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百度开源 / DDParser

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setup.cfg 2.83 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
# Here's a link about setup.cfg
# https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#configuring-setup-using-setup-cfg-files
# Project name, the project name will be used while publishing and installing
name = ddparser
# Author's name and email address
author = Baidu NLP
author_email = nlp-parser@baidu.com
# Project version, versions only above than 1.0 will assumed as a released version.
# When modifying project version to above than 1.0, here's the rules should be followed.
# http://wiki.baidu.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=469686381
# A brief introduction about the project, ANY NON-ENGLISH CHARACTER IS NOT SUPPORTED!
description = Baidu Dependency Parser
# A longer version of introduction abouth the project, you can also include readme, change log, etc. .md or rst file is recommended.
long_description = file: README.md
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
# Main page of the project, usually the project's icode page, you can set to its wiki or other documents url instead.
home_page = https://github.com/baidu/DDParser
# License, you can ignore this if the project is not going to open source to the public.
license = Apache License 2.0
# Project type, you can ignore this if the project is not going to open source to the public.
# Choose the right field to fulfill from PyPI's official list.
# https://pypi.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
classifier =
Private :: Do Not Upload
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
# keywords, used for indexing, easier to search for other users if they are interested of your project.
keywords =
dependency parser
# Package name. find means search automatically, you also can have detailed configuration in options.packages.find
packages = find:
# Dependency management, all project's dependency is needed here.
# Every single line for a specified dependency, only the dependency is need, you don't have to consider the hierarchy dependency
# Versions here should be as abstract as possible, usually only specific a version range including minimum and maximum version.
#install_requires =
# six >= 1.10
# Test dependencies, all dependencies for tests here. The format is align to install_requires.
# You can use the internal unittest, or the simplier framework such as pytest or nose.
# python3 has a mock library with itself, but it's not exist in python 2, add as you need.
#tests_require =
# pytest
# mock
# directory for unit test
test_suite = ddparser.tests
# add all data files controled by git
include_package_data = True
# You can run zip source code for plain python project
zip_safe = False
dist_dir = output/dist
# set universal=1 if this project can both run in python 2 or 3 environment.
dist_dir = output/dist
