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Dong / ZTuoExchange_ios

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README-EN.md 3.94 KB
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Hevin 提交于 2020-08-13 13:00 . Update readme

This project is the IOS end of the ZTuo digital asset trading platform

This source code is limited to exchange and study, where it involves legal issues and I have nothing to do with it


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  • BTC/USDT (Bitcoin/USDT): 1Dwwqhw9pV9iSSQwuJc8nAygda7XfahaoW
  • ETH/USDT (Ethereum/USDT): 0x4f1ea0f10aa99f608f31f70b4d3119f6928693ed
  • LTC (Litecoin): LXr4TMtDhCSpdAo98vg2sbvX3UXDVPQvMa

Join us

In order to facilitate everyone to communicate and learn, please join the QQ exchange group:
*Blockchain exchange technical knowledge exchange group [QQ group: 735446452]


  • The last use environment of the code is: Xcode10.0, the minimum supported version is iOS8.0

  • Three-party library description, part of the three-party library in this project is managed by cocoapods, and the three-party library used: cocoapods installation tutorial

  1. AFNetworking (a lightweight network request library)
  2. SDWebImage (asynchronous image download program with cache support)
  3. FMDB (Objective-C package around SQLite)
  4. Masonry (a lightweight layout framework)
  5. IQKeyboardManager (No code plug-in universal library to prevent keyboard sliding problems)
  6. CocoaAsyncSocket (asynchronous socket library)
  7. Youmeng Statistics
  8. Baidu Statistics
  9. MJRefresh
  10. Tencent waterproof verification


  1. Test on real machine for personal developer account. Push is removed from the project. If necessary, please add it yourself.
  2. Baidu and Youmeng statistics integrated in the project, if necessary, please apply for relevant information yourself.
  3. The defined global constants are in the constant.h file

Introduction to structure

  • resource image resource file
  • Thirdpart encapsulated class
  • Remote network request encapsulation
  • Common categories
  • Controllers Business Controller Directory

Data communication socket

Socket communications in the project are all managed by the SocketManager class.

Service subscription method:

  • - (void)sendMsgWithLength:(int)length withsequenceId:(long)sequenceId withcmd:(short)cmd withVersion:(int)Version withRequestId:(int)RequestId withbody:(NSDictionary*)jsonDict;

This method is to subscribe to all socket links, the following is the meaning of the parameters:

  • length The fixed byte length of the message header
  • sequenceId token
  • cmd subscription service type
  • RequestId
  • jsonDict extends json object
  • Note: The parameters for subscribing to socket push are negotiated with the server. If there are changes, you need to negotiate with the server

Subscription message callback agent method:

  • - (void)delegateSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag;
  • All subscription service callbacks will execute this proxy method, and the data data response header of the callback needs to be processed. If there is a subscription service, this proxy method must be implemented
- (void)delegateSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag {
   NSData *endData = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(SOCKETRESPONSE_LENGTH, data.length -SOCKETRESPONSE_LENGTH)];
   NSString *endStr= [[NSString alloc] initWithData:endData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
   NSData *cmdData = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(12,2)];
   uint16_t cmd=[SocketUtils uint16FromBytes:cmdData];
   //cmd is the service type of the response, in order to process the corresponding business

common problem

Certificate error:

  • Select Project->Capabilities->Push Notifications to close this option
  • Select Project->Capabilities->Background Modes to close this option

Path error:

  • Select the project->Build settings->Prefix Header and drag the PrefixHeader.pch in the project here.
