by creating sortlist
cgparent->sortlist = calloc(cgparent->nrchild,
sizeof(struct cgsorter *));
ptrverify(cgparent->sortlist, "Malloc failed for cgsorter list\n");
// fill elements of sortlist with pointers to child cgsorters
for (i=0, cgs=cgparent->cgchild; i < cgparent->nrchild;
i++, cgs = cgs->cgsame)
*((cgparent->sortlist)+i) = cgs;
// sort list on sort value
qsort(cgparent->sortlist, cgparent->nrchild,
sizeof(struct cgsorter *), compsortval);
// Function to be called by qsort() to compare
// the sortvalue in two cgsorter structs
static int
compsortval(const void *a, const void *b)
struct cgsorter *cga = *(struct cgsorter **)a;
struct cgsorter *cgb = *(struct cgsorter **)b;
if (cga->sortval < cgb->sortval)
return 1;
if (cga->sortval > cgb->sortval)
return -1;
return 0;
// Gather all sorted cgsorter structs from the entire tree
// and create one array of cgchainer pointers in sorted order.
static struct cgchainer **
mergelevels(struct cgsorter *cgrootp, int cgsize)
struct cgchainer **cgpp;
unsigned long vlinemask = 0;
// allocate the list of pointers to be returned
cgpp = malloc(sizeof(struct cgchainer *) * cgsize);
ptrverify(cgpp, "Malloc failed for cgchainer ptr list (%d)\n", cgsize);
// fill the first entry with the root cgchainer struct pointer
*cgpp = cgrootp->cgthis;
(*cgpp)->stub = 1; // no more entries on this level
(*cgpp)->vlinemask = vlinemask;
mergelevel(cgrootp, cgpp+1, vlinemask);
return cgpp;
// Gather all cgsorter structs from one directory level.
// To be called in a nested way for each level underneath.
static int
mergelevel(struct cgsorter *cgparent, struct cgchainer **cgpp,
unsigned long vlinemask)
struct cgsorter *cgs, *cgsave;
int i, j, depth = cgparent->cgthis->cstat->gen.depth;
switch (cgparent->nrchild)
case 0: // should never occur....
j = 0;
case 1: // in case of one child no sortlist has been created
*cgpp = cgparent->cgchild->cgthis;
(*cgpp)->stub = 1; // no more entries on this level
if (depth < CGRMAXDEPTH)
vlinemask &= ~(1 << depth);
(*cgpp)->vlinemask = vlinemask;
j = 1;
if (cgparent->cgchild->nrchild) // merge descendants on lower level?
j += mergelevel(cgparent->cgchild, cgpp+1, vlinemask);
for (i=0, j=0; i < cgparent->nrchild; i++, j++)
cgs = *((cgparent->sortlist)+i);
*(cgpp+j) = cgs->cgthis;
if (i == cgparent->nrchild -1) // last on this level?
(*(cgpp+j))->stub = 1; // no more entries on this level
if (depth < CGRMAXDEPTH)
vlinemask &= ~(1 << depth);
(*(cgpp+j))->vlinemask = vlinemask;
(*(cgpp+j))->stub = 0; // more entries on this level
if (depth < CGRMAXDEPTH)
vlinemask |= 1 << depth;
(*(cgpp+j))->vlinemask = vlinemask;
if (cgs->nrchild) // merge descendants on lower level?
j += mergelevel(cgs, cgpp+j+1, vlinemask);
// for all cgroups of this level merged: free malloced areas
for (cgs=cgparent->cgchild; cgs; cgs=cgsave)
cgsave = cgs->cgsame;
return j;
// ===========================================================
// PID hashing to find the cgroup that is related to
// a particular process
// ===========================================================
struct pid2cgchainer {
struct pid2cgchainer *hashnext;
pid_t pid;
int cgindex; // cgchainer index
// For every tstat struct, fill the reference (index) to
// the related cgroup, represented by the cgchainer struct
cgfillref(struct devtstat *devtstat, struct cgchainer *devchain,
int ncgroups, int npids)
int ic, ip, it, hash;
pid_t pid;
struct pid2cgchainer *pidhash[PIDNHASH], *pidlist, *pidcur;
struct cgchainer *cp;
struct tstat *tp = devtstat->taskall;
// create a hashlist to find the PIDs in a fast way
// initialize hash list
memset(pidhash, 0, sizeof pidhash);
// create one pid2cgchainer struct per cgroup pid
pidlist = calloc(npids, sizeof(struct pid2cgchainer));
ptrverify(pidlist, "Malloc for pid2cgchainer structs failed (%d)\n", npids);
// build hash list to find right cgchainer (cgroup) for a PID
for (ic=0, cp=devchain, pidcur=pidlist; ic < ncgroups; ic++, cp++)
for (ip=0; ip < cp->cstat->gen.nprocs; ip++, pidcur++)
pid = cp->proclist[ip];
hash = pid & PIDMASK;
pidcur->hashnext = pidhash[hash];
pidcur->pid = pid;
pidcur->cgindex = ic;
pidhash[hash] = pidcur;
// connect every tstat struct to the concerning cgchainer
// by filling the index
for (it=0; it < devtstat->ntaskall; it++, tp++)
tp->gen.cgroupix = -1;
if (! tp->gen.isproc) // skip threads
pid = tp->gen.pid;
hash = pid & PIDMASK;
// search for cgchainer index related to this PID via hashlist
for (pidcur=pidhash[hash]; pidcur; pidcur=pidcur->hashnext)
if (pidcur->pid == pid)
tp->gen.cgroupix = pidcur->cgindex;


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