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Gitee 极速下载 / ChatGLM-cpp

加入 Gitee
与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/li-plus/chatglm.cpp
chatglm.cpp 79.25 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#include "chatglm.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <codecvt>
#include <cstring>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <thread>
#ifdef __has_include
#if __has_include(<unistd.h>)
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(_POSIX_MAPPED_FILES)
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ggml-cuda.h>
namespace chatglm {
static std::string shape_to_string(ggml_tensor *tensor) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << '[';
for (int i = tensor->n_dims - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
oss << tensor->ne[i] << (i > 0 ? ", " : "");
oss << ']';
return oss.str();
static std::string strides_to_string(ggml_tensor *tensor) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << '[';
for (int i = tensor->n_dims - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
oss << tensor->nb[i] << (i > 0 ? ", " : "");
oss << ']';
return oss.str();
std::string to_string(ggml_tensor *tensor, bool with_data) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "ggml_tensor(";
if (with_data) {
if (tensor->n_dims > 3)
oss << "[";
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < tensor->ne[3]; i3++) {
if (tensor->n_dims > 2)
oss << (i3 > 0 ? ",\n\n[" : "[");
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < tensor->ne[2]; i2++) {
if (tensor->n_dims > 1)
oss << (i2 > 0 ? ",\n\n[" : "[");
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < tensor->ne[1]; i1++) {
oss << (i1 > 0 ? ",\n[" : "[");
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < tensor->ne[0]; i0++) {
auto ptr = (char *)tensor->data + i3 * tensor->nb[3] + i2 * tensor->nb[2] + i1 * tensor->nb[1] +
i0 * tensor->nb[0];
oss << (i0 > 0 ? ", " : "");
if (tensor->type == GGML_TYPE_I32) {
oss << *(int *)ptr;
} else {
float val;
if (tensor->type == GGML_TYPE_F32) {
val = *(float *)ptr;
} else if (tensor->type == GGML_TYPE_F16) {
val = ggml_fp16_to_fp32(*(ggml_fp16_t *)ptr);
} else {
CHATGLM_THROW << "unimplemented";
oss << std::setw(7) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << val;
oss << "]";
if (tensor->n_dims > 1)
oss << "]";
if (tensor->n_dims > 2)
oss << "]";
if (tensor->n_dims > 3)
oss << "]";
oss << ", ";
oss << "shape=" << shape_to_string(tensor) << ", stride=" << strides_to_string(tensor) << ")";
return oss.str();
ggml_tensor *tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_tensor *tensor) {
return tensor;
ggml_tensor *tensor_to_device(ggml_tensor *tensor) {
if (tensor->backend == GGML_BACKEND_CPU) {
tensor->backend = GGML_BACKEND_GPU;
ggml_cuda_transform_tensor(tensor->data, tensor);
return tensor;
ggml_tensor *tensor_to_cpu(ggml_tensor *tensor) {
if (tensor->backend != GGML_BACKEND_CPU) {
tensor->backend = GGML_BACKEND_CPU;
return tensor;
const std::string ToolCallMessage::TYPE_FUNCTION = "function";
const std::string ToolCallMessage::TYPE_CODE = "code";
const std::string ChatMessage::ROLE_USER = "user";
const std::string ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT = "assistant";
const std::string ChatMessage::ROLE_SYSTEM = "system";
const std::string ChatMessage::ROLE_OBSERVATION = "observation";
void BaseTokenizer::check_chat_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages) {
std::string target_role = ChatMessage::ROLE_USER;
for (size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
if (messages[i].role != ChatMessage::ROLE_USER && messages[i].role != ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(messages[i].role == target_role)
<< "expect messages[" << i << "].role to be " << target_role << ", but got " << messages[i].role;
target_role = (target_role == ChatMessage::ROLE_USER) ? ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT : ChatMessage::ROLE_USER;
CHATGLM_CHECK(target_role == ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT)
<< "expect last message role to be " << ChatMessage::ROLE_USER << ", but got " << ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT;
std::vector<ChatMessage> BaseTokenizer::filter_user_assistant_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages) {
std::vector<ChatMessage> user_assistant_messages;
for (const auto &msg : messages) {
if (msg.role == ChatMessage::ROLE_USER || msg.role == ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT) {
return user_assistant_messages;
// Adapted from https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/llama.cpp
void ggml_graph_compute_helper(std::vector<uninitialized_char> &buf, ggml_cgraph *graph, int n_threads) {
struct ggml_cplan plan = ggml_graph_plan(graph, n_threads);
if (plan.work_size > 0) {
plan.work_data = (uint8_t *)buf.data();
ggml_graph_compute(graph, &plan);
// for debugging purpose
[[maybe_unused]] static inline ggml_tensor *add_zero(ggml_context *ctx, ggml_tensor *tensor) {
ggml_tensor *zeros = ggml_new_tensor(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, tensor->n_dims, tensor->ne);
ggml_set_f32(zeros, 0);
ggml_tensor *out = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_add(ctx, tensor, zeros));
return out;
void ModelContext::init_device_context() {
ctx_metal = make_unique_ggml_metal_context(1);
const size_t max_size = ggml_get_max_tensor_size(ctx_w.get());
void *weight_data = weight_buffer.empty() ? ggml_get_mem_buffer(ctx_w.get()) : (void *)weight_buffer.data();
size_t weight_size = weight_buffer.empty() ? ggml_get_mem_size(ctx_w.get()) : weight_buffer.size();
CHATGLM_CHECK(ggml_metal_add_buffer(ctx_metal.get(), "weights", weight_data, weight_size, max_size));
CHATGLM_CHECK(ggml_metal_add_buffer(ctx_metal.get(), "kv", ggml_get_mem_buffer(ctx_kv.get()),
ggml_get_mem_size(ctx_kv.get()), 0));
void *compute_data = ctx_b ? ggml_get_mem_buffer(ctx_b.get()) : compute_buffer.data();
size_t compute_size = ctx_b ? ggml_get_mem_size(ctx_b.get()) : compute_buffer.size();
CHATGLM_CHECK(ggml_metal_add_buffer(ctx_metal.get(), "compute", compute_data, compute_size, 0));
CHATGLM_CHECK(ggml_metal_add_buffer(ctx_metal.get(), "scratch", scratch.data, scratch.size, 0));
// ===== streamer =====
void StreamerGroup::put(const std::vector<int> &output_ids) {
for (auto &streamer : streamers_) {
void StreamerGroup::end() {
for (auto &streamer : streamers_) {
// reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/216823/how-to-trim-a-stdstring
// trim from start (in place)
static inline void ltrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](unsigned char ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }));
// trim from end (in place)
static inline void rtrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](unsigned char ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end());
// trim from both ends (in place)
static inline void trim(std::string &s) {
void TextStreamer::put(const std::vector<int> &output_ids) {
if (is_prompt_) {
// skip prompt
is_prompt_ = false;
static const std::vector<char> puncts{',', '!', ':', ';', '?'};
token_cache_.insert(token_cache_.end(), output_ids.begin(), output_ids.end());
std::string text = tokenizer_->decode(token_cache_);
if (is_first_line_) {
if (text.empty()) {
std::string printable_text;
if (text.back() == '\n') {
// flush the cache after newline
printable_text = text.substr(print_len_);
is_first_line_ = false;
print_len_ = 0;
} else if (std::find(puncts.begin(), puncts.end(), text.back()) != puncts.end()) {
// last symbol is a punctuation, hold on
} else if (text.size() >= 3 && text.compare(text.size() - 3, 3, "�") == 0) {
// ends with an incomplete token, hold on
} else {
printable_text = text.substr(print_len_);
print_len_ = text.size();
os_ << printable_text << std::flush;
void TextStreamer::end() {
std::string text = tokenizer_->decode(token_cache_);
if (is_first_line_) {
os_ << text.substr(print_len_) << std::endl;
is_prompt_ = true;
is_first_line_ = true;
print_len_ = 0;
void PerfStreamer::put(const std::vector<int> &output_ids) {
if (num_prompt_tokens_ == 0) {
// before prompt eval
start_us_ = ggml_time_us();
num_prompt_tokens_ = output_ids.size();
} else {
if (num_output_tokens_ == 0) {
// first new token
prompt_us_ = ggml_time_us();
num_output_tokens_ += output_ids.size();
void PerfStreamer::reset() {
start_us_ = prompt_us_ = end_us_ = 0;
num_prompt_tokens_ = num_output_tokens_ = 0;
std::string PerfStreamer::to_string() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "prompt time: " << prompt_total_time_us() / 1000.f << " ms / " << num_prompt_tokens() << " tokens ("
<< prompt_token_time_us() / 1000.f << " ms/token)\n"
<< "output time: " << output_total_time_us() / 1000.f << " ms / " << num_output_tokens() << " tokens ("
<< output_token_time_us() / 1000.f << " ms/token)\n"
<< "total time: " << (prompt_total_time_us() + output_total_time_us()) / 1000.f << " ms";
return oss.str();
MappedFile::MappedFile(const std::string &path) {
int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
CHATGLM_CHECK(fd > 0) << "cannot open file " << path << ": " << strerror(errno);
struct stat sb;
CHATGLM_CHECK(fstat(fd, &sb) == 0) << strerror(errno);
size = sb.st_size;
data = (char *)mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
CHATGLM_CHECK(data != MAP_FAILED) << strerror(errno);
CHATGLM_CHECK(close(fd) == 0) << strerror(errno);
MappedFile::~MappedFile() { CHATGLM_CHECK(munmap(data, size) == 0) << strerror(errno); }
#elif defined(_WIN32)
MappedFile::MappedFile(const std::string &path) {
int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
CHATGLM_CHECK(fd > 0) << "cannot open file " << path << ": " << strerror(errno);
struct _stat64 sb;
CHATGLM_CHECK(_fstat64(fd, &sb) == 0) << strerror(errno);
size = sb.st_size;
HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
HANDLE hMapping = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
CHATGLM_CHECK(hMapping != NULL) << strerror(errno);
data = (char *)MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
CHATGLM_CHECK(data != NULL) << strerror(errno);
CHATGLM_CHECK(close(fd) == 0) << strerror(errno);
MappedFile::~MappedFile() { CHATGLM_CHECK(UnmapViewOfFile(data)) << strerror(errno); }
void ModelLoader::seek(int64_t offset, int whence) {
if (whence == SEEK_SET) {
ptr = data + offset;
} else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) {
ptr += offset;
} else if (whence == SEEK_END) {
ptr = data + size + offset;
} else {
CHATGLM_THROW << "invalid seek mode " << whence;
std::string ModelLoader::read_string(size_t length) {
std::string s(ptr, ptr + length);
ptr += length;
return s;
void ModelLoader::checked_read_tensor_meta(const std::string &name, int target_ndim, int64_t *target_ne,
ggml_type target_dtype) {
// read and check tensor name
int name_size = read_basic<int>();
CHATGLM_CHECK(name_size == (int)name.size())
<< "tensor " << name << " name size mismatch: expect " << name.size() << " but got " << name_size;
std::string weight_name = read_string(name_size);
CHATGLM_CHECK(weight_name == name) << "tensor name mismatch: expect " << name << " but got " << weight_name;
// read and check tensor shape
int ndim = read_basic<int>();
CHATGLM_CHECK(ndim == target_ndim)
<< "tensor " << name << " ndim mismatch: expect " << target_ndim << " but got " << ndim;
for (int i = ndim - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int dim_size = read_basic<int>();
CHATGLM_CHECK(dim_size == target_ne[i]) << "tensor " << name << " shape mismatch at dim " << i
<< ": expect " << target_ne[i] << " but got " << dim_size;
// read and check tensor dtype
ggml_type dtype = (ggml_type)read_basic<int>();
CHATGLM_CHECK(dtype == target_dtype)
<< "tensor " << name << " dtype mismatch: expect " << target_dtype << " but got " << dtype;
void *ModelLoader::read_tensor_data(size_t nbytes) {
constexpr int64_t MEM_ALIGNED = 16;
const int64_t data_offset = (tell() + (MEM_ALIGNED - 1)) & ~(MEM_ALIGNED - 1);
void *tensor_data = data + data_offset;
seek(data_offset + nbytes, SEEK_SET);
return tensor_data;
void ModelLoader::read_tensor(const std::string &name, ggml_tensor *tensor) {
checked_read_tensor_meta(name, tensor->n_dims, tensor->ne, tensor->type);
tensor->data = read_tensor_data(ggml_nbytes(tensor));
// ===== modules =====
ggml_tensor *Embedding::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *input) const {
ggml_tensor *output = ggml_get_rows(ctx->ctx_b.get(), weight, input);
return output;
ggml_tensor *Linear::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *input) const {
// input: [seqlen, in_features]
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
ggml_tensor *output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_mat(gctx, weight, input)); // [seqlen, out_features]
if (bias) {
output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_add_inplace(gctx, output, bias));
return output;
ggml_tensor *LayerNorm::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *input) const {
// input: [seqlen, normalized_shape]
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
auto ggml_norm_fn = inplace ? ggml_norm_inplace : ggml_norm;
ggml_tensor *output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_norm_fn(gctx, input, eps));
output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_inplace(gctx, output, weight));
output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_add_inplace(gctx, output, bias));
return output;
ggml_tensor *RMSNorm::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *input) const {
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
auto ggml_rms_norm_fn = inplace ? ggml_rms_norm_inplace : ggml_rms_norm;
ggml_tensor *output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_rms_norm_fn(gctx, input, eps));
output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_inplace(gctx, output, weight));
return output;
static ggml_tensor *apply_activation_inplace(ggml_context *ctx, ggml_tensor *hidden_states, ActivationType hidden_act) {
switch (hidden_act) {
case ActivationType::GELU:
return tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_gelu_inplace(ctx, hidden_states));
case ActivationType::SILU:
return tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_silu_inplace(ctx, hidden_states));
CHATGLM_THROW << "Unknown activation type " << (int)hidden_act;
ggml_tensor *BasicMLP::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *hidden_states) const {
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
hidden_states = dense_h_to_4h.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
hidden_states = apply_activation_inplace(gctx, hidden_states, hidden_act);
hidden_states = dense_4h_to_h.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
return hidden_states;
ggml_tensor *BasicGLU::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *hidden_states) const {
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
ggml_tensor *gate = gate_proj.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
gate = apply_activation_inplace(gctx, gate, hidden_act);
hidden_states = up_proj.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
hidden_states = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_inplace(gctx, hidden_states, gate));
hidden_states = down_proj.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
return hidden_states;
// Adapted from https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/examples/common.cpp
int get_num_physical_cores() {
unsigned int n_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
return n_threads > 0 ? (n_threads <= 4 ? n_threads : n_threads / 2) : 4;
int get_default_num_threads() {
#if defined(GGML_USE_CUBLAS) || defined(GGML_USE_METAL)
return 1;
return std::min(get_num_physical_cores(), 16);
std::string to_string(ModelType model_type) {
switch (model_type) {
case ModelType::CHATGLM:
return "ChatGLM";
case ModelType::CHATGLM2:
return "ChatGLM2";
case ModelType::CHATGLM3:
return "ChatGLM3";
case ModelType::BAICHUAN7B:
return "Baichuan7B";
case ModelType::BAICHUAN13B:
return "Baichuan13B";
case ModelType::INTERNLM:
return "InternLM";
CHATGLM_THROW << "unknown model type " << (int)model_type;
static ggml_tensor *apply_rotary_emb_basic(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *layer, ggml_tensor *position_ids, int n_ctx,
RopeType rope_type, float rope_theta, int dim_scale) {
// tensor a (activation) is of shape [s, #h, d]
// tensor b (position_ids) is of shape [s]
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
if (!ggml_is_contiguous(layer)) {
layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, layer));
const int head_size = layer->ne[0];
const int rope_dim = head_size / dim_scale;
layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_rope_custom_inplace(gctx, layer, position_ids, rope_dim, (int)rope_type, n_ctx,
rope_theta, 1.f)); // [s, #h, d]
return layer;
static ggml_tensor *apply_rotary_emb_glm(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *layer, ggml_tensor *position_ids, int n_ctx) {
// tensor a (activation) is of shape [s, #h, d]
// tensor b (position_ids) is of shape [2 * s]
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
const int head_size = layer->ne[0];
const int num_heads = layer->ne[1];
const int qlen = layer->ne[2];
const int rope_dim = head_size / 2;
ggml_tensor *b1 = ggml_view_1d(gctx, position_ids, qlen, 0);
ggml_tensor *b2 = ggml_view_1d(gctx, position_ids, qlen, qlen * ggml_element_size(position_ids));
ggml_tensor *a1 = ggml_view_3d(gctx, layer, head_size / 2, num_heads, qlen, layer->nb[1], layer->nb[2], 0);
ggml_tensor *a2 = ggml_view_3d(gctx, layer, head_size / 2, num_heads, qlen, layer->nb[1], layer->nb[2],
head_size / 2 * ggml_element_size(layer));
ggml_tensor *a1_rope = a1;
ggml_tensor *a2_rope = a2;
a1_rope = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, a1_rope));
a2_rope = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, a2_rope));
a1_rope = tensor_assign_buffers(
ggml_rope_inplace(gctx, a1_rope, b1, rope_dim, (int)RopeType::NEOX, n_ctx)); // [s, #h, d/2]
a2_rope = tensor_assign_buffers(
ggml_rope_inplace(gctx, a2_rope, b2, rope_dim, (int)RopeType::NEOX, n_ctx)); // [s, #h, d/2]
a1_rope = ggml_cpy(gctx, a1_rope, a1);
a2_rope = ggml_cpy(gctx, a2_rope, a2);
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, a1_rope);
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, a2_rope);
return layer;
[[maybe_unused]] static ggml_tensor *apply_rotary_emb_glm2(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *layer,
ggml_tensor *position_ids) {
// layer: [s, #h, d], position_ids: [s]
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
if (!ggml_is_contiguous(layer)) {
layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, layer));
const int head_size = layer->ne[0];
const int rope_dim = head_size / 2;
ggml_tensor *roped_layer =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_rope(gctx, layer, position_ids, rope_dim, (int)RopeType::GPTJ, 0)); // [s, #h, d]
ggml_tensor *roped_layer_view = tensor_assign_buffers(
ggml_view_3d(gctx, roped_layer, rope_dim, roped_layer->ne[1], roped_layer->ne[2], roped_layer->nb[1],
roped_layer->nb[2], rope_dim * roped_layer->nb[0])); // [s, #h, d/2]
ggml_tensor *layer_view =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_view_3d(gctx, layer, rope_dim, layer->ne[1], layer->ne[2], layer->nb[1],
layer->nb[2], rope_dim * layer->nb[0])); // [s, #h, d/2]
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, ggml_cpy(gctx, layer_view, roped_layer_view));
return roped_layer;
static ggml_tensor *apply_rotary_emb(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *layer, ggml_tensor *position_ids, int n_ctx,
RopeType rope_type, float rope_theta, int dim_scale) {
switch (rope_type) {
case RopeType::GPTJ:
case RopeType::NEOX:
return apply_rotary_emb_basic(ctx, layer, position_ids, n_ctx, rope_type, rope_theta, dim_scale);
case RopeType::CHATGLM:
return apply_rotary_emb_glm(ctx, layer, position_ids, n_ctx);
// case RopeType::CHATGLM2:
// return apply_rotary_emb_glm2(ctx, layer, position_ids);
case RopeType::DISABLED:
return layer;
CHATGLM_THROW << "Unknown rope type " << (int)rope_type;
static inline ggml_tensor *apply_attention_mask_causal(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *attn_scores, int n_past) {
return tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_diag_mask_inf_inplace(ctx->ctx_b.get(), attn_scores, n_past));
static ggml_tensor *apply_attention_mask_glm(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *attn_scores, int n_past) {
// attn_scores: [#h, s, kvs]
// semantic: attn_scores[:, :-1, -1] = -inf
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
const int kvlen = attn_scores->ne[0];
const int qlen = attn_scores->ne[1];
const int num_attention_heads = attn_scores->ne[2];
ggml_tensor *inf = ggml_new_tensor_3d(gctx, attn_scores->type, 1, qlen - 1, num_attention_heads);
ggml_set_f32(inf, -INFINITY);
tensor_to_device(inf); // TODO: optimize
ggml_tensor *masked_attn_scores =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_view_3d(gctx, attn_scores, 1, qlen - 1, num_attention_heads, attn_scores->nb[1],
attn_scores->nb[2], (kvlen - 1) * attn_scores->nb[0]));
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, ggml_cpy(gctx, inf, masked_attn_scores));
return attn_scores;
static ggml_tensor *apply_attention_mask(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *attn_scores, int n_past,
AttentionMaskType attn_mask_type) {
switch (attn_mask_type) {
case AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL:
return apply_attention_mask_causal(ctx, attn_scores, n_past);
case AttentionMaskType::CHATGLM:
return apply_attention_mask_glm(ctx, attn_scores, n_past);
CHATGLM_THROW << "Unknown attention mask type " << (int)attn_mask_type;
ggml_tensor *BasicAttention::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *hidden_states, ggml_tensor *position_ids,
int n_past, int n_ctx) const {
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
const int hidden_size = hidden_states->ne[0];
const int qlen = hidden_states->ne[1];
const int head_size = hidden_size / num_attention_heads;
const int num_shared_q_heads = num_attention_heads / num_kv_heads;
const bool is_gqa = num_shared_q_heads > 1;
ggml_tensor *qkv = query_key_value.forward(ctx, hidden_states); // [sq, (#h + 2 * #kvh) * d]
// split mixed qkv into separate query, key and value
ggml_tensor *query_layer; // [s, #h, d]
ggml_tensor *key_layer; // [s, #kvh, d]
ggml_tensor *value_layer; // [s, #kvh, d]
if (interleaved_qkv) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(!is_gqa) << "interleaved qkv is not supported for GQA";
query_layer = ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_attention_heads, qlen,
3 * head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv), qkv->nb[1], 0);
key_layer =
ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_attention_heads, qlen, 3 * head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv),
qkv->nb[1], head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv));
value_layer =
ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_attention_heads, qlen, 3 * head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv),
qkv->nb[1], 2 * head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv));
} else {
query_layer = ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_attention_heads, qlen, head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv),
qkv->nb[1], 0);
key_layer = ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_kv_heads, qlen, head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv),
qkv->nb[1], hidden_size * ggml_element_size(qkv));
value_layer = ggml_view_3d(gctx, qkv, head_size, num_kv_heads, qlen, head_size * ggml_element_size(qkv),
qkv->nb[1], (hidden_size + head_size * num_kv_heads) * ggml_element_size(qkv));
query_layer = apply_rotary_emb(ctx, query_layer, position_ids, n_ctx, rope_type, rope_theta, rope_dim_scale);
key_layer = apply_rotary_emb(ctx, key_layer, position_ids, n_ctx, rope_type, rope_theta, rope_dim_scale);
query_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, ggml_permute(gctx, query_layer, 0, 2, 1, 3))); // [#h, s, d]
if (num_shared_q_heads > 1) {
query_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_reshape_3d(gctx, query_layer, head_size, num_shared_q_heads * qlen,
num_kv_heads)); // [#kvh, (#h/#kvh) * s, d]
key_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_permute(gctx, key_layer, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // [#kvh, s, d]
value_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_permute(gctx, value_layer, 1, 2, 0, 3)); // [#kvh, d, s]
// store key & value to cache
ggml_tensor *k_cache_view = tensor_assign_buffers(
ggml_view_3d(gctx, k_cache, head_size, qlen, num_kv_heads, k_cache->nb[1], k_cache->nb[2],
(num_virtual_tokens + n_past) * head_size * ggml_element_size(k_cache))); // [#kvh, s, d]
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, ggml_cpy(gctx, key_layer, k_cache_view));
ggml_tensor *v_cache_view =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_view_3d(gctx, v_cache, qlen, head_size, num_kv_heads, v_cache->nb[1], v_cache->nb[2],
(num_virtual_tokens + n_past) * ggml_element_size(v_cache))); // [#kvh, d, s]
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, ggml_cpy(gctx, value_layer, v_cache_view));
// concat key & value with past kv
key_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_view_3d(gctx, k_cache, head_size, num_virtual_tokens + n_past + qlen,
num_kv_heads, k_cache->nb[1], k_cache->nb[2],
0)); // [#kvh, kvs, d]
value_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_view_3d(gctx, v_cache, num_virtual_tokens + n_past + qlen, head_size,
num_kv_heads, v_cache->nb[1], v_cache->nb[2],
0)); // [#kvh, d, kvs]
// attention
ggml_tensor *attn_scores =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_mat(gctx, key_layer, query_layer)); // [#kvh, (#h/#kvh) * s, kvs]
attn_scores =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_scale_inplace(gctx, attn_scores, ggml_new_f32(gctx, 1.f / std::sqrt(head_size))));
if (use_alibi) {
attn_scores = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_alibi(gctx, attn_scores, n_past, num_attention_heads, 8));
if (n_past == 0) {
// build attention mask for context input
if (num_shared_q_heads > 1) {
attn_scores = ggml_reshape_3d(gctx, attn_scores, num_virtual_tokens + n_past + qlen, qlen,
num_attention_heads); // [#h, s, kvs]
attn_scores = apply_attention_mask(ctx, attn_scores, num_virtual_tokens + n_past, attn_mask_type);
if (num_shared_q_heads > 1) {
attn_scores =
ggml_reshape_3d(gctx, attn_scores, num_virtual_tokens + n_past + qlen, num_shared_q_heads * qlen,
num_kv_heads); // [#kvh, (#h/#kvh) * s, kvs]
ggml_tensor *attn_probs =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_soft_max_inplace(gctx, attn_scores)); // [#kvh, (#h/#kvh) * s, kvs]
ggml_tensor *context_layer =
tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_mul_mat(gctx, value_layer, attn_probs)); // [#kvh, (#h/#kvh) * s, d]
if (num_shared_q_heads > 1) {
context_layer = ggml_reshape_3d(gctx, context_layer, head_size, qlen,
num_attention_heads); // [#h, s, d]
context_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_cont(gctx, ggml_permute(gctx, context_layer, 0, 2, 1, 3))); // [s, #h, d]
context_layer = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_reshape_2d(gctx, context_layer, hidden_size, qlen)); // [s, #h * d]
ggml_tensor *attn_output = dense.forward(ctx, context_layer);
return attn_output;
BaseModelForCausalLM::BaseModelForCausalLM(ModelConfig config, size_t mem_size, size_t scratch_size, size_t num_weights)
: config(config) {
ctx_.dtype = config.dtype;
const size_t ctx_w_size = num_weights * ggml_tensor_overhead();
const size_t ctx_kv_size = 2 * config.num_hidden_layers *
((config.max_length + config.num_virtual_tokens) * config.hidden_size /
config.num_attention_heads * config.num_kv_heads * ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_F16) +
ctx_.ctx_w = make_unique_ggml_context(ctx_w_size, nullptr, true);
ctx_.ctx_kv = make_unique_ggml_context(ctx_kv_size + 1 * MB, nullptr, false); // 1MB extra for MPS
ctx_.scratch = {0, ctx_.scratch_buffer.size(), ctx_.scratch_buffer.data()};
ggml_tensor *BaseModelForCausalLM::forward_graph_compute(const std::vector<int> &input_ids, int n_past, int n_ctx,
int n_threads, bool is_decoding) {
ctx_.ctx_b = make_unique_ggml_context(ctx_.compute_buffer.size(), ctx_.compute_buffer.data(), false);
ctx_.gf = {};
if (n_threads <= 0) {
n_threads = get_default_num_threads(); // default thread num
int curr_input_ids_size = input_ids.size() - n_past;
if (curr_input_ids_size >= 32 && ggml_cpu_has_blas() && !ggml_cpu_has_gpublas()) {
n_threads = 1; // use 1 thread if BLAS is enabled
ggml_tensor *curr_input_ids = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx_.ctx_b.get(), GGML_TYPE_I32, curr_input_ids_size);
memcpy(curr_input_ids->data, input_ids.data() + n_past, ggml_nbytes(curr_input_ids));
ggml_tensor *lm_logits = forward(&ctx_, curr_input_ids, n_past, n_ctx, is_decoding);
lm_logits->backend = GGML_BACKEND_CPU;
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx_.gf, lm_logits);
ggml_metal_graph_compute(ctx_.ctx_metal.get(), &ctx_.gf);
ggml_graph_compute_helper(ctx_.work_buffer, &ctx_.gf, n_threads);
#ifdef GGML_PERF
return lm_logits;
int BaseModelForCausalLM::generate_next_token(const std::vector<int> &input_ids, const GenerationConfig &gen_config,
int n_past, int n_ctx) {
ggml_tensor *lm_logits = forward_graph_compute(input_ids, n_past, n_ctx, gen_config.num_threads, true);
int vocab_size = lm_logits->ne[0];
float *next_token_logits = (float *)lm_logits->data;
// check nan
for (int i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(std::isfinite(next_token_logits[i])) << "nan/inf encountered at lm_logits[" << i << "]";
// logits pre-process
if (gen_config.repetition_penalty != 1.f) {
sampling_repetition_penalty(next_token_logits, next_token_logits + vocab_size, input_ids,
int next_token_id;
if (gen_config.do_sample) {
// temperature sampling
if (gen_config.temperature > 0) {
sampling_temperature(next_token_logits, next_token_logits + vocab_size, gen_config.temperature);
std::vector<TokenIdScore> token_scores(vocab_size);
for (int i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++) {
token_scores[i] = TokenIdScore(i, next_token_logits[i]);
// top_k sampling
if (0 < gen_config.top_k && gen_config.top_k < (int)token_scores.size()) {
sampling_top_k(token_scores.data(), token_scores.data() + gen_config.top_k,
token_scores.data() + token_scores.size());
// top_p sampling
if (0.f < gen_config.top_p && gen_config.top_p < 1.f) {
auto pos = sampling_top_p(token_scores.data(), token_scores.data() + token_scores.size(), gen_config.top_p);
token_scores.resize(pos - token_scores.data());
// sample next token
sampling_softmax_inplace(token_scores.data(), token_scores.data() + token_scores.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < token_scores.size(); i++) {
next_token_logits[i] = token_scores[i].score;
thread_local std::random_device rd;
thread_local std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::discrete_distribution<> dist(next_token_logits, next_token_logits + token_scores.size());
next_token_id = token_scores[dist(gen)].id;
} else {
// greedy search
next_token_id = std::max_element(next_token_logits, next_token_logits + vocab_size) - next_token_logits;
return next_token_id;
void BaseModelForCausalLM::sampling_repetition_penalty(float *first, float *last, const std::vector<int> &input_ids,
float penalty) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(penalty > 0) << "penalty must be a positive float, but got " << penalty;
const float inv_penalty = 1.f / penalty;
const int vocab_size = last - first;
std::vector<bool> occurrence(vocab_size, false);
for (const int id : input_ids) {
if (!occurrence[id]) {
first[id] *= (first[id] > 0) ? inv_penalty : penalty;
occurrence[id] = true;
void BaseModelForCausalLM::sampling_temperature(float *first, float *last, float temp) {
const float inv_temp = 1.f / temp;
for (float *it = first; it != last; it++) {
*it *= inv_temp;
void BaseModelForCausalLM::sampling_top_k(TokenIdScore *first, TokenIdScore *kth, TokenIdScore *last) {
std::nth_element(first, kth, last, std::greater<TokenIdScore>());
TokenIdScore *BaseModelForCausalLM::sampling_top_p(TokenIdScore *first, TokenIdScore *last, float top_p) {
// fast top_p in expected O(n) time complexity
sampling_softmax_inplace(first, last);
while (first + 1 < last) {
const float pivot_score = (last - 1)->score; // use mid score?
TokenIdScore *mid =
std::partition(first, last - 1, [pivot_score](const TokenIdScore &x) { return x.score > pivot_score; });
std::swap(*mid, *(last - 1));
const float prefix_sum =
std::accumulate(first, mid, 0.f, [](float sum, const TokenIdScore &x) { return sum + x.score; });
if (prefix_sum >= top_p) {
last = mid;
} else if (prefix_sum + mid->score < top_p) {
first = mid + 1;
top_p -= prefix_sum + mid->score;
} else {
return mid + 1;
return last;
void BaseModelForCausalLM::sampling_softmax_inplace(TokenIdScore *first, TokenIdScore *last) {
float max_score = std::max_element(first, last)->score;
float sum = 0.f;
for (TokenIdScore *p = first; p != last; p++) {
float s = std::exp(p->score - max_score);
p->score = s;
sum += s;
float inv_sum = 1.f / sum;
for (TokenIdScore *p = first; p != last; p++) {
p->score *= inv_sum;
std::vector<int> BaseModelForCausalLM::generate(const std::vector<int> &input_ids, const GenerationConfig &gen_config,
BaseStreamer *streamer) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(gen_config.max_length <= config.max_length)
<< "Requested max_length (" << gen_config.max_length << ") exceeds pre-configured model max_length ("
<< config.max_length << ")";
std::vector<int> output_ids;
output_ids = input_ids;
if (streamer) {
int n_past = 0;
const int n_ctx = input_ids.size();
const int max_new_tokens = (gen_config.max_new_tokens > 0) ? gen_config.max_new_tokens : gen_config.max_length;
while ((int)output_ids.size() < std::min(gen_config.max_length, n_ctx + max_new_tokens)) {
int next_token_id = generate_next_token(output_ids, gen_config, n_past, n_ctx);
n_past = output_ids.size();
if (streamer) {
if (next_token_id == config.eos_token_id ||
std::find(config.extra_eos_token_ids.begin(), config.extra_eos_token_ids.end(), next_token_id) !=
config.extra_eos_token_ids.end()) {
if (streamer) {
return output_ids;
// ===== ChatGLM-6B =====
ChatGLMTokenizer::ChatGLMTokenizer(std::string_view serialized_model_proto) {
const auto status = sp.LoadFromSerializedProto(serialized_model_proto);
CHATGLM_CHECK(status.ok()) << status.ToString();
bos_token_id = sp.PieceToId("<sop>");
eos_token_id = sp.PieceToId("<eop>");
mask_token_id = sp.PieceToId("[MASK]");
gmask_token_id = sp.PieceToId("[gMASK]");
pad_token_id = sp.PieceToId("<pad>");
std::vector<int> ChatGLMTokenizer::encode(const std::string &text, int max_length) const {
std::string input = preprocess(text);
std::vector<int> ids;
sp.Encode(input, &ids);
ids.insert(ids.end(), {gmask_token_id, bos_token_id});
if ((int)ids.size() > max_length) {
// sliding window: always take the last max_length tokens
ids.erase(ids.begin(), ids.end() - max_length);
return ids;
std::vector<int> ChatGLMTokenizer::encode_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, int max_length) const {
std::string prompt = build_prompt(messages);
std::vector<int> input_ids = encode(prompt, max_length);
return input_ids;
std::string ChatGLMTokenizer::build_prompt(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages) {
std::vector<ChatMessage> user_assistant_messages = filter_user_assistant_messages(messages);
std::ostringstream oss_prompt;
if (user_assistant_messages.size() == 1) {
oss_prompt << user_assistant_messages.front().content;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < user_assistant_messages.size(); i += 2) {
oss_prompt << "[Round " << i / 2 << "]\n问:" << user_assistant_messages[i].content << "\n答:";
if (i + 1 < user_assistant_messages.size()) {
oss_prompt << user_assistant_messages[i + 1].content << "\n";
return oss_prompt.str();
std::string ChatGLMTokenizer::decode(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
std::string text;
sp.Decode(ids, &text);
text = postprocess(text);
return text;
static std::string regex_replace(const std::string &input, const std::regex &regex,
std::function<std::string(const std::smatch &)> format) {
std::ostringstream oss;
int last_index = 0;
for (auto it = std::sregex_iterator(input.begin(), input.end(), regex); it != std::sregex_iterator(); it++) {
oss << it->prefix() << format(*it);
last_index = it->position() + it->length();
oss << input.substr(last_index);
return oss.str();
std::string ChatGLMTokenizer::preprocess(const std::string &text) {
std::string output;
// newline token
static const std::regex newline_regex("\n");
output = std::regex_replace(text, newline_regex, "<n>");
// tab token
static const std::regex tab_regex("\t");
output = std::regex_replace(output, tab_regex, "<|tab|>");
// blank tokens
static const std::regex pattern(R"([ ]{2,80})");
output = regex_replace(output, pattern, [](const std::smatch &sm) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "<|blank_" << sm.str().size() << "|>";
return oss.str();
return output;
static inline std::string replace_punctuations(const std::string &text) {
// reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37989081/how-to-use-unicode-range-in-c-regex
static std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter;
static const std::vector<std::pair<std::wregex, std::wstring>> punct_map{
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(([\u4e00-\u9fff]),)")), converter.from_bytes("$1,")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(,([\u4e00-\u9fff]))")), converter.from_bytes(",$1")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(([\u4e00-\u9fff])!)")), converter.from_bytes("$1!")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(!([\u4e00-\u9fff]))")), converter.from_bytes("!$1")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(([\u4e00-\u9fff]):)")), converter.from_bytes("$1:")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(:([\u4e00-\u9fff]))")), converter.from_bytes(":$1")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(([\u4e00-\u9fff]);)")), converter.from_bytes("$1;")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(;([\u4e00-\u9fff]))")), converter.from_bytes(";$1")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(([\u4e00-\u9fff])\?)")), converter.from_bytes("$1?")},
{std::wregex(converter.from_bytes(R"(\?([\u4e00-\u9fff]))")), converter.from_bytes("?$1")},
std::wstring w_output = converter.from_bytes(text);
for (const auto &punct_pair : punct_map) {
w_output = std::regex_replace(w_output, punct_pair.first, punct_pair.second);
std::string output = converter.to_bytes(w_output);
return output;
std::string ChatGLMTokenizer::postprocess(const std::string &text) {
std::string output;
// newline token
static const std::regex pattern(R"(<n>)");
output = std::regex_replace(text, pattern, "\n");
// tab token
static const std::regex pattern(R"(<\|tab\|>)");
output = std::regex_replace(output, pattern, "\t");
// blank tokens
static const std::regex pattern(R"(<\|blank_(\d+)\|>)");
output = regex_replace(output, pattern,
[](const std::smatch &sm) { return std::string(std::stoi(sm[1].str()), ' '); });
// punctuations
output = replace_punctuations(output);
return output;
ggml_tensor *GLMBlock::forward(ModelContext *ctx, ggml_tensor *hidden_states, ggml_tensor *position_ids, int n_past,
int n_ctx) const {
ggml_context *gctx = ctx->ctx_b.get();
ggml_tensor *alpha = ggml_new_f32(gctx, alpha_value);
ggml_tensor *attn_input = input_layernorm.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
ggml_tensor *attn_output = attention.forward(ctx, attn_input, position_ids, n_past, n_ctx);
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, attn_output);
attn_input = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_scale_inplace(gctx, attn_input, alpha));
hidden_states = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_add_inplace(gctx, attn_input, attn_output));
ggml_tensor *mlp_input = post_attention_layernorm.forward(ctx, hidden_states);
ggml_tensor *mlp_output = mlp.forward(ctx, mlp_input);
ggml_build_forward_expand(&ctx->gf, mlp_output);
mlp_input = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_scale_inplace(gctx, mlp_input, alpha));
ggml_tensor *output = tensor_assign_buffers(ggml_add_inplace(gctx, mlp_input, mlp_output));
return output;
ChatGLMForCausalLM::ChatGLMForCausalLM(const ModelConfig &config)
: BasicModelForCausalLM(config, MEM_SIZE, SCRATCH_SIZE, num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers)) {
state_dict_ = state_dict();
void ChatGLMForCausalLM::load(ModelLoader &loader) {
for (auto &item : state_dict_) {
const std::string &name = item.first;
ggml_tensor *tensor = item.second;
if (name != "lm_head.weight") {
loader.read_tensor(name, tensor);
lm_head.weight->data = transformer.word_embeddings.weight->data; // tied weight
ctx_.weight_buffer = std::string_view(loader.data, loader.size);
StateDict ChatGLMForCausalLM::state_dict() const {
StateDict sd;
sd.emplace_back("transformer.word_embeddings.weight", transformer.word_embeddings.weight);
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "transformer.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.weight", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.bias", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.bias);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "attention.query_key_value.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "attention.query_key_value.bias",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "attention.dense.weight", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "attention.dense.bias", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.bias);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.bias",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_h_to_4h.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.dense_h_to_4h.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_h_to_4h.bias", transformer.layers[i].mlp.dense_h_to_4h.bias);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_4h_to_h.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.dense_4h_to_h.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_4h_to_h.bias", transformer.layers[i].mlp.dense_4h_to_h.bias);
sd.emplace_back("transformer.final_layernorm.weight", transformer.final_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back("transformer.final_layernorm.bias", transformer.final_layernorm.bias);
sd.emplace_back("lm_head.weight", lm_head.weight);
return sd;
// ===== ChatGLM2-6B =====
ChatGLM2Tokenizer::ChatGLM2Tokenizer(std::string_view serialized_model_proto) {
const auto status = sp.LoadFromSerializedProto(serialized_model_proto);
CHATGLM_CHECK(status.ok()) << status.ToString();
int special_id = sp.GetPieceSize();
mask_token_id = special_id++;
gmask_token_id = special_id++;
smask_token_id = special_id++;
sop_token_id = special_id++;
eop_token_id = special_id++;
std::vector<int> ChatGLM2Tokenizer::encode(const std::string &text, int max_length) const {
std::vector<int> ids;
sp.Encode(text, &ids);
ids.insert(ids.begin(), {gmask_token_id, sop_token_id}); // special prefix
if ((int)ids.size() > max_length) {
// sliding window: drop the least recent history while keeping the two special prefix tokens
int num_drop = (int)ids.size() - max_length;
ids.erase(ids.begin() + 2, ids.begin() + 2 + num_drop);
return ids;
std::string ChatGLM2Tokenizer::decode(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
// filter out special tokens
std::vector<int> normal_ids(ids);
normal_ids.erase(std::remove_if(normal_ids.begin(), normal_ids.end(), [this](int id) { return is_special_id(id); }),
std::string text;
sp.Decode(normal_ids, &text);
text = replace_punctuations(text);
return text;
std::vector<int> ChatGLM2Tokenizer::encode_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, int max_length) const {
std::string prompt = build_prompt(messages);
std::vector<int> input_ids = encode(prompt, max_length);
return input_ids;
std::string ChatGLM2Tokenizer::build_prompt(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages) {
std::vector<ChatMessage> user_assistant_messages = filter_user_assistant_messages(messages);
std::ostringstream oss_prompt;
for (size_t i = 0; i < user_assistant_messages.size(); i += 2) {
oss_prompt << "[Round " << i / 2 + 1 << "]\n\n问:" << user_assistant_messages[i].content << "\n\n答:";
if (i < user_assistant_messages.size() - 1) {
oss_prompt << user_assistant_messages[i + 1].content << "\n\n";
return oss_prompt.str();
bool ChatGLM2Tokenizer::is_special_id(int id) const {
return id == mask_token_id || id == gmask_token_id || id == smask_token_id || id == sop_token_id ||
id == eop_token_id;
ChatGLM2ForCausalLM::ChatGLM2ForCausalLM(const ModelConfig &config)
: BasicModelForCausalLM(config, MEM_SIZE, SCRATCH_SIZE, num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers)) {
state_dict_ = state_dict();
void ChatGLM2ForCausalLM::load(ModelLoader &loader) {
if (config.num_virtual_tokens > 0) {
const int head_size = config.hidden_size / config.num_attention_heads;
auto prefix_cache_ctx = make_unique_ggml_context(
ggml_tensor_overhead() + config.num_hidden_layers * 2 * config.num_kv_heads * config.num_virtual_tokens *
head_size * ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_F16),
nullptr, false);
ggml_tensor *past_key_values =
ggml_new_tensor_4d(prefix_cache_ctx.get(), GGML_TYPE_F16, head_size, config.num_virtual_tokens,
config.num_kv_heads, config.num_hidden_layers * 2);
CHATGLM_CHECK(ggml_used_mem(prefix_cache_ctx.get()) == ggml_get_mem_size(prefix_cache_ctx.get()))
<< "corrupted prefix cache";
loader.read_tensor("past_key_values", past_key_values);
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> glu_name_map;
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "transformer.encoder.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
glu_name_map.emplace(layer_prefix + "mlp.gate_proj.weight", layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_h_to_4h.weight");
glu_name_map.emplace(layer_prefix + "mlp.up_proj.weight", layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_h_to_4h.weight");
for (auto it = state_dict_.begin(); it != state_dict_.end(); it++) {
const std::string &name = it->first;
ggml_tensor *tensor = it->second;
auto glu_it = glu_name_map.find(name);
if (glu_it != glu_name_map.end()) {
// for compatibility: load gate_proj & up_proj from dense_h_to_4h
const std::string &dense_h_to_4h_name = glu_it->second;
ggml_tensor *gate_proj = tensor;
CHATGLM_CHECK(glu_name_map.at(it->first) == dense_h_to_4h_name) << "corrupted glu weights";
ggml_tensor *up_proj = it->second;
int64_t target_ne[4]{gate_proj->ne[0], gate_proj->ne[1] + up_proj->ne[1]};
loader.checked_read_tensor_meta(dense_h_to_4h_name, gate_proj->n_dims, target_ne, gate_proj->type);
gate_proj->data = loader.read_tensor_data(ggml_nbytes(gate_proj));
up_proj->data = loader.read_tensor_data(ggml_nbytes(up_proj));
} else {
loader.read_tensor(name, tensor);
ctx_.weight_buffer = std::string_view(loader.data, loader.size);
StateDict ChatGLM2ForCausalLM::state_dict() const {
StateDict sd;
sd.emplace_back("transformer.embedding.word_embeddings.weight", transformer.word_embeddings.weight);
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "transformer.encoder.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.weight", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attention.query_key_value.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attention.query_key_value.bias",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attention.dense.weight", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.gate_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.gate_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.up_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.up_proj.weight);
// for compatibility
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.dense_4h_to_h.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.down_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back("transformer.encoder.final_layernorm.weight", transformer.final_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back("transformer.output_layer.weight", lm_head.weight);
return sd;
// ===== ChatGLM3-6B =====
ChatGLM3Tokenizer::ChatGLM3Tokenizer(std::string_view serialized_model_proto) {
const auto status = sp.LoadFromSerializedProto(serialized_model_proto);
CHATGLM_CHECK(status.ok()) << status.ToString();
int special_id = sp.GetPieceSize();
mask_token_id = special_id++;
gmask_token_id = special_id++;
smask_token_id = special_id++;
sop_token_id = special_id++;
eop_token_id = special_id++;
system_token_id = special_id++;
user_token_id = special_id++;
assistant_token_id = special_id++;
observation_token_id = special_id++;
special_tokens = {
{"[MASK]", mask_token_id},
{"[gMASK]", gmask_token_id},
{"[sMASK]", smask_token_id},
{"sop", sop_token_id},
{"eop", eop_token_id},
{"<|system|>", system_token_id},
{"<|user|>", user_token_id},
{"<|assistant|>", assistant_token_id},
{"<|observation|>", observation_token_id},
for (const auto &item : special_tokens) {
index_special_tokens[item.second] = item.first;
std::vector<int> ChatGLM3Tokenizer::encode(const std::string &text, int max_length) const {
std::vector<int> ids;
sp.Encode(text, &ids);
ids.insert(ids.begin(), {gmask_token_id, sop_token_id}); // special prefix
truncate(ids, max_length);
return ids;
std::string ChatGLM3Tokenizer::decode(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
std::string text = decode_with_special_tokens(ids);
text = remove_special_tokens(text);
return text;
std::string ChatGLM3Tokenizer::decode_with_special_tokens(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
for (int id : ids) {
auto pos = index_special_tokens.find(id);
if (pos != index_special_tokens.end()) {
// special tokens
} else {
// normal tokens
std::string text = sp.DecodePieces(pieces);
return text;
std::string ChatGLM3Tokenizer::remove_special_tokens(const std::string &text) {
std::string output = text;
static const std::vector<std::regex> special_token_regex{
// std::regex(R"(<\|assistant\|> interpreter)"),
// std::regex(R"(<\|assistant\|> interpre)"),
for (const auto &re : special_token_regex) {
output = std::regex_replace(output, re, "");
return output;
std::vector<int> ChatGLM3Tokenizer::encode_single_message(const std::string &role, const std::string &content) const {
std::vector<int> input_ids;
input_ids.emplace_back(get_command("<|" + role + "|>"));
// TODO: support metadata
std::vector<int> newline_ids;
sp.Encode("\n", &newline_ids);
input_ids.insert(input_ids.end(), newline_ids.begin(), newline_ids.end());
std::vector<int> content_ids;
sp.Encode(content, &content_ids);
input_ids.insert(input_ids.end(), content_ids.begin(), content_ids.end());
return input_ids;
std::vector<int> ChatGLM3Tokenizer::encode_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, int max_length) const {
std::vector<int> input_ids{gmask_token_id, sop_token_id};
for (const auto &msg : messages) {
auto msg_ids = encode_single_message(msg.role, msg.content);
input_ids.insert(input_ids.end(), msg_ids.begin(), msg_ids.end());
// encode code block into a separate message
if (!msg.tool_calls.empty() && msg.tool_calls.front().type == ToolCallMessage::TYPE_CODE) {
auto code_ids = encode_single_message(msg.role, msg.tool_calls.front().code.input);
input_ids.insert(input_ids.end(), code_ids.begin(), code_ids.end());
truncate(input_ids, max_length);
return input_ids;
ChatMessage ChatGLM3Tokenizer::decode_message(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
ChatMessage message;
if (!ids.empty() && ids.back() == observation_token_id) {
// insert an <|assistant|> token before content to match possible interpreter delimiter
std::vector<int> full_ids{assistant_token_id};
full_ids.insert(full_ids.end(), ids.begin(), ids.end());
std::string output = decode_with_special_tokens(full_ids);
const std::string ci_delim = "<|assistant|> interpreter";
size_t ci_pos = output.find(ci_delim);
if (ci_pos != std::string::npos) {
// code interpreter
std::string chat_output = output.substr(0, ci_pos);
chat_output = remove_special_tokens(chat_output);
std::string code_output = output.substr(ci_pos + ci_delim.size());
code_output = remove_special_tokens(code_output);
message = ChatMessage(ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT, std::move(chat_output),
} else {
// tool call
output = remove_special_tokens(output);
// parse tool name
std::string tool_name = "PARSE_ERROR";
size_t pos = output.find('\n');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
// split tool name and args by 1st linebreak
tool_name = output.substr(0, pos);
output.erase(0, pos + 1);
// post process output
// extract args
std::string tool_args = "PARSE_ERROR";
static const std::regex args_regex(R"(```.*?\n(.*?)\n```)");
std::smatch sm;
if (std::regex_search(output, sm, args_regex)) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(sm.size() == 2) << "unexpected regex match results";
tool_args = sm[1];
message = ChatMessage(ChatMessage::ROLE_ASSISTANT, std::move(output),
{ToolCallMessage(FunctionMessage(std::move(tool_name), std::move(tool_args)))});
} else {
// conversation
message = BaseTokenizer::decode_message(ids);
trim(message.content); // strip leading linebreak in conversation mode
return message;
int ChatGLM3Tokenizer::get_command(const std::string &token) const {
auto pos = special_tokens.find(token);
CHATGLM_CHECK(pos != special_tokens.end()) << token << " is not a special token";
return pos->second;
bool ChatGLM3Tokenizer::is_special_id(int id) const { return index_special_tokens.count(id) > 0; }
void ChatGLM3Tokenizer::truncate(std::vector<int> &ids, int max_length) {
if ((int)ids.size() > max_length) {
// sliding window: drop the least recent history while keeping the two special prefix tokens
int num_drop = (int)ids.size() - max_length;
ids.erase(ids.begin() + 2, ids.begin() + 2 + num_drop);
// ===== Baichuan =====
BaichuanTokenizer::BaichuanTokenizer(std::string_view serialized_model_proto) {
const auto status = sp.LoadFromSerializedProto(serialized_model_proto);
CHATGLM_CHECK(status.ok()) << status.ToString();
std::vector<int> BaichuanTokenizer::encode(const std::string &text, int max_length) const {
std::vector<int> ids;
sp.Encode(text, &ids);
truncate(ids, max_length);
return ids;
std::string BaichuanTokenizer::decode(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
std::vector<int> normal_ids(ids);
normal_ids.erase(std::remove_if(normal_ids.begin(), normal_ids.end(), [this](int id) { return is_special_id(id); }),
std::string text;
sp.Decode(normal_ids, &text);
return text;
std::vector<int> BaichuanTokenizer::encode_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, int max_length) const {
std::vector<ChatMessage> user_assistant_messages = filter_user_assistant_messages(messages);
std::vector<int> ids;
for (const auto &msg : user_assistant_messages) {
ids.push_back((msg.role == ChatMessage::ROLE_USER) ? USER_TOKEN_ID : ASSISTANT_TOKEN_ID);
std::vector<int> content_ids = encode(msg.content, max_length);
ids.insert(ids.end(), content_ids.begin(), content_ids.end());
truncate(ids, max_length);
return ids;
bool BaichuanTokenizer::is_special_id(int id) const {
return id == bos_token_id || id == eos_token_id || id == pad_token_id;
void BaichuanTokenizer::truncate(std::vector<int> &ids, int max_length) {
if ((int)ids.size() > max_length) {
ids.erase(ids.begin(), ids.end() - max_length);
// ===== Baichuan-7B =====
Baichuan7BForCausalLM::Baichuan7BForCausalLM(const ModelConfig &config)
: BasicModelForCausalLM(config, MEM_SIZE, SCRATCH_SIZE, num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers)) {
state_dict_ = state_dict();
void Baichuan7BForCausalLM::load(ModelLoader &loader) {
for (auto &item : state_dict_) {
const std::string &name = item.first;
ggml_tensor *tensor = item.second;
loader.read_tensor(name, tensor);
ctx_.weight_buffer = std::string_view(loader.data, loader.size);
StateDict Baichuan7BForCausalLM::state_dict() const {
StateDict sd;
sd.emplace_back("model.embed_tokens.weight", transformer.word_embeddings.weight);
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "model.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.weight", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.W_pack.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.o_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.gate_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.gate_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.down_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.down_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.up_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.up_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back("model.norm.weight", transformer.final_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back("lm_head.weight", lm_head.weight);
return sd;
// ===== Baichuan-13B =====
Baichuan13BForCausalLM::Baichuan13BForCausalLM(const ModelConfig &config)
: BasicModelForCausalLM(config, MEM_SIZE, SCRATCH_SIZE, num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers)) {
state_dict_ = state_dict();
void Baichuan13BForCausalLM::load(ModelLoader &loader) {
for (auto &item : state_dict_) {
const std::string &name = item.first;
ggml_tensor *tensor = item.second;
loader.read_tensor(name, tensor);
ctx_.weight_buffer = std::string_view(loader.data, loader.size);
StateDict Baichuan13BForCausalLM::state_dict() const {
StateDict sd;
sd.emplace_back("model.embed_tokens.weight", transformer.word_embeddings.weight);
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "model.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.weight", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.W_pack.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.o_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.gate_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.gate_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.down_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.down_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.up_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.up_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back("model.norm.weight", transformer.final_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back("lm_head.weight", lm_head.weight);
return sd;
// ===== InternLM =====
InternLMTokenizer::InternLMTokenizer(std::string_view serialized_model_proto) {
const auto status = sp.LoadFromSerializedProto(serialized_model_proto);
CHATGLM_CHECK(status.ok()) << status.ToString();
std::vector<int> InternLMTokenizer::encode(const std::string &text, int max_length) const {
std::vector<int> ids;
sp.Encode(text, &ids);
ids.insert(ids.begin(), {bos_token_id}); // special prefix
if ((int)ids.size() > max_length) {
// sliding window: drop the least recent history while keeping the special prefix
int num_drop = (int)ids.size() - max_length;
ids.erase(ids.begin() + 1, ids.begin() + 1 + num_drop);
return ids;
std::string InternLMTokenizer::decode(const std::vector<int> &ids) const {
// filter out special tokens
std::vector<int> normal_ids(ids);
normal_ids.erase(std::remove_if(normal_ids.begin(), normal_ids.end(), [this](int id) { return is_special_id(id); }),
std::string text;
sp.Decode(normal_ids, &text);
// remove <eoa> and its following
size_t eoa_pos = text.find("<eoa>");
if (eoa_pos != std::string::npos) {
return text;
std::vector<int> InternLMTokenizer::encode_messages(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, int max_length) const {
std::string prompt = build_prompt(messages);
std::vector<int> input_ids = encode(prompt, max_length);
return input_ids;
std::string InternLMTokenizer::build_prompt(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages) {
std::vector<ChatMessage> user_assistant_messages = filter_user_assistant_messages(messages);
std::ostringstream oss_prompt;
for (const auto &msg : user_assistant_messages) {
if (msg.role == ChatMessage::ROLE_USER) {
oss_prompt << "<|User|>:" << msg.content << "<eoh>\n<|Bot|>:";
} else {
oss_prompt << msg.content << "<eoa>\n";
return oss_prompt.str();
InternLMForCausalLM::InternLMForCausalLM(const ModelConfig &config)
: BasicModelForCausalLM(config, MEM_SIZE, SCRATCH_SIZE, num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers, config.hidden_size)) {
state_dict_ = state_dict();
void InternLMForCausalLM::load(ModelLoader &loader) {
for (auto &item : state_dict_) {
const std::string &name = item.first;
ggml_tensor *tensor = item.second;
loader.read_tensor(name, tensor);
ctx_.weight_buffer = std::string_view(loader.data, loader.size);
StateDict InternLMForCausalLM::state_dict() const {
StateDict sd;
sd.reserve(num_weights(config.num_hidden_layers, config.hidden_size));
sd.emplace_back("model.embed_tokens.weight", transformer.word_embeddings.weight);
for (int i = 0; i < config.num_hidden_layers; i++) {
std::string layer_prefix = "model.layers." + std::to_string(i) + '.';
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "input_layernorm.weight", transformer.layers[i].input_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.qkv_proj.weight",
if (transformer.layers[i].attention.query_key_value.bias) {
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.qkv_proj.bias",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.o_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.weight);
if (transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.bias) {
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "self_attn.o_proj.bias", transformer.layers[i].attention.dense.bias);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "post_attention_layernorm.weight",
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.gate_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.gate_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.up_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.up_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back(layer_prefix + "mlp.down_proj.weight", transformer.layers[i].mlp.down_proj.weight);
sd.emplace_back("model.norm.weight", transformer.final_layernorm.weight);
sd.emplace_back("lm_head.weight", lm_head.weight);
return sd;
// ===== pipeline =====
Pipeline::Pipeline(const std::string &path, int max_length) {
auto _update_config_max_length = [](ModelConfig &config, int max_length) {
if (max_length > 0) {
CHATGLM_CHECK(max_length <= config.max_length)
<< "Requested max_length (" << max_length << ") exceeds the max possible model sequence length ("
<< config.max_length << ")";
config.max_length = max_length;
mapped_file = std::make_unique<MappedFile>(path);
ModelLoader loader(mapped_file->data, mapped_file->size);
// load magic
std::string magic = loader.read_string(4);
CHATGLM_CHECK(magic == "ggml") << "model file is broken (bad magic)";
// load model type
ModelType model_type = (ModelType)loader.read_basic<int>();
// load version
int version = loader.read_basic<int>();
if (model_type == ModelType::CHATGLM) {
// load config
ModelConfig config;
if (version == 1) {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV1>(), 1e-5f, ActivationType::GELU, true,
true, true, false, RopeType::CHATGLM, 10000.f, -1, AttentionMaskType::CHATGLM, 0);
} else if (version == 2) {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV2>(), ActivationType::GELU, true, true,
true, false, RopeType::CHATGLM, -1, AttentionMaskType::CHATGLM);
} else {
CHATGLM_THROW << "only support version 1 or 2 for now but got " << version;
_update_config_max_length(config, max_length);
// load tokenizer
int proto_size = loader.read_basic<int>();
std::string_view serialized_model_proto((char *)mapped_file->data + loader.tell(), proto_size);
loader.seek(proto_size, SEEK_CUR);
tokenizer = std::make_unique<ChatGLMTokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
// load model
model = std::make_unique<ChatGLMForCausalLM>(config);
} else if (model_type == ModelType::CHATGLM2 || model_type == ModelType::CHATGLM3) {
// load config
ModelConfig config;
if (version == 1) {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV1GQA>(), 1e-5f, ActivationType::SILU, true,
false, false, false, RopeType::GPTJ, 10000.f, 2, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL, 0);
} else if (version == 2) {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV2>(), ActivationType::SILU, true, false,
false, false, RopeType::GPTJ, 2, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL);
} else {
CHATGLM_THROW << "only support version 1 or 2 for now but got " << version;
_update_config_max_length(config, max_length);
// load tokenizer
int proto_size = loader.read_basic<int>();
std::string_view serialized_model_proto((char *)mapped_file->data + loader.tell(), proto_size);
loader.seek(proto_size, SEEK_CUR);
if (model_type == ModelType::CHATGLM2) {
tokenizer = std::make_unique<ChatGLM2Tokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
model = std::make_unique<ChatGLM2ForCausalLM>(config);
} else {
auto chatglm3_tokenizer = std::make_unique<ChatGLM3Tokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
config.extra_eos_token_ids = {chatglm3_tokenizer->observation_token_id, chatglm3_tokenizer->user_token_id};
tokenizer = std::move(chatglm3_tokenizer);
model = std::make_unique<ChatGLM3ForCausalLM>(config);
// load model
} else if (model_type == ModelType::BAICHUAN7B) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Baichuan models are deprecated in favor of llama.cpp, and will be removed in next major "
"version of chatglm.cpp\n";
CHATGLM_CHECK(version == 1) << "only support version 1 for now but got " << version;
// load config
ModelConfig config(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV1>(), 1e-6f, ActivationType::SILU, false, false,
false, false, RopeType::NEOX, 10000.f, 1, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL, 0);
_update_config_max_length(config, max_length);
// load tokenizer
int proto_size = loader.read_basic<int>();
std::string_view serialized_model_proto((char *)mapped_file->data + loader.tell(), proto_size);
loader.seek(proto_size, SEEK_CUR);
tokenizer = std::make_unique<BaichuanTokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
// load model
model = std::make_unique<Baichuan7BForCausalLM>(config);
} else if (model_type == ModelType::BAICHUAN13B) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Baichuan models are deprecated in favor of llama.cpp, and will be removed in next major "
"version of chatglm.cpp\n";
CHATGLM_CHECK(version == 1) << "only support version 1 for now but got " << version;
// load config
ModelConfig config(model_type, loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV1>(), 1e-6f, ActivationType::SILU, false, false,
false, true, RopeType::DISABLED, 10000.f, -1, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL, 0);
_update_config_max_length(config, max_length);
// load tokenizer
int proto_size = loader.read_basic<int>();
std::string_view serialized_model_proto((char *)mapped_file->data + loader.tell(), proto_size);
loader.seek(proto_size, SEEK_CUR);
tokenizer = std::make_unique<BaichuanTokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
// load model
model = std::make_unique<Baichuan13BForCausalLM>(config);
} else if (model_type == ModelType::INTERNLM) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] InternLM models are deprecated in favor of llama.cpp, and will be removed in next major "
"version of chatglm.cpp\n";
CHATGLM_CHECK(version == 1) << "only support version 1 for now but got " << version;
// load config
auto rec = loader.read_basic<ConfigRecordV1>();
ModelConfig config;
if (rec.hidden_size == 4096) {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, rec, 1e-6f, ActivationType::SILU, true, true, false, false, RopeType::NEOX,
10000.f, 1, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL, 0);
} else {
config = ModelConfig(model_type, rec, 1e-6f, ActivationType::SILU, false, false, false, false,
RopeType::NEOX, 10000.f, 1, AttentionMaskType::CAUSAL, 0);
_update_config_max_length(config, max_length);
// load tokenizer
int proto_size = loader.read_basic<int>();
std::string_view serialized_model_proto((char *)mapped_file->data + loader.tell(), proto_size);
loader.seek(proto_size, SEEK_CUR);
tokenizer = std::make_unique<InternLMTokenizer>(serialized_model_proto);
// load model
model = std::make_unique<InternLMForCausalLM>(config);
} else {
CHATGLM_THROW << "invalid model type " << (int)model_type;
std::vector<int> Pipeline::generate(const std::vector<int> &input_ids, const GenerationConfig &gen_config,
BaseStreamer *streamer) const {
std::vector<int> output_ids = model->generate(input_ids, gen_config, streamer);
std::vector<int> new_output_ids(output_ids.begin() + input_ids.size(), output_ids.end());
return new_output_ids;
std::string Pipeline::generate(const std::string &prompt, const GenerationConfig &gen_config,
BaseStreamer *streamer) const {
std::vector<int> input_ids = tokenizer->encode(prompt, gen_config.max_context_length);
std::vector<int> new_output_ids = generate(input_ids, gen_config, streamer);
std::string output = tokenizer->decode(new_output_ids);
return output;
ChatMessage Pipeline::chat(const std::vector<ChatMessage> &messages, const GenerationConfig &gen_config,
BaseStreamer *streamer) const {
std::vector<int> input_ids = tokenizer->encode_messages(messages, gen_config.max_context_length);
std::vector<int> new_output_ids = generate(input_ids, gen_config, streamer);
ChatMessage output = tokenizer->decode_message(new_output_ids);
return output;
} // namespace chatglm
