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Gitee 极速下载 / Badger

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger
levels.go 52.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright 2017 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package badger
import (
otrace "go.opencensus.io/trace"
type levelsController struct {
nextFileID atomic.Uint64
l0stallsMs atomic.Int64
// The following are initialized once and const.
levels []*levelHandler
kv *DB
cstatus compactStatus
// revertToManifest checks that all necessary table files exist and removes all table files not
// referenced by the manifest. idMap is a set of table file id's that were read from the directory
// listing.
func revertToManifest(kv *DB, mf *Manifest, idMap map[uint64]struct{}) error {
// 1. Check all files in manifest exist.
for id := range mf.Tables {
if _, ok := idMap[id]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("file does not exist for table %d", id)
// 2. Delete files that shouldn't exist.
for id := range idMap {
if _, ok := mf.Tables[id]; !ok {
kv.opt.Debugf("Table file %d not referenced in MANIFEST\n", id)
filename := table.NewFilename(id, kv.opt.Dir)
if err := os.Remove(filename); err != nil {
return y.Wrapf(err, "While removing table %d", id)
return nil
func newLevelsController(db *DB, mf *Manifest) (*levelsController, error) {
y.AssertTrue(db.opt.NumLevelZeroTablesStall > db.opt.NumLevelZeroTables)
s := &levelsController{
kv: db,
levels: make([]*levelHandler, db.opt.MaxLevels),
s.cstatus.tables = make(map[uint64]struct{})
s.cstatus.levels = make([]*levelCompactStatus, db.opt.MaxLevels)
for i := 0; i < db.opt.MaxLevels; i++ {
s.levels[i] = newLevelHandler(db, i)
s.cstatus.levels[i] = new(levelCompactStatus)
if db.opt.InMemory {
return s, nil
// Compare manifest against directory, check for existent/non-existent files, and remove.
if err := revertToManifest(db, mf, getIDMap(db.opt.Dir)); err != nil {
return nil, err
var mu sync.Mutex
tables := make([][]*table.Table, db.opt.MaxLevels)
var maxFileID uint64
// We found that using 3 goroutines allows disk throughput to be utilized to its max.
// Disk utilization is the main thing we should focus on, while trying to read the data. That's
// the one factor that remains constant between HDD and SSD.
throttle := y.NewThrottle(3)
start := time.Now()
var numOpened atomic.Int32
tick := time.NewTicker(3 * time.Second)
defer tick.Stop()
for fileID, tf := range mf.Tables {
fname := table.NewFilename(fileID, db.opt.Dir)
select {
case <-tick.C:
db.opt.Infof("%d tables out of %d opened in %s\n", numOpened.Load(),
len(mf.Tables), time.Since(start).Round(time.Millisecond))
if err := throttle.Do(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if fileID > maxFileID {
maxFileID = fileID
go func(fname string, tf TableManifest) {
var rerr error
defer func() {
dk, err := db.registry.DataKey(tf.KeyID)
if err != nil {
rerr = y.Wrapf(err, "Error while reading datakey")
topt := buildTableOptions(db)
// Explicitly set Compression and DataKey based on how the table was generated.
topt.Compression = tf.Compression
topt.DataKey = dk
mf, err := z.OpenMmapFile(fname, db.opt.getFileFlags(), 0)
if err != nil {
rerr = y.Wrapf(err, "Opening file: %q", fname)
t, err := table.OpenTable(mf, topt)
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "CHECKSUM_MISMATCH:") {
db.opt.Errorf("Ignoring table %s", mf.Fd.Name())
// Do not set rerr. We will continue without this table.
} else {
rerr = y.Wrapf(err, "Opening table: %q", fname)
tables[tf.Level] = append(tables[tf.Level], t)
}(fname, tf)
if err := throttle.Finish(); err != nil {
return nil, err
db.opt.Infof("All %d tables opened in %s\n", numOpened.Load(),
s.nextFileID.Store(maxFileID + 1)
for i, tbls := range tables {
// Make sure key ranges do not overlap etc.
if err := s.validate(); err != nil {
_ = s.cleanupLevels()
return nil, y.Wrap(err, "Level validation")
// Sync directory (because we have at least removed some files, or previously created the
// manifest file).
if err := syncDir(db.opt.Dir); err != nil {
_ = s.close()
return nil, err
return s, nil
// Closes the tables, for cleanup in newLevelsController. (We Close() instead of using DecrRef()
// because that would delete the underlying files.) We ignore errors, which is OK because tables
// are read-only.
func closeAllTables(tables [][]*table.Table) {
for _, tableSlice := range tables {
for _, table := range tableSlice {
_ = table.Close(-1)
func (s *levelsController) cleanupLevels() error {
var firstErr error
for _, l := range s.levels {
if err := l.close(); err != nil && firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
return firstErr
// dropTree picks all tables from all levels, creates a manifest changeset,
// applies it, and then decrements the refs of these tables, which would result
// in their deletion.
func (s *levelsController) dropTree() (int, error) {
// First pick all tables, so we can create a manifest changelog.
var all []*table.Table
for _, l := range s.levels {
all = append(all, l.tables...)
if len(all) == 0 {
return 0, nil
// Generate the manifest changes.
changes := []*pb.ManifestChange{}
for _, table := range all {
// Add a delete change only if the table is not in memory.
if !table.IsInmemory {
changes = append(changes, newDeleteChange(table.ID()))
changeSet := pb.ManifestChangeSet{Changes: changes}
if err := s.kv.manifest.addChanges(changeSet.Changes); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Now that manifest has been successfully written, we can delete the tables.
for _, l := range s.levels {
l.totalSize = 0
l.tables = l.tables[:0]
for _, table := range all {
if err := table.DecrRef(); err != nil {
return 0, err
return len(all), nil
// dropPrefix runs a L0->L1 compaction, and then runs same level compaction on the rest of the
// levels. For L0->L1 compaction, it runs compactions normally, but skips over
// all the keys with the provided prefix.
// For Li->Li compactions, it picks up the tables which would have the prefix. The
// tables who only have keys with this prefix are quickly dropped. The ones which have other keys
// are run through MergeIterator and compacted to create new tables. All the mechanisms of
// compactions apply, i.e. level sizes and MANIFEST are updated as in the normal flow.
func (s *levelsController) dropPrefixes(prefixes [][]byte) error {
opt := s.kv.opt
// Iterate levels in the reverse order because if we were to iterate from
// lower level (say level 0) to a higher level (say level 3) we could have
// a state in which level 0 is compacted and an older version of a key exists in lower level.
// At this point, if someone creates an iterator, they would see an old
// value for a key from lower levels. Iterating in reverse order ensures we
// drop the oldest data first so that lookups never return stale data.
for i := len(s.levels) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
l := s.levels[i]
if l.level == 0 {
size := len(l.tables)
if size > 0 {
cp := compactionPriority{
level: 0,
score: 1.74,
// A unique number greater than 1.0 does two things. Helps identify this
// function in logs, and forces a compaction.
dropPrefixes: prefixes,
if err := s.doCompact(174, cp); err != nil {
opt.Warningf("While compacting level 0: %v", err)
return nil
// Build a list of compaction tableGroups affecting all the prefixes we
// need to drop. We need to build tableGroups that satisfy the invariant that
// bottom tables are consecutive.
// tableGroup contains groups of consecutive tables.
var tableGroups [][]*table.Table
var tableGroup []*table.Table
finishGroup := func() {
if len(tableGroup) > 0 {
tableGroups = append(tableGroups, tableGroup)
tableGroup = nil
for _, table := range l.tables {
if containsAnyPrefixes(table, prefixes) {
tableGroup = append(tableGroup, table)
} else {
if len(tableGroups) == 0 {
_, span := otrace.StartSpan(context.Background(), "Badger.Compaction")
span.Annotatef(nil, "Compaction level: %v", l.level)
span.Annotatef(nil, "Drop Prefixes: %v", prefixes)
defer span.End()
opt.Infof("Dropping prefix at level %d (%d tableGroups)", l.level, len(tableGroups))
for _, operation := range tableGroups {
cd := compactDef{
span: span,
thisLevel: l,
nextLevel: l,
top: nil,
bot: operation,
dropPrefixes: prefixes,
t: s.levelTargets(),
cd.t.baseLevel = l.level
if err := s.runCompactDef(-1, l.level, cd); err != nil {
opt.Warningf("While running compact def: %+v. Error: %v", cd, err)
return err
return nil
func (s *levelsController) startCompact(lc *z.Closer) {
n := s.kv.opt.NumCompactors
lc.AddRunning(n - 1)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go s.runCompactor(i, lc)
type targets struct {
baseLevel int
targetSz []int64
fileSz []int64
// levelTargets calculates the targets for levels in the LSM tree. The idea comes from Dynamic Level
// Sizes ( https://rocksdb.org/blog/2015/07/23/dynamic-level.html ) in RocksDB. The sizes of levels
// are calculated based on the size of the lowest level, typically L6. So, if L6 size is 1GB, then
// L5 target size is 100MB, L4 target size is 10MB and so on.
// L0 files don't automatically go to L1. Instead, they get compacted to Lbase, where Lbase is
// chosen based on the first level which is non-empty from top (check L1 through L6). For an empty
// DB, that would be L6. So, L0 compactions go to L6, then L5, L4 and so on.
// Lbase is advanced to the upper levels when its target size exceeds BaseLevelSize. For
// example, when L6 reaches 1.1GB, then L4 target sizes becomes 11MB, thus exceeding the
// BaseLevelSize of 10MB. L3 would then become the new Lbase, with a target size of 1MB <
// BaseLevelSize.
func (s *levelsController) levelTargets() targets {
adjust := func(sz int64) int64 {
if sz < s.kv.opt.BaseLevelSize {
return s.kv.opt.BaseLevelSize
return sz
t := targets{
targetSz: make([]int64, len(s.levels)),
fileSz: make([]int64, len(s.levels)),
// DB size is the size of the last level.
dbSize := s.lastLevel().getTotalSize()
for i := len(s.levels) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
ltarget := adjust(dbSize)
t.targetSz[i] = ltarget
if t.baseLevel == 0 && ltarget <= s.kv.opt.BaseLevelSize {
t.baseLevel = i
dbSize /= int64(s.kv.opt.LevelSizeMultiplier)
tsz := s.kv.opt.BaseTableSize
for i := 0; i < len(s.levels); i++ {
if i == 0 {
// Use MemTableSize for Level 0. Because at Level 0, we stop compactions based on the
// number of tables, not the size of the level. So, having a 1:1 size ratio between
// memtable size and the size of L0 files is better than churning out 32 files per
// memtable (assuming 64MB MemTableSize and 2MB BaseTableSize).
t.fileSz[i] = s.kv.opt.MemTableSize
} else if i <= t.baseLevel {
t.fileSz[i] = tsz
} else {
tsz *= int64(s.kv.opt.TableSizeMultiplier)
t.fileSz[i] = tsz
// Bring the base level down to the last empty level.
for i := t.baseLevel + 1; i < len(s.levels)-1; i++ {
if s.levels[i].getTotalSize() > 0 {
t.baseLevel = i
// If the base level is empty and the next level size is less than the
// target size, pick the next level as the base level.
b := t.baseLevel
lvl := s.levels
if b < len(lvl)-1 && lvl[b].getTotalSize() == 0 && lvl[b+1].getTotalSize() < t.targetSz[b+1] {
return t
func (s *levelsController) runCompactor(id int, lc *z.Closer) {
defer lc.Done()
randomDelay := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1000)) * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-randomDelay.C:
case <-lc.HasBeenClosed():
moveL0toFront := func(prios []compactionPriority) []compactionPriority {
idx := -1
for i, p := range prios {
if p.level == 0 {
idx = i
// If idx == -1, we didn't find L0.
// If idx == 0, then we don't need to do anything. L0 is already at the front.
if idx > 0 {
out := append([]compactionPriority{}, prios[idx])
out = append(out, prios[:idx]...)
out = append(out, prios[idx+1:]...)
return out
return prios
run := func(p compactionPriority) bool {
err := s.doCompact(id, p)
switch err {
case nil:
return true
case errFillTables:
// pass
s.kv.opt.Warningf("While running doCompact: %v\n", err)
return false
var priosBuffer []compactionPriority
runOnce := func() bool {
prios := s.pickCompactLevels(priosBuffer)
defer func() {
priosBuffer = prios
if id == 0 {
// Worker ID zero prefers to compact L0 always.
prios = moveL0toFront(prios)
for _, p := range prios {
if id == 0 && p.level == 0 {
// Allow worker zero to run level 0, irrespective of its adjusted score.
} else if p.adjusted < 1.0 {
if run(p) {
return true
return false
tryLmaxToLmaxCompaction := func() {
p := compactionPriority{
level: s.lastLevel().level,
t: s.levelTargets(),
count := 0
ticker := time.NewTicker(50 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
// Can add a done channel or other stuff.
case <-ticker.C:
// Each ticker is 50ms so 50*200=10seconds.
if s.kv.opt.LmaxCompaction && id == 2 && count >= 200 {
count = 0
} else {
case <-lc.HasBeenClosed():
type compactionPriority struct {
level int
score float64
adjusted float64
dropPrefixes [][]byte
t targets
func (s *levelsController) lastLevel() *levelHandler {
return s.levels[len(s.levels)-1]
// pickCompactLevel determines which level to compact.
// Based on: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Leveled-Compaction
// It tries to reuse priosBuffer to reduce memory allocation,
// passing nil is acceptable, then new memory will be allocated.
func (s *levelsController) pickCompactLevels(priosBuffer []compactionPriority) (prios []compactionPriority) {
t := s.levelTargets()
addPriority := func(level int, score float64) {
pri := compactionPriority{
level: level,
score: score,
adjusted: score,
t: t,
prios = append(prios, pri)
// Grow buffer to fit all levels.
if cap(priosBuffer) < len(s.levels) {
priosBuffer = make([]compactionPriority, 0, len(s.levels))
prios = priosBuffer[:0]
// Add L0 priority based on the number of tables.
addPriority(0, float64(s.levels[0].numTables())/float64(s.kv.opt.NumLevelZeroTables))
// All other levels use size to calculate priority.
for i := 1; i < len(s.levels); i++ {
// Don't consider those tables that are already being compacted right now.
delSize := s.cstatus.delSize(i)
l := s.levels[i]
sz := l.getTotalSize() - delSize
addPriority(i, float64(sz)/float64(t.targetSz[i]))
y.AssertTrue(len(prios) == len(s.levels))
// The following code is borrowed from PebbleDB and results in healthier LSM tree structure.
// If Li-1 has score > 1.0, then we'll divide Li-1 score by Li. If Li score is >= 1.0, then Li-1
// score is reduced, which means we'll prioritize the compaction of lower levels (L5, L4 and so
// on) over the higher levels (L0, L1 and so on). On the other hand, if Li score is < 1.0, then
// we'll increase the priority of Li-1.
// Overall what this means is, if the bottom level is already overflowing, then de-prioritize
// compaction of the above level. If the bottom level is not full, then increase the priority of
// above level.
var prevLevel int
for level := t.baseLevel; level < len(s.levels); level++ {
if prios[prevLevel].adjusted >= 1 {
// Avoid absurdly large scores by placing a floor on the score that we'll
// adjust a level by. The value of 0.01 was chosen somewhat arbitrarily
const minScore = 0.01
if prios[level].score >= minScore {
prios[prevLevel].adjusted /= prios[level].adjusted
} else {
prios[prevLevel].adjusted /= minScore
prevLevel = level
// Pick all the levels whose original score is >= 1.0, irrespective of their adjusted score.
// We'll still sort them by their adjusted score below. Having both these scores allows us to
// make better decisions about compacting L0. If we see a score >= 1.0, we can do L0->L0
// compactions. If the adjusted score >= 1.0, then we can do L0->Lbase compactions.
out := prios[:0]
for _, p := range prios[:len(prios)-1] {
if p.score >= 1.0 {
out = append(out, p)
prios = out
// Sort by the adjusted score.
sort.Slice(prios, func(i, j int) bool {
return prios[i].adjusted > prios[j].adjusted
return prios
// checkOverlap checks if the given tables overlap with any level from the given "lev" onwards.
func (s *levelsController) checkOverlap(tables []*table.Table, lev int) bool {
kr := getKeyRange(tables...)
for i, lh := range s.levels {
if i < lev { // Skip upper levels.
left, right := lh.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, kr)
if right-left > 0 {
return true
return false
// subcompact runs a single sub-compaction, iterating over the specified key-range only.
// We use splits to do a single compaction concurrently. If we have >= 3 tables
// involved in the bottom level during compaction, we choose key ranges to
// split the main compaction up into sub-compactions. Each sub-compaction runs
// concurrently, only iterating over the provided key range, generating tables.
// This speeds up the compaction significantly.
func (s *levelsController) subcompact(it y.Iterator, kr keyRange, cd compactDef,
inflightBuilders *y.Throttle, res chan<- *table.Table) {
// Check overlap of the top level with the levels which are not being
// compacted in this compaction.
hasOverlap := s.checkOverlap(cd.allTables(), cd.nextLevel.level+1)
// Pick a discard ts, so we can discard versions below this ts. We should
// never discard any versions starting from above this timestamp, because
// that would affect the snapshot view guarantee provided by transactions.
discardTs := s.kv.orc.discardAtOrBelow()
// Try to collect stats so that we can inform value log about GC. That would help us find which
// value log file should be GCed.
discardStats := make(map[uint32]int64)
updateStats := func(vs y.ValueStruct) {
// We don't need to store/update discard stats when badger is running in Disk-less mode.
if s.kv.opt.InMemory {
if vs.Meta&bitValuePointer > 0 {
var vp valuePointer
discardStats[vp.Fid] += int64(vp.Len)
// exceedsAllowedOverlap returns true if the given key range would overlap with more than 10
// tables from level below nextLevel (nextLevel+1). This helps avoid generating tables at Li
// with huge overlaps with Li+1.
exceedsAllowedOverlap := func(kr keyRange) bool {
n2n := cd.nextLevel.level + 1
if n2n <= 1 || n2n >= len(s.levels) {
return false
n2nl := s.levels[n2n]
defer n2nl.RUnlock()
l, r := n2nl.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, kr)
return r-l >= 10
var (
lastKey, skipKey []byte
numBuilds, numVersions int
// Denotes if the first key is a series of duplicate keys had
// "DiscardEarlierVersions" set
firstKeyHasDiscardSet bool
addKeys := func(builder *table.Builder) {
timeStart := time.Now()
var numKeys, numSkips uint64
var rangeCheck int
var tableKr keyRange
for ; it.Valid(); it.Next() {
// See if we need to skip the prefix.
if len(cd.dropPrefixes) > 0 && hasAnyPrefixes(it.Key(), cd.dropPrefixes) {
// See if we need to skip this key.
if len(skipKey) > 0 {
if y.SameKey(it.Key(), skipKey) {
} else {
skipKey = skipKey[:0]
if !y.SameKey(it.Key(), lastKey) {
firstKeyHasDiscardSet = false
if len(kr.right) > 0 && y.CompareKeys(it.Key(), kr.right) >= 0 {
if builder.ReachedCapacity() {
// Only break if we are on a different key, and have reached capacity. We want
// to ensure that all versions of the key are stored in the same sstable, and
// not divided across multiple tables at the same level.
lastKey = y.SafeCopy(lastKey, it.Key())
numVersions = 0
firstKeyHasDiscardSet = it.Value().Meta&bitDiscardEarlierVersions > 0
if len(tableKr.left) == 0 {
tableKr.left = y.SafeCopy(tableKr.left, it.Key())
tableKr.right = lastKey
if rangeCheck%5000 == 0 {
// This table's range exceeds the allowed range overlap with the level after
// next. So, we stop writing to this table. If we don't do this, then we end up
// doing very expensive compactions involving too many tables. To amortize the
// cost of this check, we do it only every N keys.
if exceedsAllowedOverlap(tableKr) {
// s.kv.opt.Debugf("L%d -> L%d Breaking due to exceedsAllowedOverlap with
// kr: %s\n", cd.thisLevel.level, cd.nextLevel.level, tableKr)
vs := it.Value()
version := y.ParseTs(it.Key())
isExpired := isDeletedOrExpired(vs.Meta, vs.ExpiresAt)
// Do not discard entries inserted by merge operator. These entries will be
// discarded once they're merged
if version <= discardTs && vs.Meta&bitMergeEntry == 0 {
// Keep track of the number of versions encountered for this key. Only consider the
// versions which are below the minReadTs, otherwise, we might end up discarding the
// only valid version for a running transaction.
// Keep the current version and discard all the next versions if
// - The `discardEarlierVersions` bit is set OR
// - We've already processed `NumVersionsToKeep` number of versions
// (including the current item being processed)
lastValidVersion := vs.Meta&bitDiscardEarlierVersions > 0 ||
numVersions == s.kv.opt.NumVersionsToKeep
if isExpired || lastValidVersion {
// If this version of the key is deleted or expired, skip all the rest of the
// versions. Ensure that we're only removing versions below readTs.
skipKey = y.SafeCopy(skipKey, it.Key())
switch {
// Add the key to the table only if it has not expired.
// We don't want to add the deleted/expired keys.
case !isExpired && lastValidVersion:
// Add this key. We have set skipKey, so the following key versions
// would be skipped.
case hasOverlap:
// If this key range has overlap with lower levels, then keep the deletion
// marker with the latest version, discarding the rest. We have set skipKey,
// so the following key versions would be skipped.
// If no overlap, we can skip all the versions, by continuing here.
continue // Skip adding this key.
var vp valuePointer
if vs.Meta&bitValuePointer > 0 {
switch {
case firstKeyHasDiscardSet:
// This key is same as the last key which had "DiscardEarlierVersions" set. The
// the next compactions will drop this key if its ts >
// discardTs (of the next compaction).
builder.AddStaleKey(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
case isExpired:
// If the key is expired, the next compaction will drop it if
// its ts > discardTs (of the next compaction).
builder.AddStaleKey(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
builder.Add(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
s.kv.opt.Debugf("[%d] LOG Compact. Added %d keys. Skipped %d keys. Iteration took: %v",
cd.compactorId, numKeys, numSkips, time.Since(timeStart).Round(time.Millisecond))
} // End of function: addKeys
if len(kr.left) > 0 {
} else {
for it.Valid() {
if len(kr.right) > 0 && y.CompareKeys(it.Key(), kr.right) >= 0 {
bopts := buildTableOptions(s.kv)
// Set TableSize to the target file size for that level.
bopts.TableSize = uint64(cd.t.fileSz[cd.nextLevel.level])
builder := table.NewTableBuilder(bopts)
// This would do the iteration and add keys to builder.
// It was true that it.Valid() at least once in the loop above, which means we
// called Add() at least once, and builder is not Empty().
if builder.Empty() {
// Cleanup builder resources:
if err := inflightBuilders.Do(); err != nil {
// Can't return from here, until I decrRef all the tables that I built so far.
go func(builder *table.Builder, fileID uint64) {
var err error
defer inflightBuilders.Done(err)
defer builder.Close()
var tbl *table.Table
if s.kv.opt.InMemory {
tbl, err = table.OpenInMemoryTable(builder.Finish(), fileID, &bopts)
} else {
fname := table.NewFilename(fileID, s.kv.opt.Dir)
tbl, err = table.CreateTable(fname, builder)
// If we couldn't build the table, return fast.
if err != nil {
res <- tbl
}(builder, s.reserveFileID())
s.kv.opt.Debugf("Discard stats: %v", discardStats)
// compactBuildTables merges topTables and botTables to form a list of new tables.
func (s *levelsController) compactBuildTables(
lev int, cd compactDef) ([]*table.Table, func() error, error) {
topTables := cd.top
botTables := cd.bot
numTables := int64(len(topTables) + len(botTables))
y.NumCompactionTablesAdd(s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled, numTables)
defer y.NumCompactionTablesAdd(s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled, -numTables)
cd.span.Annotatef(nil, "Top tables count: %v Bottom tables count: %v",
len(topTables), len(botTables))
keepTable := func(t *table.Table) bool {
for _, prefix := range cd.dropPrefixes {
if bytes.HasPrefix(t.Smallest(), prefix) &&
bytes.HasPrefix(t.Biggest(), prefix) {
// All the keys in this table have the dropPrefix. So, this
// table does not need to be in the iterator and can be
// dropped immediately.
return false
return true
var valid []*table.Table
for _, table := range botTables {
if keepTable(table) {
valid = append(valid, table)
newIterator := func() []y.Iterator {
// Create iterators across all the tables involved first.
var iters []y.Iterator
switch {
case lev == 0:
iters = appendIteratorsReversed(iters, topTables, table.NOCACHE)
case len(topTables) > 0:
y.AssertTrue(len(topTables) == 1)
iters = []y.Iterator{topTables[0].NewIterator(table.NOCACHE)}
// Next level has level>=1 and we can use ConcatIterator as key ranges do not overlap.
return append(iters, table.NewConcatIterator(valid, table.NOCACHE))
res := make(chan *table.Table, 3)
inflightBuilders := y.NewThrottle(8 + len(cd.splits))
for _, kr := range cd.splits {
// Initiate Do here so we can register the goroutines for buildTables too.
if err := inflightBuilders.Do(); err != nil {
s.kv.opt.Errorf("cannot start subcompaction: %+v", err)
return nil, nil, err
go func(kr keyRange) {
defer inflightBuilders.Done(nil)
it := table.NewMergeIterator(newIterator(), false)
defer it.Close()
s.subcompact(it, kr, cd, inflightBuilders, res)
var newTables []*table.Table
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for t := range res {
newTables = append(newTables, t)
// Wait for all table builders to finish and also for newTables accumulator to finish.
err := inflightBuilders.Finish()
wg.Wait() // Wait for all tables to be picked up.
if err == nil {
// Ensure created files' directory entries are visible. We don't mind the extra latency
// from not doing this ASAP after all file creation has finished because this is a
// background operation.
err = s.kv.syncDir(s.kv.opt.Dir)
if err != nil {
// An error happened. Delete all the newly created table files (by calling DecrRef
// -- we're the only holders of a ref).
_ = decrRefs(newTables)
return nil, nil, y.Wrapf(err, "while running compactions for: %+v", cd)
sort.Slice(newTables, func(i, j int) bool {
return y.CompareKeys(newTables[i].Biggest(), newTables[j].Biggest()) < 0
return newTables, func() error { return decrRefs(newTables) }, nil
func buildChangeSet(cd *compactDef, newTables []*table.Table) pb.ManifestChangeSet {
changes := []*pb.ManifestChange{}
for _, table := range newTables {
changes = append(changes,
newCreateChange(table.ID(), cd.nextLevel.level, table.KeyID(), table.CompressionType()))
for _, table := range cd.top {
// Add a delete change only if the table is not in memory.
if !table.IsInmemory {
changes = append(changes, newDeleteChange(table.ID()))
for _, table := range cd.bot {
changes = append(changes, newDeleteChange(table.ID()))
return pb.ManifestChangeSet{Changes: changes}
func hasAnyPrefixes(s []byte, listOfPrefixes [][]byte) bool {
for _, prefix := range listOfPrefixes {
if bytes.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return true
return false
func containsPrefix(table *table.Table, prefix []byte) bool {
smallValue := table.Smallest()
largeValue := table.Biggest()
if bytes.HasPrefix(smallValue, prefix) {
return true
if bytes.HasPrefix(largeValue, prefix) {
return true
isPresent := func() bool {
ti := table.NewIterator(0)
defer ti.Close()
// In table iterator's Seek, we assume that key has version in last 8 bytes. We set
// version=0 (ts=math.MaxUint64), so that we don't skip the key prefixed with prefix.
ti.Seek(y.KeyWithTs(prefix, math.MaxUint64))
return bytes.HasPrefix(ti.Key(), prefix)
if bytes.Compare(prefix, smallValue) > 0 &&
bytes.Compare(prefix, largeValue) < 0 {
// There may be a case when table contains [0x0000,...., 0xffff]. If we are searching for
// k=0x0011, we should not directly infer that k is present. It may not be present.
return isPresent()
return false
func containsAnyPrefixes(table *table.Table, listOfPrefixes [][]byte) bool {
for _, prefix := range listOfPrefixes {
if containsPrefix(table, prefix) {
return true
return false
type compactDef struct {
span *otrace.Span
compactorId int
t targets
p compactionPriority
thisLevel *levelHandler
nextLevel *levelHandler
top []*table.Table
bot []*table.Table
thisRange keyRange
nextRange keyRange
splits []keyRange
thisSize int64
dropPrefixes [][]byte
// addSplits can allow us to run multiple sub-compactions in parallel across the split key ranges.
func (s *levelsController) addSplits(cd *compactDef) {
cd.splits = cd.splits[:0]
// Let's say we have 10 tables in cd.bot and min width = 3. Then, we'll pick
// 0, 1, 2 (pick), 3, 4, 5 (pick), 6, 7, 8 (pick), 9 (pick, because last table).
// This gives us 4 picks for 10 tables.
// In an edge case, 142 tables in bottom led to 48 splits. That's too many splits, because it
// then uses up a lot of memory for table builder.
// We should keep it so we have at max 5 splits.
width := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(cd.bot)) / 5.0))
if width < 3 {
width = 3
skr := cd.thisRange
addRange := func(right []byte) {
skr.right = y.Copy(right)
cd.splits = append(cd.splits, skr)
skr.left = skr.right
for i, t := range cd.bot {
// last entry in bottom table.
if i == len(cd.bot)-1 {
if i%width == width-1 {
// Right is assigned ts=0. The encoding ts bytes take MaxUint64-ts,
// so, those with smaller TS will be considered larger for the same key.
// Consider the following.
// Top table is [A1...C3(deleted)]
// bot table is [B1....C2]
// It will generate a split [A1 ... C0], including any records of Key C.
right := y.KeyWithTs(y.ParseKey(t.Biggest()), 0)
func (cd *compactDef) lockLevels() {
func (cd *compactDef) unlockLevels() {
func (cd *compactDef) allTables() []*table.Table {
ret := make([]*table.Table, 0, len(cd.top)+len(cd.bot))
ret = append(ret, cd.top...)
ret = append(ret, cd.bot...)
return ret
func (s *levelsController) fillTablesL0ToL0(cd *compactDef) bool {
if cd.compactorId != 0 {
// Only compactor zero can work on this.
return false
cd.nextLevel = s.levels[0]
cd.nextRange = keyRange{}
cd.bot = nil
// Because this level and next level are both level 0, we should NOT acquire
// the read lock twice, because it can result in a deadlock. So, we don't
// call compactDef.lockLevels, instead locking the level only once and
// directly here.
// As per godocs on RWMutex:
// If a goroutine holds a RWMutex for reading and another goroutine might
// call Lock, no goroutine should expect to be able to acquire a read lock
// until the initial read lock is released. In particular, this prohibits
// recursive read locking. This is to ensure that the lock eventually
// becomes available; a blocked Lock call excludes new readers from
// acquiring the lock.
y.AssertTrue(cd.thisLevel.level == 0)
y.AssertTrue(cd.nextLevel.level == 0)
defer s.levels[0].RUnlock()
defer s.cstatus.Unlock()
top := cd.thisLevel.tables
var out []*table.Table
now := time.Now()
for _, t := range top {
if t.Size() >= 2*cd.t.fileSz[0] {
// This file is already big, don't include it.
if now.Sub(t.CreatedAt) < 10*time.Second {
// Just created it 10s ago. Don't pick for compaction.
if _, beingCompacted := s.cstatus.tables[t.ID()]; beingCompacted {
out = append(out, t)
if len(out) < 4 {
// If we don't have enough tables to merge in L0, don't do it.
return false
cd.thisRange = infRange
cd.top = out
// Avoid any other L0 -> Lbase from happening, while this is going on.
thisLevel := s.cstatus.levels[cd.thisLevel.level]
thisLevel.ranges = append(thisLevel.ranges, infRange)
for _, t := range out {
s.cstatus.tables[t.ID()] = struct{}{}
// For L0->L0 compaction, we set the target file size to max, so the output is always one file.
// This significantly decreases the L0 table stalls and improves the performance.
cd.t.fileSz[0] = math.MaxUint32
return true
func (s *levelsController) fillTablesL0ToLbase(cd *compactDef) bool {
if cd.nextLevel.level == 0 {
panic("Base level can't be zero.")
// We keep cd.p.adjusted > 0.0 here to allow functions in db.go to artificially trigger
// L0->Lbase compactions. Those functions wouldn't be setting the adjusted score.
if cd.p.adjusted > 0.0 && cd.p.adjusted < 1.0 {
// Do not compact to Lbase if adjusted score is less than 1.0.
return false
defer cd.unlockLevels()
top := cd.thisLevel.tables
if len(top) == 0 {
return false
var out []*table.Table
if len(cd.dropPrefixes) > 0 {
// Use all tables if drop prefix is set. We don't want to compact only a
// sub-range. We want to compact all the tables.
out = top
} else {
var kr keyRange
// cd.top[0] is the oldest file. So we start from the oldest file first.
for _, t := range top {
dkr := getKeyRange(t)
if kr.overlapsWith(dkr) {
out = append(out, t)
} else {
cd.thisRange = getKeyRange(out...)
cd.top = out
left, right := cd.nextLevel.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, cd.thisRange)
cd.bot = make([]*table.Table, right-left)
copy(cd.bot, cd.nextLevel.tables[left:right])
if len(cd.bot) == 0 {
cd.nextRange = cd.thisRange
} else {
cd.nextRange = getKeyRange(cd.bot...)
return s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd)
// fillTablesL0 would try to fill tables from L0 to be compacted with Lbase. If
// it can not do that, it would try to compact tables from L0 -> L0.
// Say L0 has 10 tables.
// fillTablesL0ToLbase picks up 5 tables to compact from L0 -> L5.
// Next call to fillTablesL0 would run L0ToLbase again, which fails this time.
// So, instead, we run fillTablesL0ToL0, which picks up rest of the 5 tables to
// be compacted within L0. Additionally, it would set the compaction range in
// cstatus to inf, so no other L0 -> Lbase compactions can happen.
// Thus, L0 -> L0 must finish for the next L0 -> Lbase to begin.
func (s *levelsController) fillTablesL0(cd *compactDef) bool {
if ok := s.fillTablesL0ToLbase(cd); ok {
return true
return s.fillTablesL0ToL0(cd)
// sortByStaleData sorts tables based on the amount of stale data they have.
// This is useful in removing tombstones.
func (s *levelsController) sortByStaleDataSize(tables []*table.Table, cd *compactDef) {
if len(tables) == 0 || cd.nextLevel == nil {
sort.Slice(tables, func(i, j int) bool {
return tables[i].StaleDataSize() > tables[j].StaleDataSize()
// sortByHeuristic sorts tables in increasing order of MaxVersion, so we
// compact older tables first.
func (s *levelsController) sortByHeuristic(tables []*table.Table, cd *compactDef) {
if len(tables) == 0 || cd.nextLevel == nil {
// Sort tables by max version. This is what RocksDB does.
sort.Slice(tables, func(i, j int) bool {
return tables[i].MaxVersion() < tables[j].MaxVersion()
// This function should be called with lock on levels.
func (s *levelsController) fillMaxLevelTables(tables []*table.Table, cd *compactDef) bool {
sortedTables := make([]*table.Table, len(tables))
copy(sortedTables, tables)
s.sortByStaleDataSize(sortedTables, cd)
if len(sortedTables) > 0 && sortedTables[0].StaleDataSize() == 0 {
// This is a maxLevel to maxLevel compaction and we don't have any stale data.
return false
cd.bot = []*table.Table{}
collectBotTables := func(t *table.Table, needSz int64) {
totalSize := t.Size()
j := sort.Search(len(tables), func(i int) bool {
return y.CompareKeys(tables[i].Smallest(), t.Smallest()) >= 0
y.AssertTrue(tables[j].ID() == t.ID())
// Collect tables until we reach the the required size.
for j < len(tables) {
newT := tables[j]
totalSize += newT.Size()
if totalSize >= needSz {
cd.bot = append(cd.bot, newT)
now := time.Now()
for _, t := range sortedTables {
// If the maxVersion is above the discardTs, we won't clean anything in
// the compaction. So skip this table.
if t.MaxVersion() > s.kv.orc.discardAtOrBelow() {
if now.Sub(t.CreatedAt) < time.Hour {
// Just created it an hour ago. Don't pick for compaction.
// If the stale data size is less than 10 MB, it might not be worth
// rewriting the table. Skip it.
if t.StaleDataSize() < 10<<20 {
cd.thisSize = t.Size()
cd.thisRange = getKeyRange(t)
// Set the next range as the same as the current range. If we don't do
// this, we won't be able to run more than one max level compactions.
cd.nextRange = cd.thisRange
// If we're already compacting this range, don't do anything.
if s.cstatus.overlapsWith(cd.thisLevel.level, cd.thisRange) {
// Found a valid table!
cd.top = []*table.Table{t}
needFileSz := cd.t.fileSz[cd.thisLevel.level]
// The table size is what we want so no need to collect more tables.
if t.Size() >= needFileSz {
// TableSize is less than what we want. Collect more tables for compaction.
// If the level has multiple small tables, we collect all of them
// together to form a bigger table.
collectBotTables(t, needFileSz)
if !s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd) {
cd.bot = cd.bot[:0]
cd.nextRange = keyRange{}
return true
if len(cd.top) == 0 {
return false
return s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd)
func (s *levelsController) fillTables(cd *compactDef) bool {
defer cd.unlockLevels()
tables := make([]*table.Table, len(cd.thisLevel.tables))
copy(tables, cd.thisLevel.tables)
if len(tables) == 0 {
return false
// We're doing a maxLevel to maxLevel compaction. Pick tables based on the stale data size.
if cd.thisLevel.isLastLevel() {
return s.fillMaxLevelTables(tables, cd)
// We pick tables, so we compact older tables first. This is similar to
// kOldestLargestSeqFirst in RocksDB.
s.sortByHeuristic(tables, cd)
for _, t := range tables {
cd.thisSize = t.Size()
cd.thisRange = getKeyRange(t)
// If we're already compacting this range, don't do anything.
if s.cstatus.overlapsWith(cd.thisLevel.level, cd.thisRange) {
cd.top = []*table.Table{t}
left, right := cd.nextLevel.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, cd.thisRange)
cd.bot = make([]*table.Table, right-left)
copy(cd.bot, cd.nextLevel.tables[left:right])
if len(cd.bot) == 0 {
cd.bot = []*table.Table{}
cd.nextRange = cd.thisRange
if !s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd) {
return true
cd.nextRange = getKeyRange(cd.bot...)
if s.cstatus.overlapsWith(cd.nextLevel.level, cd.nextRange) {
if !s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd) {
return true
return false
func (s *levelsController) runCompactDef(id, l int, cd compactDef) (err error) {
if len(cd.t.fileSz) == 0 {
return errors.New("Filesizes cannot be zero. Targets are not set")
timeStart := time.Now()
thisLevel := cd.thisLevel
nextLevel := cd.nextLevel
y.AssertTrue(len(cd.splits) == 0)
if thisLevel.level == nextLevel.level {
// don't do anything for L0 -> L0 and Lmax -> Lmax.
} else {
if len(cd.splits) == 0 {
cd.splits = append(cd.splits, keyRange{})
// Table should never be moved directly between levels,
// always be rewritten to allow discarding invalid versions.
newTables, decr, err := s.compactBuildTables(l, cd)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
// Only assign to err, if it's not already nil.
if decErr := decr(); err == nil {
err = decErr
changeSet := buildChangeSet(&cd, newTables)
// We write to the manifest _before_ we delete files (and after we created files)
if err := s.kv.manifest.addChanges(changeSet.Changes); err != nil {
return err
getSizes := func(tables []*table.Table) int64 {
size := int64(0)
for _, i := range tables {
size += i.Size()
return size
sizeNewTables := int64(0)
sizeOldTables := int64(0)
if s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled {
sizeNewTables = getSizes(newTables)
sizeOldTables = getSizes(cd.bot) + getSizes(cd.top)
y.NumBytesCompactionWrittenAdd(s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled, nextLevel.strLevel, sizeNewTables)
// See comment earlier in this function about the ordering of these ops, and the order in which
// we access levels when reading.
if err := nextLevel.replaceTables(cd.bot, newTables); err != nil {
return err
if err := thisLevel.deleteTables(cd.top); err != nil {
return err
// Note: For level 0, while doCompact is running, it is possible that new tables are added.
// However, the tables are added only to the end, so it is ok to just delete the first table.
from := append(tablesToString(cd.top), tablesToString(cd.bot)...)
to := tablesToString(newTables)
if dur := time.Since(timeStart); dur > 2*time.Second {
var expensive string
if dur > time.Second {
expensive = " [E]"
s.kv.opt.Infof("[%d]%s LOG Compact %d->%d (%d, %d -> %d tables with %d splits)."+
" [%s] -> [%s], took %v\n, deleted %d bytes",
id, expensive, thisLevel.level, nextLevel.level, len(cd.top), len(cd.bot),
len(newTables), len(cd.splits), strings.Join(from, " "), strings.Join(to, " "),
dur.Round(time.Millisecond), sizeOldTables-sizeNewTables)
if cd.thisLevel.level != 0 && len(newTables) > 2*s.kv.opt.LevelSizeMultiplier {
s.kv.opt.Infof("This Range (numTables: %d)\nLeft:\n%s\nRight:\n%s\n",
len(cd.top), hex.Dump(cd.thisRange.left), hex.Dump(cd.thisRange.right))
s.kv.opt.Infof("Next Range (numTables: %d)\nLeft:\n%s\nRight:\n%s\n",
len(cd.bot), hex.Dump(cd.nextRange.left), hex.Dump(cd.nextRange.right))
return nil
func tablesToString(tables []*table.Table) []string {
var res []string
for _, t := range tables {
res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("%05d", t.ID()))
res = append(res, ".")
return res
var errFillTables = errors.New("Unable to fill tables")
// doCompact picks some table on level l and compacts it away to the next level.
func (s *levelsController) doCompact(id int, p compactionPriority) error {
l := p.level
y.AssertTrue(l < s.kv.opt.MaxLevels) // Sanity check.
if p.t.baseLevel == 0 {
p.t = s.levelTargets()
_, span := otrace.StartSpan(context.Background(), "Badger.Compaction")
defer span.End()
cd := compactDef{
compactorId: id,
span: span,
p: p,
t: p.t,
thisLevel: s.levels[l],
dropPrefixes: p.dropPrefixes,
// While picking tables to be compacted, both levels' tables are expected to
// remain unchanged.
if l == 0 {
cd.nextLevel = s.levels[p.t.baseLevel]
if !s.fillTablesL0(&cd) {
return errFillTables
} else {
cd.nextLevel = cd.thisLevel
// We're not compacting the last level so pick the next level.
if !cd.thisLevel.isLastLevel() {
cd.nextLevel = s.levels[l+1]
if !s.fillTables(&cd) {
return errFillTables
defer s.cstatus.delete(cd) // Remove the ranges from compaction status.
span.Annotatef(nil, "Compaction: %+v", cd)
if err := s.runCompactDef(id, l, cd); err != nil {
// This compaction couldn't be done successfully.
s.kv.opt.Warningf("[Compactor: %d] LOG Compact FAILED with error: %+v: %+v", id, err, cd)
return err
s.kv.opt.Debugf("[Compactor: %d] Compaction for level: %d DONE", id, cd.thisLevel.level)
return nil
func (s *levelsController) addLevel0Table(t *table.Table) error {
// Add table to manifest file only if it is not opened in memory. We don't want to add a table
// to the manifest file if it exists only in memory.
if !t.IsInmemory {
// We update the manifest _before_ the table becomes part of a levelHandler, because at that
// point it could get used in some compaction. This ensures the manifest file gets updated in
// the proper order. (That means this update happens before that of some compaction which
// deletes the table.)
err := s.kv.manifest.addChanges([]*pb.ManifestChange{
newCreateChange(t.ID(), 0, t.KeyID(), t.CompressionType()),
if err != nil {
return err
for !s.levels[0].tryAddLevel0Table(t) {
// Before we unstall, we need to make sure that level 0 is healthy.
timeStart := time.Now()
for s.levels[0].numTables() >= s.kv.opt.NumLevelZeroTablesStall {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
dur := time.Since(timeStart)
if dur > time.Second {
s.kv.opt.Infof("L0 was stalled for %s\n", dur.Round(time.Millisecond))
return nil
func (s *levelsController) close() error {
err := s.cleanupLevels()
return y.Wrap(err, "levelsController.Close")
// get searches for a given key in all the levels of the LSM tree. It returns
// key version <= the expected version (version in key). If not found,
// it returns an empty y.ValueStruct.
func (s *levelsController) get(key []byte, maxVs y.ValueStruct, startLevel int) (
y.ValueStruct, error) {
if s.kv.IsClosed() {
return y.ValueStruct{}, ErrDBClosed
// It's important that we iterate the levels from 0 on upward. The reason is, if we iterated
// in opposite order, or in parallel (naively calling all the h.RLock() in some order) we could
// read level L's tables post-compaction and level L+1's tables pre-compaction. (If we do
// parallelize this, we will need to call the h.RLock() function by increasing order of level
// number.)
version := y.ParseTs(key)
for _, h := range s.levels {
// Ignore all levels below startLevel. This is useful for GC when L0 is kept in memory.
if h.level < startLevel {
vs, err := h.get(key) // Calls h.RLock() and h.RUnlock().
if err != nil {
return y.ValueStruct{}, y.Wrapf(err, "get key: %q", key)
if vs.Value == nil && vs.Meta == 0 {
y.NumBytesReadsLSMAdd(s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled, int64(len(vs.Value)))
if vs.Version == version {
return vs, nil
if maxVs.Version < vs.Version {
maxVs = vs
if len(maxVs.Value) > 0 {
y.NumGetsWithResultsAdd(s.kv.opt.MetricsEnabled, 1)
return maxVs, nil
func appendIteratorsReversed(out []y.Iterator, th []*table.Table, opt int) []y.Iterator {
for i := len(th) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// This will increment the reference of the table handler.
out = append(out, th[i].NewIterator(opt))
return out
// appendIterators appends iterators to an array of iterators, for merging.
// Note: This obtains references for the table handlers. Remember to close these iterators.
func (s *levelsController) appendIterators(
iters []y.Iterator, opt *IteratorOptions) []y.Iterator {
// Just like with get, it's important we iterate the levels from 0 on upward, to avoid missing
// data when there's a compaction.
for _, level := range s.levels {
iters = level.appendIterators(iters, opt)
return iters
// TableInfo represents the information about a table.
type TableInfo struct {
ID uint64
Level int
Left []byte
Right []byte
KeyCount uint32 // Number of keys in the table
OnDiskSize uint32
StaleDataSize uint32
UncompressedSize uint32
MaxVersion uint64
IndexSz int
BloomFilterSize int
func (s *levelsController) getTableInfo() (result []TableInfo) {
for _, l := range s.levels {
for _, t := range l.tables {
info := TableInfo{
ID: t.ID(),
Level: l.level,
Left: t.Smallest(),
Right: t.Biggest(),
KeyCount: t.KeyCount(),
OnDiskSize: t.OnDiskSize(),
StaleDataSize: t.StaleDataSize(),
IndexSz: t.IndexSize(),
BloomFilterSize: t.BloomFilterSize(),
UncompressedSize: t.UncompressedSize(),
MaxVersion: t.MaxVersion(),
result = append(result, info)
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
if result[i].Level != result[j].Level {
return result[i].Level < result[j].Level
return result[i].ID < result[j].ID
type LevelInfo struct {
Level int
NumTables int
Size int64
TargetSize int64
TargetFileSize int64
IsBaseLevel bool
Score float64
Adjusted float64
StaleDatSize int64
func (s *levelsController) getLevelInfo() []LevelInfo {
t := s.levelTargets()
prios := s.pickCompactLevels(nil)
result := make([]LevelInfo, len(s.levels))
for i, l := range s.levels {
result[i].Level = i
result[i].Size = l.totalSize
result[i].NumTables = len(l.tables)
result[i].StaleDatSize = l.totalStaleSize
result[i].TargetSize = t.targetSz[i]
result[i].TargetFileSize = t.fileSz[i]
result[i].IsBaseLevel = t.baseLevel == i
for _, p := range prios {
result[p.level].Score = p.score
result[p.level].Adjusted = p.adjusted
return result
// verifyChecksum verifies checksum for all tables on all levels.
func (s *levelsController) verifyChecksum() error {
var tables []*table.Table
for _, l := range s.levels {
tables = tables[:0]
for _, t := range l.tables {
tables = append(tables, t)
for _, t := range tables {
errChkVerify := t.VerifyChecksum()
if err := t.DecrRef(); err != nil {
s.kv.opt.Errorf("unable to decrease reference of table: %s while "+
"verifying checksum with error: %s", t.Filename(), err)
if errChkVerify != nil {
return errChkVerify
return nil
// Returns the sorted list of splits for all the levels and tables based
// on the block offsets.
func (s *levelsController) keySplits(numPerTable int, prefix []byte) []string {
splits := make([]string, 0)
for _, l := range s.levels {
for _, t := range l.tables {
tableSplits := t.KeySplits(numPerTable, prefix)
splits = append(splits, tableSplits...)
return splits
